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A collection of world and multi-continent maps, including various projections, hemispheric maps, physical and political maps, early known world maps, climate maps, relief maps, ocean current maps, population density and distribution maps, vegetation maps, and economic/resource maps.

Mercator's Projection of the World, 1909
A map from 1909 showing the world on a Mercator's Projection. "In Mercator's Projection, the meridians and parallels are straight lines crossing at right angles, and the spaces between them are so proportioned that any continuous direction on th...

Lambert's Projection of the World, 1909
A double hemisphere map of the world from 1909 showing the Lambert's Projection of the Eastern and Western hemispheres. "In Lambert's Projection (Fig. 27), equal areas on the map represent equal areas on the earth's surface. It may, therefore, b...

Polar Projection of the World, 1909
A star-shaped map from 1909 showing the world on a polar projection. "In Polar Projection, the observer is supposed to be immediately over one of the poles of the earth, in the center of the map, and able to see at a glance the whole polar hemis...

World Annual Rainfall, 1909
A world map from 1909 on a Lambert's Projection, showing the distribution of mean annual rainfall. The map is color–coded to show mean rainfall ranging from more than 75 inches annually to less than 10 inches. "The reasons for the peculiar...

Average World Tobacco Production, 1909–1913
A map from the United States Department of Agriculture showing centers of production of tobacco across the world between 1909 and 1913. Each dot on this map represents the production of 5,000,000 pounds of tobacco in this period, and the map includes...

The World on Mercator's Projection , 1910
A map of the World from 1910, showing the world's main lines of international commerce in connection with Europe. This map shows principal railways, and steamship routes with distance given in nautical miles between ports....

The World, 1910
A map of the world from 1910 on a Mercator's Projection. This map centers on North and South America rather than being Eurocentric, resulting in splitting the Eurasian landmass along longitude 90°. ...

A Map of the Climate Zones, 1910
A map of the world from 1910, showing the Earth's latitudinal climate zones (North Frigid or Arctic, North Temperate, Torpid or Tropical, South Temperate, and Cold Southern Water), and corresponding isotherm zones, illustrating how latitude does not ...

Wind Belts of Earth, 1910
A map from 1910 showing the principal wind belts and prevailing wind directions of the earth. This map shows the wind directions for the Prevailing Westerlies, Horse Latitudes, Northeast and Southeast Trade Winds, Belt of Calms, and Winter Monsoons. ...

Mean Annual Rainfall of the World, 1910
A world map from 1910 showing mean annual rainfall. The map is shaded to show areas where rainfall ranges from under 10 inches to areas where rain fall averages over 120 inches....

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  Maps > Globes and Multi-continent > Complete Maps
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College of Education, University of South Florida