The Comparative Anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 228 images of anatomy comparing numerous parts of humans and animals, showing similarities and differences among species and between different taxonomic orders.
The molar teeth of a human, horse and dog. The first image to the left in a molar tooth of a horse.…
The power possessed by the hand of a human is chiefly depended upon the size and power of the thumb,…
"A nephridium of leech. F., Internal terminal funnel; C., glandular coil covered with blood vessels;…
"Section through a young newt. c.t., Connective tissue; E., epidermis; D., dermis; S.C., spinal cord;…
Olfactory and supporting cells in a frog and a human. A. Frog. B. Human. C. Human.
"The outline of the brain of an orang outang. Front portion F to O, cerebrum; C, cerebellum; M, medulla…
"Diagram illustrating the maturation and fertilization of the ovum. A, formation of first polar globule;…
"Heart and arterial system of pigeon. R.A., right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle;…
"Brain of pigeon (I. dorsal, II. ventral, III. lateral aspects). OLF.L., Olfactory lobes; C.H., cerebral…
"Columba livia. The brain; A, from above; B, from below; C, from the left side. cb, cerebellum; c. h,…
"Columba livia. Part of left foot of an unhatched embryo. The cartilage is dotted. mtl. 2, second; mtl.…
"Columba livia. Female urino-genital organs. cl. 2, urodaeum; cl. 3, proctodaeum; k, kidney; l. od,…
"Columba livia. Male urino-genital organs. adr, adrenal; cl. 2, urodaeum; cl. 3, proctodaeum; k, kidney;…
"A, heart of the pigeon, dorsal aspect. a. ao, arch of aorta; br. a, brachial artery; br. v, bachial…
"Columba livia. Left innominate of a nestling. The cartilage is dotted. ac, acetabulum; a. tr, anti-trochanter;…
"Columba livia. Left manus of a nestling. The cartilaginous parts are dotted. cp. 1, radiale; cp. 2,…
"Columba livia. Sacrum of a nestling (about fourteen days old), ventral aspect. c1, centrum of first…
"Columba livia. Skull of young specimen. A, dorsal; B, ventral; C, left side. al. s, alisphenoid; au,…
"Female urogenital organs of pigeon. K., Kidney with three lobes; u., ureter; cl., cloaca; ov., ovary;…
"Male urogenital organs of pigeon. T., testes; V., base of inferior vena cava; S.R., suprarenal bodies;…
"Heart and venous system of pigeon. R.A., Right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle;…
"Proneomenia. Nervous system. e.g., Cerebral ganglia; slg., sublingual; a.p.g., anterior pedal; p.p.g.,…
"Lepus cuniculus. Brain. A, dorsal view; B, ventral; b. o, olfactory lobe; cb', median lobe of cerebellum…
"Lepus cuniculus. Longitudinal vertical sectioin of the brain. cb, cerebellum, showing arbor vitae;…
"Dorsal view of rabbit's brain. olf.l., Olfactory lobes; c.h., cerebral hemispheres; o.l., optic lobes…
"Under surface of rabbit's brain. olf.l., Olfactory lobes; o.t., olfactory tract; f.l., frontal lobe…
"Diagram of caecum in rabbit. s.i., Small intestine; s.r., sacculus rotundus; col., sacculated colon;…
"Duodenum of rabbit. P., Pyloric end of stomach; g.b., gall-bladder with bile duct and hepatic ducts;…
"Fore-limb and shoulder-girdle (I.) and hind-limb (II.) of rabbit. SC., Scapula; A., acromion; M., metacromion…
Lobule of rabbit's liver, vessels and bile ducts injected. Labels: a, central or intralobular vein;…
"Lepus cuniculus. Shoulder-girdle with anterior end of sternum of young specimen. a, acromion; af, pre-scapular…
"Side view of rabbit's skull. Pmx., Premaxilla; Na., nasal; Fr., frontal; Pa., parietal; Sq., squamosal;…
"Under surface of rabit's skull. Inc. I., First incisors; Inc. II., second incisors; PMX., premaxilla;…
"Upper surface of rabbit's skull. N., Anterior nostril; PMX., premaxilla; NA., nasal; FR., anterior…
"Lepus cuniculus. The urogenital organs. A, of male; B, of female, from the left side. The kidneys and…
"Lepus cuniculus. The anterior end of the vagina, with the right uterus. Fallopian tube, and ovary.…
Vertical section of the intestinal mucous membrane of the rabbit. Two villi are represented, in one…
"Stomach of Rat (B)...c, cardiac portion; p, pyloric portion; o, esophagus; i, intestine." -Galloway,…
The illustration exhibits the typical characters of the red blood cells in the main divisions of Vertbrata.…
"Diagram of the heart and branchial arches in a Reptile...a, aorta; au., auricle; c, carotid; c.v.,…
The development of the respiratory organs. A, is the esophagus of a chick on the fourth day of incubation,…
The respiratory apparatus of other mammals is similar to humans in both structure and function. The…
Portions of four ribs of a dog with the muscles between them. Labels: a, a, ventral ends of the ribs,…
"Diagram of the stomach of a ruminant. o, esophagus; r, rumen or paunch; re., reticulum, or honeycomb;…
Diagram of a sarcomere in a moderately extended condition, A, and in a contracted condition, B. K, Krause's…
Diagrams of sarcostyles of insects' wing muscles. A, relaxed; B, contracted.
"Chromatophore of Sepia, magnified. nuc, nuclei in wall of sac; pigm, pigment; rad. mus, radiating strands…
Serous glands. Labels: a, rabbit's pancreas "loaded" (resting); c, "discharged" (active) (observed in…
"Side view of sheep's skull. PMX., Premaxilla; MX., maxilla; NA., nasal; J., Jugal; L., lachrymal; FR.,…
"Stomach of sheep. a, OEsophagus; c, rumen or paunch; d, reticulum or honeycomb-bag; e, psalterium or…
The four stomachs of the sheep, a grass-eating animal. The beginning of the intestines are also shown,…
"Heart and adjacent vessels of skate. v., Ventricle; c.a., conus arteriosus; p.i., posterior innominate;…
"Dissection of nerves of skate. CH., Cerebral hemispheres; O.TH., optic thalami; OL., optic lobes; M.,…
Skeleton of skate. nc, nasal capsules; pq, palato-pterygo-quadrate cartilage; M, Meckel's cartilage;…
"Under surface of skull and arches of skate. l.1, First labial cartilage; R., rostrum; tr., trabecular…
"Side view of skate's skull. l1., First labial cartilage; n.c., nasal capsule; a.o., antorbital;,…