Search for "paul revere statue" pictures
We found $localcount "paul revere statue" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (602)
Paul Revere on Horseback
Paul Revere on Horseback, from front
Paul Revere on Horseback, from front, close…
Paul revere on Horseback, left side
The Revere and Sons Bell
The Mechanism Used to Ring the Bell
A Garden at the Paul Revere House
The Coins on Revere's Tomb
The Sign on the Paul Revere House
A Pedestal Monument for Paul Revere
The Clapboard Seam
Divided Windows on the Second Floor
The Front Elevation of the Paul Revere House
Chives Growing in Paul Revere's Garden
The Bronze Plaque
The Side Gable
The Rear of the Ell
The Corner Pendants
A Side View of the Rear Ell
A Plaque for Paul Revere
The Front Door of 19 North Square
Ye Olde Peephole
A Leaded Casement Window, with Shutters
A View of Pinks in the Garden
A View of Chives Flowering in the Garden
A Pedestal Monument and a Headstone for…
A Divided Window, with Shutters
Saint Paul Statue on Trinity Church
An Oblique View of a Divided Window, with…
Gunner's Calipers
Another Leaded Casement Window, with Shutters
The Back Patio
The Overhanging Second Floor of the Ell
Pope John Paul II
View from St. Paul's Bastion of Castillo…
Rome, Santa Prassede, apse mosaic, St. Paul…
John Hancock's Pepper Box
A Statue of Ponce de Leon
Exterior of Castillo de San Marcos' Northwest…
Bronze Lion Statue
A Bronze Statue of Henry Morrison Flagler
Statue of a Woman
Heron Statue
Corners of the Northwest and Northeast Bastions…
Griffin Statue
Captain John Paul Jones
Florida Panther Statue
Three Otters Statue
Camel Statue
Greek Statue of Socrates Wearing Toga (Side…