775 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: calla lily, camphor, candlewood, capsicum, carnation, cashew, castor-oil plant, catchfly, catkin, catnip, celandine, chamomile, checkerberry, chickweed, chicory, cinnamon, cinquefoil, cloudberry, clove, clover, cocoa, coffee, colocasia, comfrey, coreopsis, coriander, cornflower, cotton, cowbane, cowslip, crassula, creeper, crocus, and crowfoot.
"c, flower of Cerastium longipedunculatum, seen from below: s, a sepal." -Whitney, 1911
"d, calyx, showing the five free sepals" of the Nodding Chickweed (Cerastium nutans) -Whitney, 1911
Chicory is a flowering plant with blue flowers, originally from the Old World but now seen growing wild…
A composite plant common in waste places, found throughout Europe and Asia as far as India, and naturalized…
Chicory is the common name of cichorium intybus. It is a familiar weed along roadsides in the eastern…
Illustrated is an improved chicory root. Chicory is native to Europe but has been naturalized in the…
"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid);…
Chilean bellflower is the common name of lapageria rosea. The flowers are large, showy, and bell shaped.…
The common name of chimaphila is pipsissewa. The maculata variety has white flowers. There are two to…
The branching type of China aster was first introduced in 1893. It is likely that more than half of…
The comet type of China aster has very flat rays. The flowers are rose, white, or blue.
Common or tree chinquapin is the common name of castanea pumila. Illustrated are the nut and bur.
Chionanthus virginica is a large shrub or slender tree, growing thirty feet tall. The plant is native…
The common name of chionodoxa is glory-of-the-snow. The luciliae variety has bright blue flowers with…
Christmas rose is the common name of helleborus niger. The flowers are pure white. The flowers are about…
The common names of chrysanthemum balsamita are costmary and mint geranium. The tanacetoides variety…
Chrysanthemum carinatum grows two to three feet tall. The stems are branched with fleshy leaves. The…
Chrysanthemum coccineum grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are white or red in shades of pink,…
Illustrated is a crown bud of chrysanthemum after it has been selected or taken.
Chrysanthemum lacustre is a short-rayed form. It is branched at the top and has three flower heads.
Illustrated are the leaves of the frutescens and anethifolium varieties of chrysanthemum.
The common names of chrysanthemum leucanthemum are whiteweed and ox-eye daisy. The plant grows one to…
Chrysanthemum maximum grows one foot tall. The leaves are narrowed at the base. It is native to the…
Illustrated is a wild form of chrysanthemum morifolium as grown in England.
Illustrated is a terminal bud of chrysanthemum after the disbudding operation.
Illustrated are terminal buds of chrysanthemum at an early stage. It is none too early for disbudding.
Illustrated is the small and regular anemone type of chrysanthemum. It is commonly called pompon anemone.…
The hairy type of chrysanthemum is often called ostrich plume and Japanese hairy. The flowers are white…
Pictured is a hardy chrysanthemum. It is one the best of the autumn blooming herbaceous plants.
The flowers of Japanese anemone chrysanthemum are four or more inches across. The flowers have an irregular…
Illustrated is the general idea of a Japanese incurved chrysanthemum.
Illustrated is a new type of chrysanthemum with a short stem. It is popular with commercial growers.
Illustrated is a type of pompon chrysanthemum that is grown outdoors with no special care.
Illustrated is a pompon chrysanthemum. The flowers are one to two inches across. The flowers are larger…
The reflexed or recurved type of chrysanthemum can be broken into three types: (a) the small and regular,…
Single varieties of chrysanthemum have florets arranged close together to form a regular fringe.
Chufa is the edible tubers of cyperus esculentus. Chufas are eaten raw or baked. The plant is grass…
Chufa is native to the tropics and subtropics. The tubers of the plant are edible. Chufa is the common…
Chysis bractescens are three to five flowers that are about three inches across. The flowers are ivory-white…