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Regional maps of North America, which include several selections of countries and nations displaying physical and political features, economy, discovery, and more.

West Indies, 1909
A map from 1909 of the West Indies and the Bahama Island group, showing capitals, major cities, towns and ports, railroads, steamship routes, submarine telegraph routes, terrain, and coastal features. The foreign possessions in the region are indicat...

Central America, 1909
A map from 1909 of Central America showing political boundaries at the time, capitals and major cities, railroads, submarine telegraph cables, mountain systems, lakes, rivers, coastal features, banks or reefs, and the islands of Jamaica and Grand Cay...

West Indies, 1910
A relief map from 1910 of the West Indies and Central America showing the land relief of the islands and isthmus, the extent of the submerged Florida, Bahamian, and Yucatan platforms, the basins of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, and the connec...

Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica, 1910
A map from 1910 of Cuba, Jamaica, and Porto Rico (Puerto Rico), showing provinces, capitals and major cities, mountain systems, rivers, coastal features, and smaller banks and islands. Several inset maps are given, including a general map of the West...

Mexico and Central America, 1910
A map from 1910 of Mexico and Central America showing political boundaries at the time, capitals and major cities, rivers, terrain and coastal features, reefs, and neighboring islands (Cuba and Jamaica). A map note shows the Panama Canal under constr...

Rainfall on the West Coast, 1910
A map from 1910 of the west coast of North America showing general mean annual rainfall patterns and the effect of the prevailing Westerlies and Trade Winds off the Pacific on rainfall. The map shows arid regions, and areas of light, moderate, and he...

Western Rainfall Patterns, 1910
A map of the western North America from 1910 showing the region along the Pacific coast northward from latitude 30° N., and in the southern portion to the 100th Meridian. The map shows heavy rainfall where prevailing westerlies blow over the risi...

Geology of Mexico and Central America, 1910
A map from 1910 of Mexico and Central America, showing the distribution of rocks and indicating the geologic time period they come from. It shows Achaean and metamorphic rocks, younger volcanic rocks, Paleozoic rocks, Mesozoic rocks, Tertiary rocks, ...

Lake Agassiz, 1911
A map of the Laurentide era glacial Lake Agassiz in the present day region of the northern United States and southern Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. The lake was present during the last glacial period, and covers an area larger than the modern ...

Drainage on the Laurentian Plateau, 1911
A map from 1911 of a portion of the Laurentian Plateau region of North America showing the drainage and lake network west of Lake Nipigon. The map shows the division line for waters flowing to the Albany and the Winnipeg river systems, and the irregu...

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