The Woman in White
by Wilkie Collins

The Woman in White is an epistolary novel written by Wilkie Collins in 1859, serialized in 1859-1860, and first published in book form in 1860. It is considered to be to the first mystery novel, and is widely regarded as one of the first (and finest) in the genre of “sensation novels”.
Source: Collins, W. (1860). The Woman in White. London: All Year Round.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part I”
- The method by which the story is to be told is introduced, along with the first narrator.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part II”
- The narrator reveals some detail about his own past, as well as introducing his friend, Pesca, and the circumstances of their meeting.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part III”
- Pesca brings exciting news. Walter's reaction doesn't equal the reaction of the others.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part IV”
- Walter leaves home preparing himself for his new employment, but is distracted by a woman he meets on the road. She is mysterious and interesting to Walter, but is gone before he can find out more.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part V”
- Despite some difficulties, Walter completes his journey, wondering all the while about the mysterious woman. He arrives late, after the family has retired for the night, so he does the same.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part VI”
- Walter greets a new day with a new outlook. He meets one of his wards, Marian, at breakfast, and learns more of the ways of Limmeridge house.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part VII”
- Walter meets with Mr. Fairlie to discuss the terms of his employment. He hopes to avoid future meetings as much as possible.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part VIII”
- Walter meets Mrs. Vesey and Miss Fairlie. The group travels through the countryside and Walter considers the artwork already completed by the ladies. Marian discovers something in the letters from her mother.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part IX”
- Walter finds himself feeling things he never expected to feel. He looks to Marian to discover the cause for Laura's behavior.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part X”
- News comes that unsettles the residents of Limmeridge. Marian reveals what she knows to Walter. Arrangements are made for his departure.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part XI”
- Marian comes to Walter with the mysterious letter. The contents are revealed, and the two decide that they must continue their investigations into this matter.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part XII”
- Their search leads Marian and Walter to the school, where they hear the story of the "ghost" seen by one of the students. Walter resolves to further their search that evening.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part XIII”
- Walter finds the woman in white, just as he suspected. Their conversation gives him more information, but not enough to understand her completely.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part XIV”
- Walter is granted permission to leave. A visit is paid to Todd's Corner, where news of the woman in white is scarce. Concerns about Laura's groom-to-be continue to mount.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Begun by Walter Hartright, Part XV”
- The lawyer arrives, with his own plans for dealing with the situation. The group spends their last evening together. Laura gives Walter a parting gift.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Continued by Vincent Gilmore, Part I”
- Mr. Gilmore continues the story, explaining the initial degree of his involvement in the events related. Sir Percival makes his appearance, addressing the letter passed on to Laura.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Continued by Vincent Gilmore, Part II”
- Mr. Gilmore describes the interactions between Sir Percival and the two ladies of the house. As he prepares to depart for London he takes an opportunity to speak to Laura regarding her marriage plans.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Continued by Vincent Gilmore, Part III”
- Mr. Gilmore details the circumstances surrounding the creation of the marriage contract and the financial state of Miss Fairlie's affairs. He meets Walter, who seems much altered from the man he was.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Continued by Vincent Gilmore, Part IV”
- Mr. Gilmore travels to Limmeridge house to appeal to Mr. Fairlie. Mr. Fairlie behaves exactly as expected, much to Mr. Gilmore's dismay.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part I”
- An excerpt from Marian's diary reveals the events at Limmeridge house after Mr. Gilmore's departure. Laura attempts to free herself from the prospect of marriage by revealing a secret, but Sir Percival's reaction is not as she supposed. Marian shares news of Walter's departure.
- EPOCH ONE: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part II”
- Mariam describes the events leading up to the impending nuptials. She tries to convince herself of the goodness of Sir Percival, but finds fault with him nonetheless.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part I”
- Marian travels to Blackwater, where she waits to be reunited with Laura. She reveals what little she knows of Walter, Mr. Gilmore, and Laura. Marian is disturbed by the discovery of a wounded animal. The Catherick name is mentioned again.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part II”
- Mariam describes the various personalities staying at Blackwater, including a description of the changes she sees in Laura. Mr. Merriman arrives.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part III”
- Marian worries about what sort of document Laura is supposed to sign. The group walks to the lake, where a discussion of murder and crime commences. Mention of the Catherick name causes a rapid departure of Sir Percival.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part IV”
- Sir Percival tries to secure Laura's signature before his departure, but won't reveal the contents of the document. The Count steps in on her behalf, suggesting that he wait another day. The Countess behaves in a strangely friendly manner towards Marian, leading her to worry about the message she awaits.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part V”
- Marian and Laura take a walk, where Laura reveals some details of her marriage to Sir Percival. They see a strange figure, and Marian tries to find out who it could have been.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part VI”
- Marian waits for the letter, and is met by the Count. Laura returns from the search for her brooch with news of her own strange encounter. Marian is awoken from a strange, dream-like state in which she has a vision of Walter.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part VII”
- The meeting is intercepted. The Count and Countess step in once again. Marian and Laura find themselves trapped, with hopes of a plan but also with worry for their safety.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part VIII”
- Marian writes two letters, and passes them on to Fanny to be delivered. The Count and Countess behave strangely.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part IX”
- Marian sees an opportunity to listen in on the conversation between Sir Percival and the Count.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe, Part X”
- Marian begins to feel the effects of her late night outing. Her journal entry becomes scattered and incomprehensible.
- EPOCH TWO: “Postscript by a Sincere Friend”
- A new voice takes over the diary.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Frederick Fairlie, Esq., of Limmeridge House”
- Fairlie and Louis provide an account of Fanny's arrival, the Count's visit, and the letter sent to Laura.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Eliza Michelson, Part I”
- Mrs. Michelson tells of Marian's illness and treatment. Sir Percival suddenly decides to make changes.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued by Eliza Michelson, Part II”
- Mrs. Michelson is sent away on a hopeless errand. Upon her return, she and Laura are informed that Marian has left for Limmeridge house. Laura embarks in pursuit of her sister. Mrs. Michelson is made aware of the extent of Sir Percival's deceit.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued in Several Narratives, Part I”
- A servant contracted by Count Fosco relates the events that took place at St. John's Wood during Lady Glyde's stay.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued in Several Narratives, Part II”
- The death notice.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued in Several Narratives, Part III”
- A statement from the woman who prepared the body.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued in Several Narratives, Part IV”
- The tombstone.
- EPOCH TWO: “The Story Continued in Several Narratives, Part V”
- Walter returns to England. His happy reunion with his family is overshadowed by the news of Laura's death. He returns to Limmeridge house to pay his respects at her graveside.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part I”
- Walter tells of his new situation in life, living in London with his "sisters."
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part II”
- Walter explains the events that led to the sisters' reunion, as well as the circumstances that brought all three together once more.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part III”
- Walter and Marian save money and continue their investigations in hopes of finding justice against Sir Percival and Count Fosco. Laura slowly recovers herself.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part IV”
- Walter pays a largely unsuccessful visit to the lawyer. He is followed, but manages to avoid further detection. A letter arrives for Marian. Walter plans to go to Blackwater.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part V”
- The visit to Blackwater provides no new information, but Walter is followed once more. He and Marian continue, making arrangements to find Mrs. Clements.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part VI”
- Walter speaks to Mrs. Clements. She reveals Anne's actions during the time at Blackwater and leading up to her mysterious disappearance.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part VII”
- Mrs. Clements describes Anne's childhood and the scandal that surrounded her mother and Sir Percival.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part VIII”
- Walter meets Mrs. Catherick, and tries to discover the secret behind her relationship with Sir Percival.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part IX”
- Walter leaves Mrs. Catherick's to contemplate what new information he has learned. He travels to the church to check the marriage registry.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part X”
- On his journey to Knowlesbury Walter is assaulted. He narrowly escapes days in jail by calling upon a friend. His discovery at the lawyers leads him to believe he has found out Sir Percival's secret. There is a shocking turn of events back at the church.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part XI”
- Walter stays for the inquest. He considers what must have happened on that last night of Sir Percival's life. He returns to the inn to find a letter waiting.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Mrs. Catherick”
- Mrs. Catherick's letter reveals the basis of the relationship between Mrs. Catherick and Sir Percival. It also details Anne's involvment in the secret.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part I”
- Walter is angered by Mrs. Catherick's letter, but feels it still may prove useful. He gets worrying news from Marian, but cannot leave right away due to the inquest.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part II”
- Marian tells of Count Fosco's visit and threats. Walter reveals the circumstances surrounding Anne's birth.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part III”
- Walter and the ladies take a vacation to the sea. Walter approaches Marian regarding his intentions towards Laura.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part IV”
- Walter is happy with married life, but determines to continue with his investigations of Fosco. He calls on Pesca for assistance.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part V”
- Walter takes Pesca to the opera to see if he recognizes the Count. The result is not as he expected. He explains his plans to Pesca, and Pesca does all in his power to assist him.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part VI”
- Walter prepares himself for a meeting with the Count.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part VII”
- Walter surprises the Count with his approach. The two spend a tense night together.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Isidor Ottavio Baldassare Fosco: The Count’s Narrative”
- The Count's telling of his involvement in the course of events.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Concluded by Walter Hartright, Part I”
- The return to Limmeridge house and the truth revealed.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part II”
- Walter describes a trip to Paris where he learns the fate of Count Fosco.
- EPOCH THREE: “The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Part III”
- A child is born. The happy family makes their return to Limmeridge.