Squinty, the Comical Pig
by Richard Barnum

The readers find out the origin of Squinty’s name. Squinty and his brothers and sisters grow up. Squinty wants to see the world and have some adventures, so he escapes. However, he’s caught by the dog.
Source: Barnum, R. (1915). Squinty, the comical pig. New York: Barse and Hopkins.
- Chapter 1: “Squinty and the Dog”
- The readers find out the origin of Squinty’s name. Squinty and his brothers and sisters grow up. Squinty wants to see the world and have some adventures, so he escapes. However, he’s caught by the dog.
- Chapter 2: “Squinty Runs Away”
- Don, the dog, brings him back to the pen. The pigs continue to live their lives and play. Squinty continues to daydream about the outside world and escapes once again.
- Chapter 3: “Squinty is Lost”
- Squinty manages to escape the farm and the dog. He steals some potatoes, takes a bath, and winds up lost.
- Chapter 4: “Squinty Gets Home”
- Squinty continues to wander lost in a corn field. Squinty’s family notices that he’s gone, as does the farmer. He sends the dog after Squinty. Squinty returns home.
- Chapter 5: “Squinty and the Boy”
- Squinty’s brothers and sisters were glad to see him and he told them of his adventures in getting lost. A boy begs his father to buy Squinty from the farm. The farmer agrees and Squinty is sold to the boy.
- Chapter 6: “Squinty on a Journey”
- The boy and his father return and take Squinty away. Squinty made up his mind that he was looking forward to his long journey.
- Chapter 7: “Squinty Learns a Trick”
- Squinty was taken on a train and finally to a white house where he was given food and water. The Pig family wonders what is happening to Squinty. Squinty learns to jump rope.
- Chapter 8: “Squinty in the Woods”
- Bob, the boy, shows his sisters the tricks he has taught Squinty. Squinty escapes from his pen and wanders into the woods.
- Chapter 9: “Squinty’s Balloon Ride”
- Squinty gets lost in the woods and stays the night. He meets a guy in a hot air balloon basket. Squinty takes a ride in a balloon.
- Chapter 10: “Squinty and the Squirrel”
- Squinty takes a ride in an air balloon with the men. They feed him and then he falls asleep. When the balloon lands, Squinty falls out of the basket and tries to run home. On the way he meets a squirrel named Slicko.
- Chapter 11: “Squinty and the Merry Monkey”
- Squinty meets Slicko, the jumping squirrel, and comes to a road full of wagons. He discovers a circus and meets Mappo the monkey, who wants to run away.
- Chapter 12: “Squinty Gets Home Again”
- Squinty and Mappo continued through the woods until Mappo was captured. Squinty continued through the woods until he came to a farm. He recognizes Don’s bark and runs to his pen. He is reunited with his family.