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A collection of world and multi-continent maps, including various projections, hemispheric maps, physical and political maps, early known world maps, climate maps, relief maps, ocean current maps, population density and distribution maps, vegetation maps, and economic/resource maps.

Locations of Hemp Cultivation, 1913
Map of the world, showing the location of hemp cultivation for fiber, oil, and drug, with the sources and dates of introduction....

Pre-War World Oats Acreage, 1914
A map showing world oats acreage in the pre–WWI time period....

World Isothermal Lines in January, 1914
A world map from 1914 showing isotherm lines and illustrating regional temperatures of the world in January. The map shows lines of mean constant air temperatures in 9° Fahrenheit increments across the globe....

World Isothermal Lines in July, 1914
A world map from 1914 showing isotherm lines and illustrating regional temperatures of the world in July. The map shows lines of mean constant air temperatures in 9° Fahrenheit increments across the globe, and how the heat belt of temperatures ab...

World Isobaric Lines in January, 1914
A world map from 1914 showing isobar lines illustrating regional barometric pressure of the world in January. The map shows lines of mean constant pressure in millibars at sea level, and the resulting prevailing wind directions showing movement from ...

World Isobaric Lines in July, 1914
A world map from 1914 showing isobar lines illustrating regional barometric pressure of the world in July. The map shows lines of mean constant pressure in millibars at sea level, and the resulting seasonal prevailing wind directions showing movement...

Pre-WWI World Barley Acreage, 1914
A map showing world barley acreage in the pre–WWI time period....

World Flax Acreage Pre-WWI, 1914
A map showing world flax acreage in the Pre–WWI time period....

Bathy-Orographical Chart of the World, 1915
A map of the Earth from 1915, showing land elevations in feet (orographic) and sea depths in fathoms (bathyographic). The map is color–contoured to show elevations from below sea level to above 12,000 feet, and depths from sea level to below 4,...

Isotherms - July, 1915
An isothermal chart of the world from 1915 showing typical isotherm patterns for the month of July. This map is color–coded to show progressive temperature regions, ranging from below 32° Fahrenheit (blue) to above 90° Fahrenheit (red)....

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  Maps > Globes and Multi-continent > Complete Maps
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College of Education, University of South Florida