The Comparative Anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 228 images of anatomy comparing numerous parts of humans and animals, showing similarities and differences among species and between different taxonomic orders.
"The origin of the mesonephric tubules is seen. They arise from the upper part of the lateral plate,…
Eye of the phalaena or butterfly, magnified, consisting of 11,300 square sections. The eye of the mordella…
Eye of the yellow beetle magnified, composed of 8,820 hexagonal cylinders, the interior of each tube…
"Diagram of the principal vessels in the circulation of a Fish, lateral view. a, aorta; au., auricle;…
This figure shows the mode of respiration in fishes. The gills are seen bent over in the form of a feather.…
"Salmo fario, the entire skull, from the left side. art, articular; branchiost, branchiostegal rays;…
"Diagram of vertebrae of a bony fish. A, caudal; B, trunk. c, centrum or body of the vertebra; ch.,…
Generic development of the horse's foot. A, Foot of Eohippus; B, That of Orohippus; C, That of Hipparion;…
Two cross sections through the forebrain. A. Through the forebrain of the early human embryo. B. Through…
"Diagram of a longitudinal section through the embryo of a fowl, showing formation of amnion and allantois…
"Diagram of the stomach and esophagus of the fowl. o, esophagus; c, crop; p, proventriculus or glandular…
"Arterial system of frog. l., Lingual; c., carotid; s., systemic; cu., cutaneous; p., pulmonary; v.,…
Blood corpuscles of a frog. Highly magnified. The appearance of blood cells in different animals varies…
"Rana esculenta. The brain. A, from above; B, from below. ch. opt, optic chiasma; HH, cerebellum; Hyp,…
"Rana esculenta. Urinogenital organs of the female. N, kidneys; Od, oviduct; Ot, its coelomic aperture;…
"Rana esculenta. Urinogenital organs of the male. Ao, dorsal aorta; Cl, cloaca; Cv, post-caval vein;…
"Diagram of the heart and branchial arches in the Frog. c.g., carotid gland; l., lungs; l.a., left auricle;…
"Nervous system of frog. 1-10, The cranial nerves; oc., eyes; crb., in front of optic chiasma; to.,…
"Pectoral girdle of Rana esculenta. The cartilaginous parts are dotted. Ep., Episternum; om., omosternum;…
"Rana esculenta. Pelvic girdle from the right side. G, acetabulum; Il, P, ilium; Is, ischium; Kn, pubis."…
"Rana esculenta. The shoulder girdle from the ventral aspect. Co, coracoid; Co', epicoracoid; Cl, clavicle;…
"Skeleton of frog. The half of the pectoral girdle, and fore- and hind-limb of the right side are not…
"Skull of frog. Lower surface-- Pmx., premaxilla; M., maxilla; Q.j., quadrato-jugal; Q., quadrate; Pt.,…
"Skull of frog. Upper surface-- Pmx., premaxilla; N., nasal; M., maxilla; Sq., squamosal; Q.j., quadrato-jugal;…
"Venous system of frog. m., l., Mandibular and lingual; e.j., external jugular; i.j., internal jugular;…
"General view of the viscera of a male frog, from the right side. a, stomach; b, urinary bladder; c,…
The circulation of the blood in the web of a frog's foot. A, an artery; B, capillaries crowded with…
"Skeleton of male gorilla. cl., Clavicle; sc., tip of scapula; S., praesternum; H., humerus; r., radius;…
"Median longitudinal section of anterior region of Myxine. B., Barbule; N., nasal aperture; NT., nasal…
"Respiratory system of hag, from ventral surface. b., Barbules; m., mouth opening on ventral surface;…
A comparison of vertebrate hands. A, hand or anterior foot of the dog; B, that of the hog; C, that of…
In high orders of Mollusca the circulation resembles that of fish. Shown is the heart and arteries of…
"Hesperornis. ST., Sternum; CO., coracoid; CL., clavicle; H., rudimentary humerus; SC., scapula; P.,…
"Feet of horse and its predecessors. 1, Palaeotherium; 2, Anchitherium; 3, Hippotherium; 4, Equus."…
"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla;…
This illustration shows a human leg (front view), and comparative diagrams showing modifications of…
A freshwater hydra, magnified. Example of an animal with no skeleton. There are animals without a skeleton…
A magnified view of a small portion of the surface of an insect's compound eye which is composed of…
Internal ear of different vertebrates. I, fish; II, bird; III, mammal. Labels: U, utriculus with semicircular…
"Diagrams showing some of the stages in the increasing complexity of the simple eye in Invertebrates.…
"Foot of young kangaroo. 2, 3, Small syndactylous toes; 4, large fourth toe; 5, fifth toe." -Thomson,…
The dissection of a female sea lamprey or Petromyzon marinus. ad, anterior dorsal cartilage; an, annular…
"The central nervous system in a leech. g, dorsal ganglia (brain); g', ventral chain of ganglia; o,…
A lobule of a pig liver, magnified, showing the hepatic cells radially arranged around the central intralobular…
"Heart of monitor (Varanus) dissected to show the cavity of the ventricle and the vessels leading out…
Nerve ending in muscular fiber of a lizard (Kühne). The end-plate, or motorial ending of the axone,…
"Side view of skull of Lacerta. px., Premaxilla; mx., maxilla; l., lachrymal; j., jugal;, transpalatine;…
"Lacerta agilis. General view of the viscera in their naturaal relations. Bl, urinary bladder; Ci, post-caval…
"Appendages of Norway lobster. Ex., Exopodite: En., endopodite; protopodite dark throughout; Ep., epipodite.…
"An ommatidium or eye-element from the eye of the Lobster. c, cornea (cuticle); c.h., corneal hypodermis,…
"Longitudinal section of lobster, showing some of the organs. H., Heart; AO., ophthalmic artery; SA.,…
"Skeleton of Ceratodus fin. a., Central axis; r., radials; h., basal piece." -Thomson, 1916
"Head region of Protopterus. sn.t., Sensory tubes; l.l., lateral line;, external gills; pc.l.,…
"Diagram of the heart and branchial arches in Protopterus (one of the Dipno). pre.c., precaval vein,…
"Diagram of heart and branchial arches in Ceratodus (one of the Dipnoi). a.b., air bladder (lung); p.a.,…
"Vertical section through backbone and ribs of Chelonian (I.) and Mammal (II.). N.SP., neural spine;…
"Diagram of foetal membranes. E., Embryo; H., gut lined by hypoblast, dotted-- the dark is mesoblast;…
"Diagram of the heart and the branchial arches in Mammals. A dotted outline of the arches of the Fish…
This is a diagram of the skin of mammals, showing the multiple layered condition, together with outgrowths…
This illustration shows the skeletons of Anthropid Apes compared with that of Man.