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  Maps > United States > Early America 1400-1800
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A collection of historic maps of early America from explorations and settlements of the English, French, and Spanish, to the end of the American Revolutionary War.

The Far West, 1686–1754
A map of the region from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Rockies to east of the Mississippi River in 1686–1754, showing the French exploration and trade routes in the area at the time. The map shows forts, rivers, European an...

Intercolonial Wars, 1689–1713
A map of eastern colonial North America showing the struggle for supremacy between England, France, and Spain in the region, from the King William's War (1689–1692) to Queen Anne's War (1702–1713), a period also known as the Intercolonial...

Pennsylvania and West Jersey, 1698
A facsimile of Gabriel Thomas's map (1698) of eastern Pennsylvania and West New Jersey, showing the Delaware Bay and Delaware River to Bucks County, the northern reach of the Chesapeake Bay, Philadelphia, and early settlements in the area....

Carte Des Environs du Mississippi, 1700
A facsimile of a map of the Mississippi Delta showing the explorations of the French Canadian Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville in 1700. The map shows Lake Pontchartrain, Fort Biloxi, and the channels of the Mississippi River....

Development of Colonies and Early Western Explorations, 1700–1775
A map of eastern North America showing the early development of the European colonies and westward exploration to the Mississippi River. The map shows the routes of several early explorers with dates of exploration, including La Salle, Hennepin, Marq...

Pioneer Settlements on the Western Frontier, 1700s
Pioneer settlements on the western frontier....

Fort Oswego, 1727–1756
A plan of the fortifications of the British trading post on the Oswego River at its mouth on Lake Ontario, constructed in 1727 and destroyed by the French in 1756. The map shows the site of the old fort on the western bank of the river, the harbor, F...

Georgia Projected, 1732
A map of the coastal Carolinas, and part of the newly formed Georgia Colony, or Province of Georgia, in 1732. The map shows the earlier settlements of the Albemarle Sound (1653), Port Royal (1670), Charleston (1680), and the settlement of Savannah in...

Colonial Georgia, 1732–1763
A map of Colonial Georgia, showing the proclamation line of the original United States established at the end of the American Revolutionary War in 1763, the boundary when Georgia was established from the Carolinas as a buffer between the United State...

The Present Territory of the United States as claimed by European Powers, 1749
A map of the present territory of the United States as claimed by the French, English, and Spanish in 1749....

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  Maps > United States > Early America 1400-1800
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