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A collection of historic maps of early America from explorations and settlements of the English, French, and Spanish, to the end of the American Revolutionary War.

New England, 1650
A facsimile of an early French sketch map (1650) showing landmarks, European settlements, and native lands. The map is keyed to show: (1) Sauvages Hurons; (2) Lac des Iroquois (Lake Champlain); (3) Sauvages Iroquios; (4) Sauvages Malectites; (5) Sauv...

Atlantic Coast Development, 1650–1695
A series of maps showing the development and colonial claims of the northern Atlantic Coast between 1650 and 1695. The maps are color–coded to show charter colonies, proprietary colonies, and the royal colonies. The map from 1650 shows the colo...

Visscher's Map of the Delaware Bay and River, and New Sweden, 1651
A facsimile of an early map by Claes Jannson Visscher (1651) of Nova Svecia (New Sweden) showing the Delaware Bay and River, Pensylvania [sic], Nieu Iarsey (New Jersey), Cape Henlopen, Cape May, Fort Elfsburg, Fort Kasimir, Fort Christina, and Philad...

Chesapeake and Delaware Bays, 1652
A map of the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay region in 1652 showing the early European settlements of Providence (Annapolis), Fort Christina, and Fort Nassau, and the areas of the Kent Company, Anne Arundel Company, Charles Company, and St. Mary's Co...

The Carolinas, 1653–1680
A base map of the coast of the Carolinas showing the early European settlements of Roanoke Island (1585), the Albemarle Settlements (1653), Port Royal (1670), and Charleston (1680)....

Lindstrom's Map of New Sweden and Pennsylvania, 1654–1655
A facsimile of an early map by Peter Lindström (1654–1655) showing the Delaware Bay and the territories of New Sweden and Pennsylvania. This map is oriented with north to the left, and shows Cape May and Cape Henlopen on the Atlantic, Fort...

Siege of Christina Fort, 1655
A facsimile of the plan of Fort Christina at the confluence of Brandywine Creek and Christina Creek near the Delaware River (beyond right margin of map) during the siege by the Dutch in 1655. The Swedish fort was a primary objective of the Dutch in t...

Development of Early Carolina, 1663–1732
A map showing the development of the Carolinas from the land grant of Charles II in 1663 to the establishment of the Province of Georgia by charter in 1732. The map shows the area of Carolina as established by the Patent of 1665 extending from 36°...

The Carolina Grant, 1665
A map of Georgia and the Carolinas, showing the land granted to eight English lords and gentlemen as joint proprietaries by King Charles II under the charter of 1663, which extended from the southern border of Virginia south to the 29° parallel i...

Connecticut River, 1666
A facsimile of an early Dutch map of the Connecticut River, the eastern boundary claimed by New Netherlands in 1666. The map is oriented with north to the right, and shows the early settlements and native villages, shoreline, and water depths of the ...

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  Maps > United States > Early America 1400-1800
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