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  Maps > United States > Early America 1400-1800
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A collection of historic maps of early America from explorations and settlements of the English, French, and Spanish, to the end of the American Revolutionary War.

Part of De Laet's Map, 1630
A facsimile of a portion of the Dutch map by Johannes de Laet (1630) showing the territories claimed by New Netherlands and New England, from Cape Hinlopen and Cape May on Delaware Bay north to the coast of Maine. The map shows Zuyd Rivier (South Riv...

New England, 1631
A facsimile of an early map of New England in 1631 as observed by Captain John Smith in 1614. The map covers the coastline from Cape James (Cape Cod) and Stuards Bay (Cape Cod Bay) north to Pembrocks Bay and the Bay of Fundy. A settlement is shown at...

Chart of Early Virginia, 1632
A map of the lower James River, Chesapeake Bay, and Accomack County, showing the early English settlements in the Virginia Colony in 1632. The map is keyed to show the extent of English settlement at the time, and shows the Native American settlement...

Winthrop Map, 1633
A facsimile of a map by John Winthrop (1633) of the Boston area, including the Merrimac and Concord Rivers, Plum Island, and roads leading to Saugus, Salem, Winesemett, and Meadford. The map is oriented with north to the left....

Pequod (Pequot) War, 1636–1638
A map of southern Connecticut and Rhode Island showing the area of the Pequot War (1636–1638) between the allied Massachusetts and Plymouth colonies against the Pequot tribe. The map shows the territories of the Mohegans, Narragansetts, and Peq...

New Sweden, 1638–1655
A map of New Sweden (1638–1655) from an article by Gregory Keen (1878) showing Cape May and Cape Henlopen, the Delaware Bay and the Delaware River (New Sweden River) north to Trenton, New Jersey, including Philadelphia and Bristol. The map show...

North American Colonies, 1643
A map of the North American Colonies in 1643 at the establishment of the New England Confederation. The map is color–coded to show the territorial claims of the British, French, Dutch, and Swedish at the time, and shows the British colonies of ...

New England Grants, 1643–1684
A map of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and New England Confederation (1643–1684) showing the grants of the area, and is keyed to show: (1) the Plymouth Colony (1620), (2) Massachusetts, (3) Massachusetts Bay, (4) Maine, (5) New Hampshire, (6) Co...

From Dudley's Arcano del Mare, 1646
A facsimile of an early map from the Arcano del Mare (Robert Dudley, 1642) of the Nova Belgia (New Amsterdam) and New England coastline from Long Island to east of the St. Croix River....

The Country East of The Mississippi, 1650
A map from 1872 of the country east of the Mississippi for the year 1650, forty-seven years after the settlement of Jamestown. This map shows early commencement of European settlement and the principal Native American tribal lands east of the Mississ...

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  Maps > United States > Early America 1400-1800
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