188 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: garlic, gaultheria, gentian, geranium, gerardia, ginger, gladiolus, goldenrod, gooseberry, grape, and groundsel

Corolla of a purple Gerardia laid open, showing the four stamens; the cross shows where the fifth stamen would be, if present.


Corolla of a purple Gerardia laid open, showing the four stamens; the cross shows where the fifth stamen…

Gerardia Quercifolia flowers are yelow and two inches long. The corolla is tube shaped. The plant grows between three and six feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flowers of Gerardia Quercifolia

Gerardia Quercifolia flowers are yelow and two inches long. The corolla is tube shaped. The plant grows…

Of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the purple gerardia (Gerardia purpurea).

Purple Gerardia

Of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the purple gerardia (Gerardia purpurea).

Of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the sea-side gerardia (Gerardia maritima).

Sea-Side Gerardia

Of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the sea-side gerardia (Gerardia maritima).

Of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the slender gerardia (Gerardia tenuifolia).

Slender Gerardia

Of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the slender gerardia (Gerardia tenuifolia).

The rhizomes of german iris are formed on top of the ground. The rhizomes should not be covered with soil because they will rot in the winter.

Surface Rhizomes of German Iris

The rhizomes of german iris are formed on top of the ground. The rhizomes should not be covered with…

Gesnera Elliptica Lutea flowers are yellow. The flowers bloom in May. The plant grows to be one foot tall.

Flowering Branch of Gesnera Elliptica Lutea

Gesnera Elliptica Lutea flowers are yellow. The flowers bloom in May. The plant grows to be one foot…

Gesnera refulgens flowers are a rich, deep red color. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between one and one and a half feet tall.

Gesnera Refulgens

Gesnera refulgens flowers are a rich, deep red color. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between…

Geum montanum flowers a yellow and erect. The leaves are softly hairy. The plant grows between six and twelve inches high.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Geum Montanum

Geum montanum flowers a yellow and erect. The leaves are softly hairy. The plant grows between six and…

Geum urbanum is a member of the genus Geum, a genus of hardy plants (Rosaceae). Not usually used decoratively, their five-parted flowers being borne singly at the ends of much-branching stems. The leaves are generally odd-pinnate, often with small leaflets scattered among larger ones. The style is persistent in the fruit and is often plumose, as in the purple avens (G. ciliatum), which has violet flowers. The white avens (G. canadense) has a prickly receptacle, as has the G. flavum. Among the most common species are the yellow G. strictum and the G. vernum, both found in shady, damp places.

Geum Urbanum

Geum urbanum is a member of the genus Geum, a genus of hardy plants (Rosaceae). Not usually used decoratively,…

Gilia androsacea flowers are lilac, pink, or nearly white with a yellow or dark throat. The height of the plant is between nine and twelve inches.

Gilia Androsacea

Gilia androsacea flowers are lilac, pink, or nearly white with a yellow or dark throat. The height of…

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), gill-over-the-ground (Nepeta hederacea).


Of the Mint family (Labiatae), gill-over-the-ground (Nepeta hederacea).

Gillenia Trifoliata flowers range in color from red to white. The calyx becomes red after the petals fall The flowers bloom in June.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Gillenia Trifoliata

Gillenia Trifoliata flowers range in color from red to white. The calyx becomes red after the petals…

Ginger is the dried rhizome of the tropical plant Zingiber officinale. It is used in cookery, because of its aromatic volatile oil, and as a confection, either in syrup or 'crystallized' with sugar. In medicine, it is usually employed as a carminative, usually in the form of the tincture. It is grown principally in the East Indies (its original home), the West Indies, and tropical Africa.


Ginger is the dried rhizome of the tropical plant Zingiber officinale. It is used in cookery, because…

The Ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant in the Zingiberaceae family.

Ginger Plant

The Ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant in the Zingiberaceae family.

Chinese Ginger or fingerroot (Boesenbergia rotunda): "Flowers of Kaempferia pandurata; 2. the inner row of the corolla seen in profile. 3. the anther, enclosing the apex of the style between its lobes; 4. the style and stigma, with two abortive stamens at the base; 5. a transverse section of the ovary." -Lindley, 1853

Chinese Ginger

Chinese Ginger or fingerroot (Boesenbergia rotunda): "Flowers of Kaempferia pandurata; 2. the inner…

Dancing Girls: "Mantisia saltatoria; 1. style, stigma, and anther; 2. ovary, style, and abortive stamens." -Lindley, 1853

Dancing Girls Ginger

Dancing Girls: "Mantisia saltatoria; 1. style, stigma, and anther; 2. ovary, style, and abortive stamens."…

Of the Ginseng family (Araliaceae): left, wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis); middle, ginseng (Panax quinquefolium); right, dwarf ginseng (Panax trifolium).


Of the Ginseng family (Araliaceae): left, wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis); middle, ginseng (Panax…




The common name of gladiolus is corn flag. Gladiolus cardinalis flowers are scarlet with large white spots. The stem is three to four feet high.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Gladiolus Cardinalis

The common name of gladiolus is corn flag. Gladiolus cardinalis flowers are scarlet with large white…

The common name of gladiolus is corn flag. Corms are found on the ends of the roots in the autumn.

Mode of Increase of Gladiolus Corm

The common name of gladiolus is corn flag. Corms are found on the ends of the roots in the autumn.

Gladiolus gandavensis flowers are a rich crimson marked with yellow. The flowers bloom in the summer. This plant is a hybrid between gladiolus psittacinus and gladiolus cardinalis.

Hybrids from Gladiolus Gandavensis

Gladiolus gandavensis flowers are a rich crimson marked with yellow. The flowers bloom in the summer.…

The corolla of gladiolus psittancinus flowers are greenish with purple streaks. The limb is a rich scarlet spotted with yellow. The spikes are more than one foot long with ten to twelve flowers.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Gladiolus Psittacinus

The corolla of gladiolus psittancinus flowers are greenish with purple streaks. The limb is a rich scarlet…

"The Nut or Glans is a one-celled fruit, with a hardened pericarp, surrounded by bracts."—Darby, 1855

Nut or Glans

"The Nut or Glans is a one-celled fruit, with a hardened pericarp, surrounded by bracts."—Darby,…

A hyacinth grown in a glass vase.

Hyacinth in Glass

A hyacinth grown in a glass vase.

Two hyacinths being grown in a glass pot.

Two Hyacinths in Glass

Two hyacinths being grown in a glass pot.

A vine belonging to the smilarcaceae family, their leaves are gray and white.

Smilax Glauca

A vine belonging to the smilarcaceae family, their leaves are gray and white.

A species of perennial evergreen belonging to the century plant family.

Yucca Glauca

A species of perennial evergreen belonging to the century plant family.

Of the Primrose family (Primulaceae), the Glaux maritima.


Of the Primrose family (Primulaceae), the Glaux maritima.

Also known as Sea Milkwort, Glaux Maritima is a hardy perennial seashore plant belonging to the order Primulaceæ. It is a common European plant with glaucous leaves and pink flowers in summer.
This illustration shows the plant itself, as well as a flower (1) and a calyx (2) laid open.

Glaux Maritima

Also known as Sea Milkwort, Glaux Maritima is a hardy perennial seashore plant belonging to the order…

"Globularia orientalis. 1. a flower; 2. section of calyx and ovary; 3. section of fruit." -Lindley, 1853

Globe Daisy

"Globularia orientalis. 1. a flower; 2. section of calyx and ovary; 3. section of fruit." -Lindley,…

"Globe-flower (Trollius Europaeus). The Trollius Europaeus, a ranunculaceous plant of Great Britain and the mountains of central Europe, with deeply lobed leaves and pale-yellow flowers." -Whitney, 1911

Globe Flower

"Globe-flower (Trollius Europaeus). The Trollius Europaeus, a ranunculaceous plant of Great Britain…

The flower heads of globularia alypum are pale and grow at the end of the stems. The stem is shrubby. This shrub grows to be two feet tall.

Flower Head of Globularia Alypum

The flower heads of globularia alypum are pale and grow at the end of the stems. The stem is shrubby.…

"Flower of Gloriosa superba. GLORIOSA. A genus of tuberous-rooted liliaceaous plants, with opposite or whorled leaves terminating in tendrils by which they climb, and with large and beautiful red or yellows flowers. There are three species, of tropical Asia and Africa, cultivated in greenhouses." -Whitney, 1911


"Flower of Gloriosa superba. GLORIOSA. A genus of tuberous-rooted liliaceaous plants, with opposite…

Gloriosa superba flowers are deep orange and red. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows to be six feet tall.

Flowering Branch and Single Flower of Gloriosa Superba

Gloriosa superba flowers are deep orange and red. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows to be…

"Eccremocarpus scaber. 1. cross section of its ovary; 2. longitudinal section of it; 3. seed." -Lindley, 1853

Glory Vine

"Eccremocarpus scaber. 1. cross section of its ovary; 2. longitudinal section of it; 3. seed." -Lindley,…

Gloxinia diversiflora is a dwarf variety of gloxinia. This flower is a hybrid, most likely of garden origin.

Gloxinia Diversiflora

Gloxinia diversiflora is a dwarf variety of gloxinia. This flower is a hybrid, most likely of garden…

Gloxinia gesneroides is a hybrid. It has fiery red flowers.

Gloxinia Gesneroides

Gloxinia gesneroides is a hybrid. It has fiery red flowers.

Spikelets with several florets.


Spikelets with several florets.

The common name of gnaphalium is cudweed or everlasting. The decurrens variety has white flower heads. The leaves have a strong scent and are white on the under side. The plant grows between two and three feet.

Habit and Cluster of Flower Heads of Gnaphalium Decurrens

The common name of gnaphalium is cudweed or everlasting. The decurrens variety has white flower heads.…

"1. flower of Spiraea Aruncus cut open; 2. a section of one of its carpels." -Lindley, 1853

Goat's Beard

"1. flower of Spiraea Aruncus cut open; 2. a section of one of its carpels." -Lindley, 1853

Golden chain and bean tree are the common names of laburnum anagyroides. The flowers bloom in May and June. The plant is native to southern Europe.

Golden Chain

Golden chain and bean tree are the common names of laburnum anagyroides. The flowers bloom in May and…

The flowers of the Golden Rayed Lily of Japan are ivory white with a distinct central band of bright yellow and numerous deep purple spots. The flowers bloom in summer.

Inflorescence of Golden Rayed Lily of Japan

The flowers of the Golden Rayed Lily of Japan are ivory white with a distinct central band of bright…

Golden Turk's Cap lily and Japanese Turk's cap lily are the common names of lilium hansonii. The flowers are slightly fragrant and bright golden-yellow spotted with purplish-brown. The flowers are native to Japan.

Golden Turk's Cap Lily

Golden Turk's Cap lily and Japanese Turk's cap lily are the common names of lilium hansonii. The flowers…

Lilium auratum has several common names including golden-banded lily, golden-rayed lily, and queen of lilies. It is native to Japan and bloom in late July and August. The flowers are white spotted with crimson with a yellow band extending the whole length of each segment.

Golden-Banded Lily

Lilium auratum has several common names including golden-banded lily, golden-rayed lily, and queen of…

Of the composite family (Compositae), the Alpine golden-rod (Solidago Cutleri).

Alpine Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the Alpine golden-rod (Solidago Cutleri).

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the blue-stemmed golden-rod (Solidago caesia).

Blue-Stemmed Golden-Rod

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the blue-stemmed golden-rod (Solidago caesia).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the bog golden-rod (Solidago uliginosa).

Bog Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the bog golden-rod (Solidago uliginosa).

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the Canada golden-rod (Solidago Canadensis).

Canada Golden-Rod

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the Canada golden-rod (Solidago Canadensis).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the gray golden-rod (Solidago nemoralis).

Gray Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the gray golden-rod (Solidago nemoralis).

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the lance-leaved golden-rod (Solidago graminifolia).

Lance-Leaved Golden-Rod

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the lance-leaved golden-rod (Solidago graminifolia).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the large-leaved golden-rod (Solidago macrophylla).

Large-Leaved Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the large-leaved golden-rod (Solidago macrophylla).

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the leaf of the late golden-rod (Solidago serotina).

Late Golden-Rod

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the leaf of the late golden-rod (Solidago serotina).

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the late golden-rod (Solidago serotina).

Late Golden-Rod

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the late golden-rod (Solidago serotina).

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the leaf of the rough-stemmed golden-rod (Solidago rugosa).

Rough-Stemmed Golden-Rod

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the leaf of the rough-stemmed golden-rod (Solidago rugosa).

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the seaside golden-rod (Solidago sempervirens).

Seaside Golden-Rod

Of the Composite family (Compositae), the seaside golden-rod (Solidago sempervirens).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the sharp-leaved golden-rod (Solidago arguta).

Sharp-Leaved Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the sharp-leaved golden-rod (Solidago arguta).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the showy golden-rod (Solidago speciosa).

Showy Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the showy golden-rod (Solidago speciosa).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the spreading golden-rod (Solidago patula).

Spreading Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the spreading golden-rod (Solidago patula).

Of the composite family (Compositae), the stout golden-rod (Solidago squarrosa).

Stout Golden-Rod

Of the composite family (Compositae), the stout golden-rod (Solidago squarrosa).