A sketch of the human eye.


A sketch of the human eye.

A sketch of the human eye.


A sketch of the human eye.

A sketch of the human eye.


A sketch of the human eye.

A sketch of the human eye.


A sketch of the human eye.

A sketch of the human eye.


A sketch of the human eye.

A sketch of the human nose.


A sketch of the human nose.

A sketch of the human nose.


A sketch of the human nose.

A sketch of the human nose.


A sketch of the human nose.

A sketch of the human nose.


A sketch of the human nose.

A sketch of the human nose.


A sketch of the human nose.

A sketch of the human nose.


A sketch of the human nose.

A sketch of the human nose.


A sketch of the human nose.

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

Mouth and Chin

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

Mouth and Chin

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

Mouth and Chin

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

Mouth and Chin

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

Mouth and Chin

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

Mouth and Chin

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

Mouth and Chin

A sketch of the human mouth and chin.

A sketch of the human ear.


A sketch of the human ear.

The mouth and neck laid open. 1: The teeth. 3 and 4: Upper and lower jaws. 5: The tongue. 7: Parotid gland. 8: Sublingual gland. 9: Trachea (wind-pipe). 10 and 11: Esophagus (gullet). 12: Spinal column. 13: Spinal cord.

Mouth and Neck

The mouth and neck laid open. 1: The teeth. 3 and 4: Upper and lower jaws. 5: The tongue. 7: Parotid…

A genus of grasses including about sixty species, valuable alike for the production of hay and for their straw and seed. They are cultivated extensively in all temperate climates, and form valuable food for horses and cattle, but are also used for human food.


A genus of grasses including about sixty species, valuable alike for the production of hay and for their…

"The proportions of the human figure. As handed down to us by Vitruvius and described by Joseph Bonomi." —D'Anvers, 1895

Proportions of human figure

"The proportions of the human figure. As handed down to us by Vitruvius and described by Joseph Bonomi."…

"The column was originally surmounted by a colossal statue of Trajan (replaced in the seventh century by one of St. Peter), and contains no less than 2500 human figures and a great number of horses." —D'Anvers, 1895

Relief of Trajan Column

"The column was originally surmounted by a colossal statue of Trajan (replaced in the seventh century…

This diagram shows a side view of the right eye of man. a.c., central artery; a.h., aqueous humor; b., blind spot, the entrance of the optic nerve; c, conjunctiva; ch., choroid layer of the eye-ball; c.l., crystalline lens; c.m.c., circular fibers of the ciliary muscles; c.m.r., radial fibers of the ciliary muscles; co., cornea, the transparent portion of the sclerotic; c.p., ciliary process; c.s., canal of Schlemm, a lymphatic vessel; fo., fovea centralis, the point of clearest vision; o.n., optic nerve; o.s., ora serrata, the anterior wavy margin of the visual portion of the retina; r, the retinal layer; sc., sclerotic layer; sh., sheath of theoptic nerve; v.h., vitreous humor.

Human Eye

This diagram shows a side view of the right eye of man. a.c., central artery; a.h., aqueous humor; b.,…

This illustration shows a side view of the human skeleton.

Human Skeleton

This illustration shows a side view of the human skeleton.

This illustration shows a front view of the human skeleton.

Human Skeleton

This illustration shows a front view of the human skeleton.

In the later Greek writings the word psyche occurs as a personification of the human soul.


In the later Greek writings the word psyche occurs as a personification of the human soul.

A frontal view of the human muscles. The right half shows superficial muscles and the left half shows deep muscles.


A frontal view of the human muscles. The right half shows superficial muscles and the left half shows…

A section of the human eye.


A section of the human eye.

A bone in the human skull that consists of two portions, a vertical portion and a horizontal portion. This bone does a part in protecting your brain from harm.

Frontal Bone

A bone in the human skull that consists of two portions, a vertical portion and a horizontal portion.…

A bone in the human skull that consists of two portions, a vertical portion and a horizontal portion. This bone does a part in protecting your brain from harm.

Frontal Bone

A bone in the human skull that consists of two portions, a vertical portion and a horizontal portion.…

A top view of the human brain.


A top view of the human brain.

The skeletal hand of a human.

Skeletal Hand

The skeletal hand of a human.

"Blood corpuscles (human). c, colored; l, leucocytes. The red cells tend to collect in rows with the sides in contact." — Galloway

Blood Corpuscles

"Blood corpuscles (human). c, colored; l, leucocytes. The red cells tend to collect in rows with the…

The frontal view of a human face.

Human Head

The frontal view of a human face.

The rear view of a human face.

Human Head

The rear view of a human face.

Winged human figure with the crowned head of a condor, from the central row on the monolithic doorway. Details that show Tiahuanacu existed.


Winged human figure with the crowned head of a condor, from the central row on the monolithic doorway.…

A winged human figure with human head crowned, from the upper row on the monolithic doorway. Details that show Tiahuanacu existed.


A winged human figure with human head crowned, from the upper row on the monolithic doorway. Details…

The outer outline is that of the skull found in the cave of Cromagnon, in France, belogning, as Dawson says, to one of the oldest human inhabitants of western Europe, as shown in Lartet and Christy's <em>Reliquiae Aquitanicae</em>. The second outline is that of the Enghis skull; the dotted outline that of the Neanderthal skull. The shaded skull is on a smaller scale, but preserving the true outline, and is one of the Hochelaga Indians (site of Montreal).


The outer outline is that of the skull found in the cave of Cromagnon, in France, belogning, as Dawson…

Human legs are not unfrequently born as charges in Heraldry, sometimes naked, sometimes booted, and they may even be couped.


Human legs are not unfrequently born as charges in Heraldry, sometimes naked, sometimes booted, and…

"A genus of insects, the type of a very numerous family, which forms the order Parasita or Auoplura. The body is flattened, almost transparent; the segments both of the thorax and abdomen very distinct; the mouth is small and tubular, enclosing a sucker; there are no wings; the legs are short, and are terminated by a claw adapted for taking hold of hairs or feathers. The eyes are simple, one or two on each side of the head. All the species are small, and live parasitically, on human beings, terrestrial mammalia, and birds." &mdash; Chambers, 1881

Magnified Louse

"A genus of insects, the type of a very numerous family, which forms the order Parasita or Auoplura.…

"The name of a Babylonian god, who, in the first year of the foundation of Babylon, is said to have come out of the Persian Gulf, or the old Erythraean Sea, adjoining Babylon. He is described as having the head and body of a fish, to which were added a human head and feet under the fish's head and at the sail. He lived amongst men during the daytime, without, however, taking any food, and retired at sunset to the sea, from which he had emerged." &mdash; Chambers, 1881


"The name of a Babylonian god, who, in the first year of the foundation of Babylon, is said to have…

The organ of attachment of a vertebrate embryo or fetus to the wall of the uterus or womb of the female.

Human Placenta

The organ of attachment of a vertebrate embryo or fetus to the wall of the uterus or womb of the female.

The sole of a human foot.

Plantar Arch

The sole of a human foot.

A human hand with more than the normal number of fingers.


A human hand with more than the normal number of fingers.

"The Abdominal Viscera <em>in situ</em>, as seen when the abdomin is laid open and the great omentum removed. The ribs on the right side are indicated by Roman numerals; it will be observed that the eighth costal cartilage articulated with the sternum on both sides." &mdash;Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"The Abdominal Viscera in situ, as seen when the abdomin is laid open and the great omentum…

The radial bone in the human arm.


The radial bone in the human arm.

The ulna bone in the human arm.


The ulna bone in the human arm.

A ground shrub which when brushed against by a human causes itching.

Poison Ivy

A ground shrub which when brushed against by a human causes itching.

"The sacred name of the founder of Buddhism, an Indian sage who appears to have lived in the 5th century B.C. His personal name was Siddhartha, and his family name Gautama; and he is often called also Sakya-muni. His father was the king of Kapilavastu, a few days' journey north of Benares. Siddhartha, filled with a deep compassion for the human race, left his father's court, and lived for years in solitude and contemplation till he had penetrated the mysteries of life and become the Buddha. He then began to teach his new faith, in opposition to the prevailing Brahmanism, commencing at Benares. Among his earliest converts where the monarchs of Magadha and Kosala, in whose kingdoms he chiefly passed the latter portion of his life, respected, honored, and protected." &mdash; Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919


"The sacred name of the founder of Buddhism, an Indian sage who appears to have lived in the 5th century…

"The earring is an exquisite illustration of Greek skill in the introduction of the human figure; the rosette for concealing the hook beautifully wrought." &mdash;The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"The earring is an exquisite illustration of Greek skill in the introduction of the human figure; the…

A large triangular bone as the base of the spine. Resides between the two hip bones.

Human Sacrum

A large triangular bone as the base of the spine. Resides between the two hip bones.

A large triangular bone as the base of the spine. Resides in between the two hip bones.

Human Sacrum

A large triangular bone as the base of the spine. Resides in between the two hip bones.

"A parasite sometimes present in the human hair follicles." &mdash;Davison, 1906

Demodex Folliculorum

"A parasite sometimes present in the human hair follicles." —Davison, 1906

The human skull.


The human skull.

The human spinal column

Spinal Column

The human spinal column

The chest or ribcage of the human body.


The chest or ribcage of the human body.

The pelvis of the human body. 1: Hip Bones; 2: Sacrum; 3: Coccyx.


The pelvis of the human body. 1: Hip Bones; 2: Sacrum; 3: Coccyx.

The upper extremity of the human body. 1: Clavicle; 2: Scapula; 3: Humerus; 4: Ulna; 5: Radius; 6: Carpus; 7: Metacarpal; 8: Phalanges.

Upper Extremity

The upper extremity of the human body. 1: Clavicle; 2: Scapula; 3: Humerus; 4: Ulna; 5: Radius; 6: Carpus;…