This human anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 242 illustrations the human muscular system. This includes both human skeletal muscle and human smooth and cardiac muscle. Human skeletal muscles (also known as striped, striated, or voluntary muscle) are those muscles that attach to bones and are involved in voluntary movements. Smooth muscles (also known as non-striated or involuntary muscle) are found lining the surface of internal organs such as the stomach, and cardiac muscles are those muscles specific to the heart. Both smooth and cardiac muscles are involuntarily controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

Muscles of the abdomen.

Muscles of the Abdomen

Muscles of the abdomen.

The muscles of the abdomen, showing the semilunar fold of Douglas. Viewed from in front.

Muscles of the Abdomen

The muscles of the abdomen, showing the semilunar fold of Douglas. Viewed from in front.

The transversalis, rectus, and pyramidalis muscles.

Muscles of the Abdomen

The transversalis, rectus, and pyramidalis muscles.

View of the posterior abdominal wall to show the muscles and the nerves of the lumbo sacral plexus.

Muscles of the Abdominal Wall

View of the posterior abdominal wall to show the muscles and the nerves of the lumbo sacral plexus.

Superficial muscles on the front of the arm and forearm.

Muscles on the Front of the Arm and Forearm

Superficial muscles on the front of the arm and forearm.

Muscles of the thorax and front of the arm.

Muscles of the Arm and Thorax

Muscles of the thorax and front of the arm.

Muscles of the thorax and front of the arm, showing some of the boundaries of the axilla.

Muscles of the Arm and Thorax

Muscles of the thorax and front of the arm, showing some of the boundaries of the axilla.

"abc, deltoid muscle; d, coraco branchfalls muacle; r, r, triceps; e, i, extensors of wrist and long supinator of the hand; km, flexor of fingers and radial and ulnar sides of the wrist, and l, palm of the hand, or palmaris longus; p, palmaris brevis; q, palmar fascia; o, biceps." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Arm Muscles

"abc, deltoid muscle; d, coraco branchfalls muacle; r, r, triceps; e, i, extensors of wrist and long…

Muscles of the arm. Labels: 58, biceps; 59, triceps.

Muscles of the Arm

Muscles of the arm. Labels: 58, biceps; 59, triceps.

Muscles in front of forearm. Labels: 62, pronator teres; 63, 65, 66, 67, flexors; 70, supinator longus; 71, 77, 78, extensors; a, annular ligament.

Muscles of the Forearm

Muscles in front of forearm. Labels: 62, pronator teres; 63, 65, 66, 67, flexors; 70, supinator longus;…

The muscles on the back of the hand, forearm, and lower half of the arm, as exposed on dissecting away the skin.

Arm Muscles

The muscles on the back of the hand, forearm, and lower half of the arm, as exposed on dissecting away…

Two of the principal muscles f the arm (4 and 7). Between these is the bone of the arm (1) and the bones of the forearm (2).

Arm Muscles

Two of the principal muscles f the arm (4 and 7). Between these is the bone of the arm (1) and the bones…

Muscles on the front of the arm. Note the white cords, the tendons at the wrist.

Muscles of the Arm

Muscles on the front of the arm. Note the white cords, the tendons at the wrist.

Diagram of the muscles of the arm in action. Labels: 1, humerus; 2, ulna, 3, biceps muscle; 4, attachment to the humerus; 6, triceps muscle; 7, tendon; 8, a ball to be moved. 9, 10, 11, direction the ulna moves when the biceps muscle contracts. When the triceps muscle contracts, the forearm extends.

Arm Muscles in Action

Diagram of the muscles of the arm in action. Labels: 1, humerus; 2, ulna, 3, biceps muscle; 4, attachment…

The muscles of the back of the arm, forearm, and hand.

Back View of Arm Muscles

The muscles of the back of the arm, forearm, and hand.

Front of the left forearm showing deep muscles.

Front View of Arm Muscles

Front of the left forearm showing deep muscles.

The superficial muscles of the arm and forearm.

Front View of Arm Muscles

The superficial muscles of the arm and forearm.

Superficial muscles of the right arm, viewed from in front.

Front View of the Superficial Muscles of the Arm

Superficial muscles of the right arm, viewed from in front.

Superficial muscles of the right arm, lateral view.

Lateral View of the Superficial Muscles of the Arm

Superficial muscles of the right arm, lateral view.

Shows the muscles and tendons of the arm.

Muscle Structure of the Arm

Shows the muscles and tendons of the arm.

Muscles of the back of the hand and arm with their tendons.

Muscles and Tendons of the Arm

Muscles of the back of the hand and arm with their tendons.

"Muscles on the front of the arm. Note the while cords, the tendons at the wrist." —Davison, 1910

Muscles of the Arm

"Muscles on the front of the arm. Note the while cords, the tendons at the wrist." —Davison, 1910

Superficial muscles of the right arm, posterior view.

Posterior View of the Superficial Muscles of the Arm

Superficial muscles of the right arm, posterior view.

Front of the left forearm showing superficial muscles.

Superficial Muscles of the Arm

Front of the left forearm showing superficial muscles.

"Some of the Larger Muscles on the Back of the Shoulder and the Arm." — Blaisedell, 1904

Muscles of the Back and Shoulder

"Some of the Larger Muscles on the Back of the Shoulder and the Arm." — Blaisedell, 1904

The muscles of the back forearm. 1, biceps; 2, brachialis internus; 3, triceps; 4, pronator radii teres; 5, flexor carpi radialis; 6, palmaris longus; 7, flexor sublimus digitorum; 8, flexor carpi ulnaris; 9, palmar fascia; 10, palmaris brevis; 11, abductor pollicis; 12, flexor brevis pollicis; 13, supinator longus; 14, extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis.

Back Forearm Muscles

The muscles of the back forearm. 1, biceps; 2, brachialis internus; 3, triceps; 4, pronator radii teres;…

Muscles of the back. 1, trapezius; 2, its origin; 3, spine of scapula; 4, latissimus dorsi; 5, delltoid; 6, infra-spinatus; 7, external oblique; 8, gluteus medius; 9, gluteus maximus; 10, levator scapulae; 11, rhomboideus minor; 12, rhomboideus major; 13, splenius capitus; 14, splenius colli; 15, origin latissimus dorsi; 16, serratus inferior posticus; 17, supra-rpinatus; 18, infra-pinatus; 19, teres minor; 20, teres major; 21, long head triceps; 22, serratus major anticus; 23, internal oblique.

Back Muscles

Muscles of the back. 1, trapezius; 2, its origin; 3, spine of scapula; 4, latissimus dorsi; 5, delltoid;…

Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back are in 5 layers, one beneath another. The two largest and most superficial are the trapezius and the latissimus dorsi.

Muscles of the Human Back

Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back…

The superficial muscles of the back.

Back Muscles

The superficial muscles of the back.

Second layer of muscles of the back. Labels: 1, trapezius; 2, a portion of the ten dinous ellipse formed by the trapezius on both sides; 3, spine of scapula; 4, latissimus dorsi; 5, deltoid; 6, infra-spinatus and teres minor; 7, external oblique; 8, gluteus medius; 9, gluteus magnus; 10, levator scapulae; 11, rhomboideus minor; 12, rhomboideus major; 13, splenius capitis; 14, splenius colli; 15, portion of origin of latissimus dorsi; 16, serratus inferior posticus; 17, supra-spinatus; 18, infra-spinatus; 19, teres minor; 20, teres major; 21, long head of triceps extensor cubiti; 22, serratus major anticus; 23, internal oblique.

Muscles of the Back

Second layer of muscles of the back. Labels: 1, trapezius; 2, a portion of the ten dinous ellipse formed…

Muscles of the back. On the left side is exposed the first layer; on the right side, the second layer and part of the third.

Back Muscles

Muscles of the back. On the left side is exposed the first layer; on the right side, the second layer…

Deep layers of the muscles of the back.

Back Muscles

Deep layers of the muscles of the back.

Deep muscles of the back.

Deep Back Muscles

Deep muscles of the back.

Muscles of the back, showing the various layers.

Muscles of the Back

Muscles of the back, showing the various layers.

Muscles of the back, fifth layer, showing the muscles around the spine.

Muscles of the Back

Muscles of the back, fifth layer, showing the muscles around the spine.

The superficial muscles of the back.

Superficial Muscles of the Back

The superficial muscles of the back.

The biceps muscle. 1: Tendon; 2: Muscular portion.


The biceps muscle. 1: Tendon; 2: Muscular portion.

Biceps muscle relaxed. 1 and 3: Two heads of the muscle; 2: Muscular portion; 3: Tendon fastening to the fore-arm.


Biceps muscle relaxed. 1 and 3: Two heads of the muscle; 2: Muscular portion; 3: Tendon fastening to…

Biceps muscle contracted to raise the fore-arm. 1 and 3: Two heads fastened at the shoulder; 2: Contracting portion; 4: End fastened to the fore-arm.


Biceps muscle contracted to raise the fore-arm. 1 and 3: Two heads fastened at the shoulder; 2: Contracting…

The bicep muscle and the arm bones, to illustrate how, under ordinary circumstances, the elbow joint is flexed when the muscle contracts.


The bicep muscle and the arm bones, to illustrate how, under ordinary circumstances, the elbow joint…

Biceps muscle.

Biceps Muscle

Biceps muscle.

The biceps muscle and arm bones, to illustrate how, under ordinary circumstances, the elbow-joint is flexed when the muscle contracts.

The Biceps Muscle and Arm Bones

The biceps muscle and arm bones, to illustrate how, under ordinary circumstances, the elbow-joint is…

Biceps muscle attached to the radius.

Biceps Muscle and Radius

Biceps muscle attached to the radius.

A diagram showing the muscular cycle form by the biceps or flexor muscle, and the triceps or extensor muscle of the human arm.

Muscular Cycle of the Biceps

A diagram showing the muscular cycle form by the biceps or flexor muscle, and the triceps or extensor…

"A single muscle rarely or never contracts alone, but always in harmony with a number of other muscles. Even the simplest movement we can make requres the combined action of several muscles to carry it out. If the movement is at all difficult, such as playing on the piano or riding on the bicycle, the different muscles must contract in a certain order and with a certain strength and rapidity." — Blaisedell, 1904

Superficial Muscles of the Body

"A single muscle rarely or never contracts alone, but always in harmony with a number of other muscles.…

The muscles and nerves of the buttock. The gluteus maximus is reflected; and the gluteus medius is cut in part to show the gluteus minimus.

Muscles and Nerves of the Buttock

The muscles and nerves of the buttock. The gluteus maximus is reflected; and the gluteus medius is cut…

Back view of muscles of the calf.

Back View of the Muscles of the Calf

Back view of muscles of the calf.

Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back are in 5 layers, one beneath another. The two largest and most superficial are the trapezius and the latissimus dorsi.

Muscles of the Chest and Abdomen

Muscles of the back. Labels: 50, latissimus dorsi; 51, trapezius; 52, deltoid. The muscles of the back…

A frontal view of the chest muscles. 1, sterno-hyoid; 2, sterno-mastoid; 3, sterno-thyroid; 4, sterno-mastoid; 5, trapezius; 6, clavicle; 7, origin pectoralis major; 8, deltoid; 9, lower edge pectoralis major; 10, middle pectoralis major; 11, fibres external oblique; 12, biceps; 13, teres major; 14, serratus major anticus; 15, external oblique interlocking with serratus major.

Chest Muscles

A frontal view of the chest muscles. 1, sterno-hyoid; 2, sterno-mastoid; 3, sterno-thyroid; 4, sterno-mastoid;…

The cricothyroid muscle.

Cricothyroid Muscle

The cricothyroid muscle.

The relative position and attachment of the muscles of the left eyeball.

Eye Muscles

The relative position and attachment of the muscles of the left eyeball.

"The external bones of the temple are supposed to be removed in order to render visible the muscular arrangements. The muscle, 1, raises the eye-lid, and is constantly in action while we are awake. During sleep, the muscle being in repose and relaxed, the eye-lid falls and protects the eye from the action of light. The muscle, 4, turns the eye upwards; 5, downwards; 6, outwards; and a corresponding one on the inside, not seen in the figure, turns it inwards. No. 2 and 10 turn the eye round its axis. No. 11 is the great optic nerve, which conveys the sensation to the brain. If this nerve were cut, notwithstanding the eye might be in other respects perfect, the sense of sight would be destroyed." —Wells, 1857

Eye Muscles

"The external bones of the temple are supposed to be removed in order to render visible the muscular…

The plan of the insertions of the eight ocular muscles as seen: a, from Above; b, from the inner side; c, from below; d, from the outer side.

Muscles of the Eye

The plan of the insertions of the eight ocular muscles as seen: a, from Above; b, from the inner side;…

The plan of the insertions of the recti (muscles) into the right eyeball. The muscles have been shaded. Labels: ri=rectus inferior, rl=rectus lateralis, rm=rectus medialis, rs=rectus superior.

Muscles of the Eye

The plan of the insertions of the recti (muscles) into the right eyeball. The muscles have been shaded.…

Muscles of the eyeball. There are muscles that move the eyeball, 5 of which are shown here.

Eyeball Muscles

Muscles of the eyeball. There are muscles that move the eyeball, 5 of which are shown here.

"Muscles of Left Human Eyeball. so, superior oblique, passing through a trochlea or pulley; io, inferior oblique; sr, superior rectus; ifr, interior rectus; ir, internal rectus; er, external rectus; f, frontal sinus; m, maxillary sinus; o, optic nerve." -Whitney, 1911

Muscles of Left Eyeball

"Muscles of Left Human Eyeball. so, superior oblique, passing through a trochlea or pulley; io, inferior…

Muscles of the eyeball.

Muscles of the Eyeball

Muscles of the eyeball.

"The eye is moved about by six muscles. The back ends of these muscles are attached to the eye sockets. The front ends are attached to the ball of the eye." — Ritchie, 1918

Muscles of the Eyes

"The eye is moved about by six muscles. The back ends of these muscles are attached to the eye sockets.…

Muscles of the face and neck.

Muscles of the Face and Neck

Muscles of the face and neck.

The muscles of the face and scalp (muscles of expression).

Face and Scalp Muscles

The muscles of the face and scalp (muscles of expression).