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A collection of world and multi-continent maps, including various projections, hemispheric maps, physical and political maps, early known world maps, climate maps, relief maps, ocean current maps, population density and distribution maps, vegetation maps, and economic/resource maps.

Currents and Drifts of the Oceans, 1910
A chart from 1910 showing the principal ocean currents and ocean drifts of the world. The map shows both warm and cold currents and direction of flow for the Gulf Stream, Labrador, Greenland, Japan, California, and South Equatorial currents, the West...

Isothermal Chart of the World for January, 1910
An isothermal chart of the world from 1910 showing typical isotherm patterns for the month of January. "An isotherm is a line connecting places having the same average temperature. An isothermal chart is one showing these isotherms for a given a...

Animal Regions of the World, 1910
A map of the world from 1910, showing the geographic distribution of animal regions broken down as the North American, South American, Australian, Eurasian, Oriental, and Ethiopian regions....

The World, 1910
A world map from 1901 showing the International Date Line, submarine telegraph cables and oceanic steamship routes with distances between major ports. The map is color–coded to show the territorial possessions of the United States, Great Britai...

The World showing United States and its dependencies, 1910
Map of The World showing the United States and its dependencies....

Map of Temperature Zones, 1910
A world map from 1910 showing the torrid, temperate, and frigid zones based on lines of latitude. "The boundaries of the torrid zone are easily fixed, because they mark the points farthest north and south where the sun's rays are vertical at som...

Earth and the Greenwich Meridian, 1910
A map of the globe from 1910 showing "[t]he earth, cut in halves along the Greenwich meridian, showing some of the meridians. The meridian 20° is usually considered the dividing line between the eastern and western hemispheres." ...

Wind Belts, 1910
A diagram to show the principal wind belts of earth....

Mean Annual Rainfall of the World, 1910
A world map from 1910 showing mean annual rainfall. The map is shaded to show areas where rainfall ranges from under 10 inches to areas where rain fall averages over 120 inches....

The principal ocean currents and ocean drifts of the world, 1910
A chart from 1910 showing the principal ocean currents and ocean drifts of the world....

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  Maps > Globes and Multi-continent > Complete Maps
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College of Education, University of South Florida