Symbolic Logic
by Lewis Carroll

Symbolic Logic is a text discussing the area of mathematics which studies the purely formal properties of strings of symbols.
Source: Carroll, L. (1896). Symbolic Logic. New York; Macmillan & Co.
- “Sylogism”
- An example of syllogism.
- “Advertisement”
- An advertisement preceding the text.
- “Preface to the Fourth Edition”
- The preface to the work.
- “Introduction”
- An introduction to the text.
- “Book 1: Chapter 1”
- An explanation of important terms.
- “Book 1: Chapter 2”
- An explanation of the terms involved in determining classification.
- “Book 1: Chapter 3”
- The methods of division are discussed.
- “Book 1: Chapter 4”
- The method by which things are named is explained.
- “Book 1: Chapter 5”
- This chapter explains how definitions are created.
- “Book 2: Chapter 1”
- The author explains the general characteristics of a proposition.
- “Book 2: Chapter 2”
- The types of propositions of existence are explained.
- “Book 2: Chapter 3”
- Propositions of relation are explained, with relevant examples provided.
- “Book 3: Chapter 1”
- An explanation of the parts of the bilateral diagram, including instructions on learning the various sections.
- “Book 3: Chapter 2”
- This chapter explains the designations assigned to the different counters.
- “Book 3: Chapter 3”
- The author provides examples of how to represent to various types of propositions within the chart.
- “Book 3: Chapter 4”
- The author suggests methods for practicing the interpretation of the diagram.
- “Book 4: Chapter 1”
- The author explains the transition to using a trilateral diagram.
- “Book 4: Chapter 2”
- The author describes the propositions that can be represented on the trilateral diagram.
- “Book 4: Chapter 3”
- The method for representing various propositions is explained.
- “Book 4: Chapter 4”
- The author explains methods for reading the trilateral diagram.
- “Book 5: Chapter 1”
- This chapter details the definition and creation of syllogisms.
- “Book 5: Chapter 2”
- This chapter describes the problems inherent in syllogisms.
- “Book 6: Chapter 1”
- A brief explanation of the use of subscripts
- “Book 6: Chapter 2”
- Various propositions are considered and written in subscript form.
- “Book 6: Chapter 3”
- Syllogisms and subscripts come together.
- “Book 7: Chapter 1”
- Definiton and introduction to sorites.
- “Book 7: Chapter 2”
- The author addresses the various problems relating to soriteses.
- Year Published: 1896
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: United States of America
- Flesch–Kincaid Level: 10.5
- Word Count: 47,888
- Genre: Informational
- Keywords: math history, mathematics