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A collection of historic maps of early America from explorations and settlements of the English, French, and Spanish, to the end of the American Revolutionary War.

New York and vicinity, 1666
A facsimile of a portion of an early Dutch map (1661) detailing Eyl Manhattans (Manhattan Island) and vicinity. The map is oriented with north to the right. The map shows the fortified settlement of New Amsterdam, the western part of Lange Eyland (Lo...

Sir John Lederer's Marches, 1672
A facsimile of an early map (1672) showing the three routes taken by explorer John Lederer from the headwaters of the York River inland to the Appalachian Mountains between 1669 and 1670. The map is oriented with north to the right, and shows the ter...

Mississippi Valley, 1672–1673
A facsimile from the collection of Francis Parkman (1865) of an early map of the Mississippi River Valley from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, showing the explorations of Father Jacques Marquette (1672–1673). The map shows Lac de Michiga...

New Jersey, 1674–1702
A map of the New Jersey Colony between the establishment of the Dutch settlement at Bergen (1617), the acquisition, between the lower Hudson and Delaware Rivers, subdivided by the Duke of York to form East Jersey and West Jersey, and the unification ...

King Philip's War, 1675–1676
A map of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, and part of Massachusetts, showing the area of the initial stage of King Phillip's War, also known as Metacom's Rebellion (1675–1676). The map shows the site of Swanzey (Swansea), Mt. Hope (Bristol), Kin...

The Two Jerseys, 1676–1702
A sketch map of New Jersey showing the boundary between West New Jersey and East New Jersey established in 1676 (unified under the governor of New York in 1702), and the neighboring cities of New York, Philadelphia and Newcastle....

Boundary Dispute between Maryland and Pennsylvania, 1681–1767
A map showing the boundary dispute between the British colonies of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware between 1681 and 1767. The map shows the lands in dispute, as English King Charles II paid his debt to William Penn by issuing him a charter for t...

Mississippi Valley, 1682
A facsimile of a map by Jean Baptiste Louis Franquelin (1682) of the Mississippi River Valley from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico showing the explorations of Robert LaSalle (René–Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle) as far south as...

Types of Colonial Governments, 1682–1730
A series of three maps of the British colonies in North America showing the types of colonial governments between 1682, 1692, and 1730, and the shift from charter colonies electing their own governors to the colonies with councilors appointed by the ...

Early Settlements in New England and Distribution of the Indian Tribes, 1686
A map of the Dominion of New England (1686), showing the early settlements and the general tribal lands of the Pawtuckets, Massachusetts, Wampanoags, Narragansets, Nipmucks, Pequods, and Mohegans. "New England, a collective name given to six E. ...

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  Maps > United States > Early America 1400-1800
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