(1738-1789) Soldier who formed the Green Mountain Boys and controlled the Vermont area.

Ethan Allen

(1738-1789) Soldier who formed the Green Mountain Boys and controlled the Vermont area.

The mountain daisy is a pretty little flower. It contains a multitude of little flowers close together.


The mountain daisy is a pretty little flower. It contains a multitude of little flowers close together.

The leaf of the Mountain Holly, Ilex monticola, (Keeler, 1915).

Mountain Holly Leaf

The leaf of the Mountain Holly, Ilex monticola, (Keeler, 1915).

The seeds of the Mountain Maple, Acer spicatum, (Keeler, 1915).

Mountain Maple Seed

The seeds of the Mountain Maple, Acer spicatum, (Keeler, 1915).

This is the flower cluster of the Mountain Laurel, Kalmia latifolia, (Keeler, 1915).

Mountain Laurel flower

This is the flower cluster of the Mountain Laurel, Kalmia latifolia, (Keeler, 1915).

Confederate and Union forces clash at Lookout Mountain.

Battle of Lookout Mountain

Confederate and Union forces clash at Lookout Mountain.

The Rocky Mountain Goat inhabits the most lofty peaks of the Rocky Mountains, (Smiley, 1839).

Mountain Goat

The Rocky Mountain Goat inhabits the most lofty peaks of the Rocky Mountains, (Smiley, 1839).

The Rocky Mountain Sheep is much larger than the domestic sheep, (Smiley, 1839).

Mountain Sheep

The Rocky Mountain Sheep is much larger than the domestic sheep, (Smiley, 1839).

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage a.

Locust development

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage a.

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage b.

Locust development

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage b.

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage c.

Locust development

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage c.

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage d.

Locust development

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage d.

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage e.

Locust development

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage e.

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage f.

Locust development

Post-embryonic development of the Rocky Mountain locust. Successive developmental stage f.

A goat is allied to the sheep. The Rocky Mountain goat is a native of the western portion of the United States, where it is also known as the goat antelope.

Rocky Mountain Goat

A goat is allied to the sheep. The Rocky Mountain goat is a native of the western portion of the United…

He took part in the battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta. For his services at the Battle of Franklin he was made a brigadier general and brevet major general in the regular army.

General John M. Schoefield

He took part in the battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta. For his services at the…

"Advance of General Rosecrans's division through the forests of Laurel Hill to attack the Confederate intrenchments at Rich Mountain. General McClellan's plan for attacking the Confederates under General Garnett in Western Virginia and driving them beyond the Alleghanies involved the surprise of a large body strongly intrenched at Rich Mountain, in a position commanding the turnpike over Laurel Hill. He detailed General Rosecrans to surprise them. This in turn involved a circuitous march through the dense forests of Laurel Hill, over a wild nd broken country. General Rosecrans's column of 1,600 men was guided by a woddsman named David L. Hart, who described the march as follows: "We started at daylight, and I led, accompanied by Colonel Lander, through a pathless wood, obstructed by bushes, laurels, fallen timber and rocks, followed by the whole division in perfect silence. It ended in the utter rout and final capture of the Confederates under Colonel Pegram, with a loss of 150 killed and 300 wounded." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Laurel Hill

"Advance of General Rosecrans's division through the forests of Laurel Hill to attack the Confederate…

"Captain Knapp's Battery engaging the Confederates at the battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9th, 1862- this battery fired the first and last shot. Captain Knapp's battery deserved great credit; it's firing was admirable; and although the first to fire a shot, it was also the last. Several times did this skillful soldier and his well-trained men check the advance of the enemy, and finally compelled him to retire. The skill with which Captain Knapp chose his position was very consipicuous, and was much commended by General banks." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Captain Knapp

"Captain Knapp's Battery engaging the Confederates at the battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9th, 1862-…

"Gordon's and Crawford's Brigades driving the Confederate forces from the woods at the Battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9th, 1862. As soon as the order to advance was given the brigade moved forward, until it came to the open field, in perfect silence. As soon as it was clear from the woods, with a cheer that could have been heard all over the battle ground, it took the double-quick, and though at every step its ranks grew thinner from the murderous fire through which it passed, yet there was no faltering, no hesitancy; onward, across the field, up the slope and into and through the woods it went, until it met the second line of the enemy's overpowering forces. Forced at last to yield to overwhelming odds, it retired over the ground gained at such a frightful cost until it reached the cover from which it started. Here what remained held their position until the third brigade could come to its support. When exhausted, cut to pieces, its officers all gone, with no one to direct it, those who survived gathered as fast as thy could, and in the morning all that was left of that brigade was less than seven hundred men." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Cedar Mountain

"Gordon's and Crawford's Brigades driving the Confederate forces from the woods at the Battle of Cedar…

"The Confederate batteries shelling the Federal position on the night of the Battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9th, 1862- wounded men lying on the ground, McDowell's division marching on the field. The scene at night was very striking. It was past ten o'clock, and there was a bright moonlight and a clear blue sky. The Federal troops were on a rising ground, while the enemy's batteries were shelling from the woods, the Federal batteries replying, and one by one driving them further back. The hospital was near the Federal position, and wounded men wre lying on the ground, waiting their turn to receive surgical attention. Near them were groups of stragglers, ambulances, ammunition wagons, etc." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Cedar Mountain

"The Confederate batteries shelling the Federal position on the night of the Battle of Cedar Mountain,…

"Taking away the colors of the Seventy-ninth New York Regiment for insubordination and mutiny, Washington, D. C., August 14th, 1861. The scene during the reading of the order of General McClellan was exceedingly impressive. The sun was just going down, and in hazy mountain twilight the features and forms of officers and men could scarcely be distinguished. Immediately behind his aid was General Porter, firm and self-possessed. Colonel Stevens was in front of the regiment, endeavoring to quiet his rather nervous horse. In the rear of the regulars, and a little distance apart, General Sickles sat carelessly on horseback, cooly smoking a cigar and conversing with some friends. At one time during the reading a murmur passed through the lines of the mutineers; and when the portion of the order directing the regiment to surrentder its colors was read a private in one of the rear lines cried out, in broad Scotch tones, "Let's keep the colors, boys!" No response was made by the remainder of the regiment. Major Sykes at once rode up the line to where the voice was heard. It would have been more than the soldier's life was worth had he been discovered at the moment in pistol range by any of the officers." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Seventy-ninth Regiment

"Taking away the colors of the Seventy-ninth New York Regiment for insubordination and mutiny, Washington,…

"Battle of Cedar Mountain, fought Saturday, August 9th, 1862, between the Federal troops commanded by General Banks and the Confederate Army led by Generals Jackson, Ewell, Winder, etc.- final repulse of the Confederates. General Pope's report of the battle is as follows: "On Saturday, August 9th, 1862, the enemy advanced rapidly to Cedar Mountain, the sides of which they occupied in heavy force. General Banks was instructed to take up his position on the ground occupied by Crawford's brigade, of his command, which had been thrown out the day previous to observe the enemy's movements. He was directed not to advance beyond that point, and if attacked by the enemy to defend his position and send back timely notice. The artillery of the enemy was opened early in the afternoon, but he made no advance until nearly five o'clock, at which time a few skirmishers were thrown forward on each side under cover of the heavy wood in which his force was concealed. The enemy pushed forward a strong force in the rear of his skirmishers, and General Banks advanced to the attack. The engagement did not fairly open until after six o'clock, and for an hour and a half was furious and unceasing. I arrived personally on the field at 7 P.M., and found the action raging furiously. The infantry fire was incessant and severe. I found General Banks holding the position he took up early in the morning. His losses were heavy. Ricketts's division was immediately pushed forward and occupied the right of General Banks, the brigades of Crawford and Gordon being directed to change their position from the right and mass themselves in the centre. Before this change could be effected it was quite dark, though the artillery fire continued at short range without intermission. The artillery fire, at night, by the Second and Fifth Maine batteries in Ricketts's division of General McDowell's corps was most destructive, as was readily observable the next morning in the dead men and horses and broken gun carriages of the enemy's batteries which had been advanced against it. Our troops rested on their arms during the night in line of battle, the heavy shelling being kept up on both sides until midnight. At daylight the next morning the enemy fell back two miles from our front, and still higher up the mountain."" —Leslie, 1896

Battle of Cedar Mountain

"Battle of Cedar Mountain, fought Saturday, August 9th, 1862, between the Federal troops commanded by…

"General Pleasonton, born in Washington, D. C., June 7th, 1824, was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1844; served in the Mexican War, and was brevetted first lieutenant for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma; was commissioned first lieutenant in 1849, and captain in 1855; commanded his regiment in its march from Utah to Washington in 1861; was commissioned major of the Second Cavalry in 1862; served through the Virginia Peninsula campaign; became brigadier general of volunteers in July of that year, and commanded the division of cavalry of the Army of the Potomac that followed Lee's invading army into Maryland. He was engaged at Boonesborough, South Mountain, Antietam and the subsequent pursuit; engaged the enemy at Fredericksburg, and staid the further advance of the enemy at Chancellorsville. He received the brevet of lieutenant colonel for Antietam in 1862; was promoted major general of volunteers in June, 1863, participating in the numerous actions that preceded the battle of Gettysburg. In March, 1865, he was made major general, United States Army, for services throughout the Civil War." —Leslie, 1896

General Alfred Pleasonton

"General Pleasonton, born in Washington, D. C., June 7th, 1824, was graduated at the United States Military…

"The Confederate raid into Kentucky--excitement at Convington--gathering of armed Federal citizens at the railroad and telegraph office, on hearing of the capture of Cynthiana by the Confederate Morgan. The dash of Morgan from his mountain haunts in Tennessee through Kentucky caused considerable alarm throughout the State, for it was well planned and boldly executed. It is said to have been an inspiration from Jeff Davis himself, intended to produce a general uprising in Kentucky against the Federal Government. The people, however, soon recovered from their momentary terror; and it was then seen how much stronger the Federal sentiment was in Kentucky than that of Secession." —Leslie, 1896

Kentucky Raid Rally

"The Confederate raid into Kentucky--excitement at Convington--gathering of armed Federal citizens at…

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village, capital of Harrison County, is situated on the west fork of the Monongahela River, at the mouth of Elk Creek, about two hundred and twenty miles northwest of Richmond. It is built on a high tableland environed by hills. It had in 1861 several churches, academies, two printing offices and many fine stores. Stove coal abounded in its vicinity. The Northwestern Railroad, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio, passed through it. It has about two thousand inhabitants. For a short time Clarksburg was the headquarters of General Rosecrans. The situation was briefly this: The Cheat Mountain Gaps, the key to the whole country, were held by a strong force, a portion of General Reynolds's brigade, the remainder of which was stationed at Bevery, Huttonsville, and in that vicinity. Other portions of General Rosecrans's command were scattered over almost the whole northwestern part of Virginia, guarding the railroad lines from Wheeling and Parkersburg down to Grafton, and then eastward through the Cheat River country, Oakland, Altamont, and almost to Cumberland, occupying the Kanawha Valley by General Cox's brigade, and holding towns like Weston, Buckhannon, Summerville, Philippi and Bealington." —Leslie, 1896

Village of Clarksburg

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…

"General Reno, born in Wheeling, W. Va., June 20th, 1823, died on South Mountain, Md., September 14th, 1862, was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1846, and at once promoted brevet second lieutenant of ordinance. He served in the Mexican War, taking part in the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, and Chapultepec, and in the siege of Vera Cruz he was commissioned second lieutenant, March 3rd, 1847; brevetted first lieutenant, April 18th, for gallant conduct in the first-named engagement, and captain, September 13th, for bravery at Chapultepec, where he was severely wounded. In the Civil War he was commissioned brigadier general, November 12th, 1861, and major general of volunteers, July 18th, 1862; led a brigade under General Burnside in the taking of Roanoke Island, N. C., February 8th, 1862; was engaged under General Pope at Manassas and Chantilly, Va. At Turner's Gap in South Mountain, Md., he repelled the Confederates under Lee, and after being in action all day he was killed in the evening of September 14th, 1862." —Leslie, 1896

General Jesse L. Reno

"General Reno, born in Wheeling, W. Va., June 20th, 1823, died on South Mountain, Md., September 14th,…

"General Augur, born in New York in 1821, was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1843. During the Mexican War he served as aid-de-camp to General Hopping, and after his death to General Caleb Cushing. He was promoted captain, August 1st, 1852, and served with distinction in a campaign against the Indians in Oregon in 1856. On May 14th, 1861, he was appointed major in the Thirteenth Infantry, and was for a time commandant of cadets at West Point. In November of that year he was commissioned a brigadier general of volunteers, and joined McDowell's corps. In July, 1862, he was assigned to a division under Banks, and in the battle of Cedar Mountain was severely wounded. He was promoted major general of volunteers, August 9th, 1862, and in November joined his corps and took part in the Louisiana campaign. He was breveted brigadier-general in the United States Army, March 13th, 1865, receiving on the same date the brevet of major-general for services in the field during the rebellion." —Leslie, 1896

General Christopher C. Augur

"General Augur, born in New York in 1821, was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1843.…

"Federal artillery taking up position at the Battle of South Mountain. The Federal movement was admirably executed in face of the well-directed fire from the Confederates, who had the advantage of position and could contest almost every inch of the steep, wooded and rocky approach. By four o'clock (September 14th, 1862) the engagement became general, and the entire ground was vigorously contested until the crest was reached and darkness put an end to the fight. In this engagement the total loss on both sides in killed, wounded and missing was nearly 3,000. General Jesse L. Reno was killed while at the head of his command, and was replaced by General Cox, General Hatch and Colonel Wainwright being severely wounded."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of South Mountain

"Federal artillery taking up position at the Battle of South Mountain. The Federal movement was admirably…

"Thoroughfare Gap, Va., a pass in the mountains on the Manassas Gap Railroad, near Strasburg, held by General Geary. This famous natural break in that part of the mountain ridge called Bull Run Mountain is about nine miles northeast of Warrenton, forty-seven miles southwest of Washington, and one hundred and twenty-four miles from Richmond. The western side is of granite, covered with soil, on which trees grow up to the summit. On the east side is the Gap, which has been called the Virginia Thermopylae, since a few determined men might hold it against thousands. This splendid defense caught the eye of General Geary, and had there been a necessity to act on the defensive he had resolved there to make his stand. The rocks lie scattered around in such wild confusion as to suggest the idea of being the result of some convulsion of nature. Near the Gap is a spring, issuing from under an immense rock, of the purest and coldest water, which is neither increased nor diminished in any season. It stands on the roadside, and is called by travelers 'The Diamond Spring in Palestine.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Thoroughfare Gap

"Thoroughfare Gap, Va., a pass in the mountains on the Manassas Gap Railroad, near Strasburg, held by…

"General Pope, born in Louisville, Ky., March 16th, 1822, was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1842, and made brevet second lieutenant of engineers. He served in Florida in 1842-'44, and took part in the Mexican War, being brevetted first lieutenant for gallantry at Monterey, and captain for his services in the battle of Buena Vista. In May, 1861, he was made brigadier general and assigned to command in Missouri. When General Curtis was sent in pursuit of Price, General Pope was dispatched to Commerce, Mo., where he organized rapidly an army of 12,000 men, and by his vigorous movements in March, 1862, captured New Madrid and Island No. 10, with thousands of prisoners. He was then promoted to be major general of volunteers and brigadier general in the regular army. He went into Washington, where he took command of the Army of Virginia, with which he fought the battle of Cedar Mountain and the second battle of Bull Run. He died September 23rd, 1892."— Frank Leslie, 1896

General John Pope

"General Pope, born in Louisville, Ky., March 16th, 1822, was graduated from the United States Military…

"Cumberland Gap and Heights, Tenn., from the Kentucky side. Cumberland Gap was a place of such importance during the war as to be constantly the object of operations on both sides, who indeed alternately held it. Like Harper's Ferry, it was deemed a strategic point of great value; but the fact that no action took place, and that its evacuation was compelled by distinct movements, tend to modify this idea. It is a natural gap in a mountain, 80 miles long, or rather the only natural gap, although other points bear that name. Cumberland Gap is 150 miles southeast of Lexington, Ky. The mountain is here 1,200 feet high, but the notch is a cut nearly two-thirds of this, the road through the gap being only 400 feet high. On the southern or Tennessee side this mountain is abrupt, and in some places perpendicular, and the summit almost inaccessible, except through the gap. The northern or Kentucky side is more irregular, breaking off in a sucession of smaller mountains and hills to the Valley of the Cumberland. Our sketch shows the Kentucky side."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Cumberland Gap

"Cumberland Gap and Heights, Tenn., from the Kentucky side. Cumberland Gap was a place of such importance…

"View from Loudon Heights, Va., showing Harper's Ferry, Maryland Heights, Bolivar, etc. Harper's Ferry, immortalized by the pen of Jefferson, became too often the scene of stirring events during the Civil War to require a long description, and we give a fine engraving of it to enable our readers to understand fully the operations that took place there. The view shows Maryland Heights, and on the other side Harper's Ferry, with the railroad and pontoon bridges. The place in the foreground is Bolivar, and the river runs in the gorge between it and Maryland Heights. This sketch was made by an artist who spent several days examining the neighborhood so as to give the best possible view of a point deemed so strategically important."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Loudon Heights

"View from Loudon Heights, Va., showing Harper's Ferry, Maryland Heights, Bolivar, etc. Harper's Ferry,…

"The war in Tennessee. Hooker's Battle above the clouds, and capture of the Confederate position on Lookout Mountain, November 24th, 1863. The wild mountains of Tennessee, where nature reveals in producing the most fantastic forms, and piling rocks upon rocks, forms one of the mightiest ridges on the land, have been the scene of one of the most extraordinary battles in history; a battle fought with the mists and clouds rolling beneath the combatants, the flash and the roar of the guns appearing to the spectators in the plain below like the lightning and the thunder of heaven. By eight o'clock on Tuesday, November 24th, Hooker's column was moving up Lookout Valley, and, to the surprise of the enemy, disappeared in the woods south of Wauhatchie. But here, filing his troop to the left, General Hooker began the difficult task of the ascent of the mountain. The head of the column, having reached the palisades, went into line of battle facing to the north, and with the right resting against the palisades stretched down the mountain. Geary's division formed the front, with Greene's brigade of New York troops on the right. General Hooker then formed a second line of the two brigades of the Fourth Corps which had been sent him, placing Whittaker on the right and Grose on the left. General Osterhaus formed a third line, and held himself in readiness to aid any part of the line which might need it. Thus arranged, the corps was ordered forward, with a heavy line of skirmishers thrown out, and marching along the slope of the ridge, soon came upon the rear of the enemy, who were taken completely by surprise. Before those at the foot of the hill could comprehend the situation Colonel Ireland's skirmishers had penetrated far toward the point of the mountain, and got in a heavy fire upon the enemy, who were now trying to escape up the hill, while the Federals assaulted them from above. At the same time the Federal batteries on the Moccasin Point and those of the Confederates on Lookout Mountain opened a heavy fire upon each other, and soon the whole mountain was hid from the view in Chattanooga by the cloud of smoke which rose above and around it. The enemy made but little organized resistance, yet their skirmishers for a long time kept up a heavy fire from behind jutting rocks and from trees. Holding Ireland's right well against the palisades, Geary threw Kennedy forward on the left, and he, after being re-enforced by Grose, the enemy on the point of the mountain gradually gave way and fell back in some disorder to the line of breastworks on the east slope of the mountain, at Craven's House. General Geary swung around until his line was parallel with that of the enemy, and again advanced, but being met by organized and well-directed resistance, for a time recoiled. The enemy were now in strong position, Craven's House being the centre of a line of heavy breastworks; but they lacked numbers to man them, having lost severely. They were compelled to expose their right flank. Hooker then sent the Eighty-fourth and Seventy-fifth Illinois to hold the road across the mountain, and advanced on the enemy, with Geary on the right, Osterhaus on the left. Whittaker and Grose in the centre. Geary turned their left, as Osterhaus did the enemy's right, and then, with one charge of the whole line, Hooker carried the position."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Hooker's Battle

"The war in Tennessee. Hooker's Battle above the clouds, and capture of the Confederate position on…

"The war in Georgia- Stevenson, Ala., depot for General Rosecrans's Army. The campaign of General Rosecrans brought him to a district where it was not easy to remember the State in which places were. Chattanooga the object of the struggle, was in Tennessee; but the battle of Chickamauga was fought in Georgia, and Rosecrans's depot of supplies was in Alabama. As a man may actually stand in three States, we may credit the assertion that from Lookout Mountain your eye can discern seven of the sovereignties of the New World. In the railroad line from Memphis, which at Cleveland branches to Lynchburg, Raleigh, Charleston, Savannah and Montgomery, Stevenson is an important point, as there a railroad from Nashville comes in."— Frank Leslie, 1896

War in Georgia

"The war in Georgia- Stevenson, Ala., depot for General Rosecrans's Army. The campaign of General Rosecrans…

"The war in Georgia. Capture of Lost Mountain by General Hooker, June 16th, 1864. On June 14th General Hooker pushed forward, with Geary in the advance, and soon came up with the enemy. Having driven the Confederates from two hills, Geary, being without support upon his right, was forced to halt. Butterfield and Williams having arrived and formed in open fields on the right of Geary's position, about three o'clock P. M., General Hooker ordered an advance of the corps. The lines moved forward, driving the enemy's pickets rapidly before them, halting now and then a moment to dislodge some of the more stubborn of the Confederates, who maintained their fire until almost under the feet of the advancing troops. General Geary's division was the first to encounter the enemy in strong force, with whom one or two sharp volleys were exchanged, and they then fell back to their strongly intrenched lines, from which they opened a terrible fire. This was the commencement of a fierce struggle, which lasted until after dark. Under the cover of darkness the enemy threw out a strong line of skirmishers. The morning of the 15th opened with heavy firing, resulting in repelling an attack of the Confederates to break the picket lines of Geary's Second and Third Brigades. Artillery was placed along the lines, and took a prominent part in the struggle, which continued with varying intensity till after nightfall. Early on the morning of the 16th the skirmishers of Geary's First Brigade discovered that the enemy had evacuated, and they immediately pushed into the works."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Capture of Lost Mountain

"The war in Georgia. Capture of Lost Mountain by General Hooker, June 16th, 1864. On June 14th General…

"Sherman's Campaign in Georgia- the attack of the Fourteenth, Sixteenth and Twentieth Army Corps on Kenesaw Mountain, June 22nd, 1864. Kenesaw Mountain, a second Lookout among its fellows, is about four miles in length and some four hundred feet high, difficult of ascent, with spurs on the flanks, and presenting a most dignified appearance. Sherman resolved to flank it, and on June 22nd the corps of the right and left of his army advanced, the centre maintaining its position around and upon the base of the mountain in the teeth of a very heavy artillery fire from the Confederate batteries. The Twentieth and Twenty-third wheeled on the left to hem in the Confederates between the Federal line and the railroad. The Fourteenth Kentucky met the enemy first, who charged furiously to check the movement. Schofield and Hooker were, however, ready. Williams's division drove back the enemy with artillery alone, without the employment of a musket. Batteries I and M of the First New York had second position, which gave them a cross fire upon the Confederates as they advanced over an open field, and it proved entirely too hot for them. Again, about six o'clock, they made the same attempt, and were driven back still more rapidly by a combined fire of artillery and musketry, which must, from the openness of the ground, have proved very destructive. The Federal losses were slight. They did not exceed two hundred killed and wounded during the day, and one-quarter of this loss was suffered by the Fourteenth Kentucky."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Sherman's Campaign

"Sherman's Campaign in Georgia- the attack of the Fourteenth, Sixteenth and Twentieth Army Corps on…

"Battle of Resaca, Ga., May 14th, 1864. Geary's Second Brigade charging up the mountain."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Resaca

"Battle of Resaca, Ga., May 14th, 1864. Geary's Second Brigade charging up the mountain."— Frank…

"The campaign in Georgia. A baggage train crossing the mountains in a storm. General Sherman, after the capture of Atlanta, prepared for the next move of his antagonist. Hood suddenly moved north, assailing Sherman's lines of communication; but he was repulsed at important points, and, being followed closely by Sherman, retreated southward. The mountain region was again the scene of operations just as winter was approaching. The immense labor and fatigue attendant on operations in that district may be conceived by our sketch of a baggage train crossing the mountains in a storm."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Campaign in Georgia

"The campaign in Georgia. A baggage train crossing the mountains in a storm. General Sherman, after…

"Sheridan's Campaign. Battle of Winchester- charge of Crook's Eighth Corps, September 19th, 1864- the right. Our sketches of this signal victory show the operations of the Eighth Corps on the right. In the foreground are Crook's veterans advancing to attack the forts on the right, which command Winchester, and which they took so gallantly by the aid of Averill's cavalry. The Federals, it will be perceived, charged under the fire of these forts as well as of the fire of the Confederates posted behind the broken stone wall and rail fence on the left, behind which may be seen the distant summit of Strasburg Mountain. Nor was this the only fighting. The centre nobly did its share, driving the Confederates from the woods to the right of our second sketch, and when they regained it forcing them again into the deadly grasp of Crook, literally filling the woods with dead."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Winchester Charge

"Sheridan's Campaign. Battle of Winchester- charge of Crook's Eighth Corps, September 19th, 1864- the…

"The war in Tennessee- Lookout Mountain and its vicinity, from the position of the Eleventh Army Corps."— Frank Leslie, 1896

War in Tennessee

"The war in Tennessee- Lookout Mountain and its vicinity, from the position of the Eleventh Army Corps."—…

A white falcon, perched atop a branch.

White Falcon

A white falcon, perched atop a branch.

A Peregrine falcon perched atop a rock, with mountains in the background.

Peregrine Falcon

A Peregrine falcon perched atop a rock, with mountains in the background.

Genus <em>Gypohierax</em>, is about the size of a goose, and is found in Western Africa, particularly Angola.

Vulture Hawk

Genus Gypohierax, is about the size of a goose, and is found in Western Africa, particularly…

The lammergeyer (Swiss for "lamb-killer") is a member of the vulture family, but has a notably feathered neck. It generally preys on live animals, such as wild goats, mountain hare, and various species of birds.


The lammergeyer (Swiss for "lamb-killer") is a member of the vulture family, but has a notably feathered…

Usually living around small mountain streams, large spiders have been known to attack and eat the vrested pardalotte, which averages only three inches in length.

Crested Pardalotte

Usually living around small mountain streams, large spiders have been known to attack and eat the vrested…

"Both male and female have small horns, and hair of a white color. They live in small flocks in the lofty heights of the great range from which they derive their name." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Rocky Mountain Goat

"Both male and female have small horns, and hair of a white color. They live in small flocks in the…

"The battle of Rich Mountain, Beverly Pike, Va., between a division of Major General McClellan's command, led by General Rosecrans, and the Confederate troops under Colonel Pegram, July 11th, 1863. Upon the arrival of General McClellan's troops on the Beverly Pike, which runs along the summit of Rich Mountain, a heavy fire was opened upon them, the Confederates firing shot, shell and grape, but so wildly that little damage was done. The Federal troops dropped flat and deployed as skirmishers advancing slowly. The enemy, mistaking this movement, rushed from their breastworks with a shout and approached the road. The Federals then fired a most terrific and destructive volley, and rushed up the slope into the enemy's ranks with fixed bayonets. The fight now raged promiscuously all over the hill. The Confederates were soon driven up the hill, over their breastworks, and completely routed. The battle continued for an hour and a half from the first to the last shot."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Rich Mountain

"The battle of Rich Mountain, Beverly Pike, Va., between a division of Major General McClellan's command,…

"It is remarkable, even among this active genus, for the agility with which it speeds along the rocks and ledges of its native haunts." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"It is remarkable, even among this active genus, for the agility with which it speeds along the rocks…

"The Sixteenth Regiment, Ohio Volunteers, under Colonel Irwine, crossing the tray run viaduct, near Cheat River, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. On its way to Rowlesburg, Va., the Sixteenth Regiment of Ohio Volunteers crossed the Tray Run Viaduct, one of the most remarkable engineering works on the whole line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. It spans a deep gorge in the mountains six hundred feet in width, and at a height of one hundred and sixty feet above the bed of the ravine. The roadway is supported on iron columns, secured and braced in a peculiar manner, and placed on a solid mass of masonry, which fills up the bottom of the run. The scenery at this point is equal to anything in the world, combining the choicest materials of mountain, forest and river."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Sixteenth Regiment

"The Sixteenth Regiment, Ohio Volunteers, under Colonel Irwine, crossing the tray run viaduct, near…

Inhabiting the higher reaches of Southern Europe, the rock thrush descends to lower altitudes during the winter.

Rock Thrush

Inhabiting the higher reaches of Southern Europe, the rock thrush descends to lower altitudes during…

"Is of a deep reddish-fawn color; its lives in pairs or small families, frequenting the reedy borders of mountain streams. It is found in South Africa, but at some distance from the Cape." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Is of a deep reddish-fawn color; its lives in pairs or small families, frequenting the reedy borders…

A concave hornbill perched on a branch, with mountains rising behind it.

Concave Hornbill

A concave hornbill perched on a branch, with mountains rising behind it.

"The mule is in fact an exceedingly hardy, strong, and useful animals. In all mountain countries, for its sureness of foot, its instinctive caution in choosing the path, and its skillful management in descending a perilous and steep track." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Abyssinian Mule

"The mule is in fact an exceedingly hardy, strong, and useful animals. In all mountain countries, for…

"Front Royal, Manassas Gap Railroad, Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance- the Federal army entering the town. Front Royal is situated on the Manassas Gap Railroad, on the banks of the Shenandoah, is ten miles from Strasburg and fifty-one miles from Manassas Junction. General Banks, at the head of his troops, dashed down the mountain and through the romantic village of Front Royal, which resounded with the rumble of wagons and clatter of hoofs, mingled with the music of the church bells calling to morning service. Hastening on toward the scene of conflict, to his surprise he brought up against his own pickets, and found that, instead of his own column, Fremont was upon the enemy."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Front Royal

"Front Royal, Manassas Gap Railroad, Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance- the Federal army entering…

"The Battle of Lookout Mountain, also known as the Battle Above the Clouds."&mdash;E. Benjamin Andrews 1895

Battle of Lookout Mountain

"The Battle of Lookout Mountain, also known as the Battle Above the Clouds."—E. Benjamin Andrews…

William's Rock. This view is taken from the road, looking northward. In the distance is seen the highest point of the French Mountain, on the left of which is Lake George. From this commanding height the French scouts had a fine view of all the English movements at the head of the lake.

William's Rock

William's Rock. This view is taken from the road, looking northward. In the distance is seen the highest…

Long Point and vicinity. This little sketch was taken from the steam-boat , near the south end of Long Island, which appears in the foreground. Long Point is seen in the center, and on the right are Dunham's Bay and the northern extremity of the French Mountain. The highest peak on the left is Deer Pasture, or Buck Mountain.

Long Point

Long Point and vicinity. This little sketch was taken from the steam-boat , near the south end of Long…

Chimney Point Landing. This view is taken from the green in front of the inn at Chimney Point, looking west-southwest. The first land seen across the lake is Crown Point, with the remaining barracks and other works of the fortress, and the dwellings and outhouses of Mr. Baker, and a resident farmer. Beyond the point is Bulwaggy Bay, a broad, deep estuary much wider than the lake at Chimney Point. Beyond the bay, and rising from its western shore, is a Bulwaggy mountain, varying in perpendicular height from four to nine hundred feet, and distant from the fort between one and two miles. A little to the right of the larger tree on the shore is the site of Fort St. Frederic, and at the edge of the circle on the left, along the same shore, is the locality of the <em>Grenadiers' Battery.</em> The wharf and bridge in the foreground form the steam-boat and ferry landing at Chimney Point.

Chimney Point

Chimney Point Landing. This view is taken from the green in front of the inn at Chimney Point, looking…

Western line of barracks. There were four large buildings used for barracks within the fort, the walls or chimneys of which were built of limestone. One of them has been entirely removed, and another, two hundred and eighty-seven feet long, is almost demolished. Portions of it are seen on the left, in the foreground of the picture. The walls of the other two-one, one hundred and ninety-two, and the other two hundred and sixteen feet long, and two stories high- are quite perfect, and one of them was roofed and inhabited until within two or three years.  At each end, and between these barracks, are seen the remains of the western range of barracks, and looking southeast. The hills in the distance are the Green Mountains on the left, and the nearer range called Snake mountain, on the right.

Western Line of Barracks

Western line of barracks. There were four large buildings used for barracks within the fort, the walls…

Beloeil Mountain, this sketch is taken from the southeast angle of old Fort chambly, showing the rapids in the forground. The mountain is twenty miles distant, near the Sorel. On the highest point of the range the Bishop of Nancy, a French prelate, erected a huge cross in 1843, the pedestal of which was sufficiently large to form a chapel capable of containing fifty persons. In November, 1847, during a severe thundergust, the lightning and wind completely emolished the cross, but spared the pedestal, and that, being white, may be seen at a great distance.

Beloeil Mountain

Beloeil Mountain, this sketch is taken from the southeast angle of old Fort chambly, showing the rapids…