"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells. K, showing only the lower half of the megaspore or embryo-sac cavity, with pollen tube, pt, and male nucleus, mn, fusing with egg cell, eg, and second male nucleus, mn2, uniting with primary endosperm nucleus, pe; s, synergid." -Stevens, 1916

Megaspore Formation Stage 11

"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…

"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells. L, later stage in the embryo-sac, an, antipodal cells, em, beginning of the embryo by division of fertilized egg cell; five dividing nuclei descended from primary endosperm nucleus." -Stevens, 1916

Megaspore Formation Stage 12

"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…

"Showing the planes in which sections are cut transversely." -Stevens, 1916

Cutting Sections Transversely

"Showing the planes in which sections are cut transversely." -Stevens, 1916

"Showing the planes in which sections are cut longitudinal radially" -Stevens, 1916

Cutting Radially

"Showing the planes in which sections are cut longitudinal radially" -Stevens, 1916

"Showing the planes in which sections are cut longitudinal tangentially." -Stevens, 1916

Cutting Tangentially

"Showing the planes in which sections are cut longitudinal tangentially." -Stevens, 1916

"Showing how to trim a block for cutting longitudinal sections." -Stevens, 1916


"Showing how to trim a block for cutting longitudinal sections." -Stevens, 1916

"Simple microtome for clamping to table. P, P, plate glass ways for the section knife; S, milled-head for clamping the object; M, micrometer milled-head for turning the screw that raises the object as the sections are cur; C, milled-head for clamping the microtome to the table." -Stevens, 1916


"Simple microtome for clamping to table. P, P, plate glass ways for the section knife; S, milled-head…

"Showing the manner of holding the knife blade on the glass ways, and, by the arrow, the direction of sliding he knife while cutting the sections." -Stevens, 1916

Microtome and Razor

"Showing the manner of holding the knife blade on the glass ways, and, by the arrow, the direction of…

"A sliding microtome of simple construction, adapted to cutting all kinds of sections." -Stevens, 1916

Sliding Microtome

"A sliding microtome of simple construction, adapted to cutting all kinds of sections." -Stevens, 1916

"Showing the manner of honing the section knife or razor." -Stevens, 1916

Cutting Plant Sections

"Showing the manner of honing the section knife or razor." -Stevens, 1916

"Illustrating how the section knife or razor is drawn across the strop." -Stevens, 1916

Cutting Plant Sections

"Illustrating how the section knife or razor is drawn across the strop." -Stevens, 1916

"Turn table for cementing coverglasses to slides. For use where the mounting medium is glycerine or glycerine jelly." -Stevens, 1916

Mounting Plant Sections

"Turn table for cementing coverglasses to slides. For use where the mounting medium is glycerine or…

"Longitudinal section of lobster, showing some of the organs. H., Heart; AO., ophthalmic artery; SA., superior abdominal artery; MG., mid-gut; DG., digestive gland; HG., hind-gut; Ex., extensor muscles of he tail; Fl., flexor muscles of the tail; IA., inferior abdominal artery; G., gizzard; C., cerebral ganglia; P., pericardium; T., testes." -Thomson, 1916

Lobster Organs

"Longitudinal section of lobster, showing some of the organs. H., Heart; AO., ophthalmic artery; SA.,…

"Section through cephalothorax of a crab. H., Heart; Te., extension of the tergum; ST., sternum; PL., pleuron; T., tendons; 1st W.L., insertion of first walking leg; Br., gill in gill-chamber; g., gut; d.a., descending artery; A., afferent branchial; E., efferent branchial." -Thomson, 1916

Crab Cephalothorax

"Section through cephalothorax of a crab. H., Heart; Te., extension of the tergum; ST., sternum; PL.,…

"Daphnia. E., Eye; A.2, second antenna; A.1, first antenna; dg., digestive caeca; s.g., shell gland; go., gonad; h., heart in pericardium; o., ovum; B.p., brood-pouch; sp., spine; f., furca; s., setae; Ab., rudimentary abdomen; t., caudal fork; g., gut; 1-5, thoracic limbs." -Thomson, 1916


"Daphnia. E., Eye; A.2, second antenna; A.1, first antenna; dg., digestive caeca; s.g., shell gland;…

"Cypris, side view, after removal of one valve. e., Eye; A.1, first antennae; A.2, second antennae; MN., mandibles; mx.1, first maxilla; mx.2, second maxilla; f.1, f.2, thoracic legs; Ab., rudimentary abdomen." -Thomson, 1916


"Cypris, side view, after removal of one valve. e., Eye; A.1, first antennae; A.2, second antennae;…

"Cyclops type. I A., first antenna; II A., second antenna; OV., ovary; R.S., receptaculum seminis; OS., ovisac; F., caudal fork." -Thomson, 1916


"Cyclops type. I A., first antenna; II A., second antenna; OV., ovary; R.S., receptaculum seminis; OS.,…

"Dissection of Peripatus. at., Antennae; or.p., oral papillae; c.g., cerebral ganglia; sl.d., duct of slime gland (sl.g.); s.o.8, eighth segmental organ or nephridium; v.c., ventral nerve connected by transverse commissures (co.) with its fellow; s.o.17, seventeenth nephridium; g.o., genital aperture; A., anus; p.d.c., posterior commissure; F.17, seventeenth appendage; a.g., last crural gland--that of the opposite side is marked v.g.; F.1, F.2 first and second legs; oe.co., osophageal nerve commisure; oe., oesophagus; ph., pharynx--the remainder of he gut is removed." -Thomson, 1916

Peripatus Dissection

"Dissection of Peripatus. at., Antennae; or.p., oral papillae; c.g., cerebral ganglia; sl.d., duct of…

"Transverse section of insect. h., Heart; g., gut; n., nerve-cord; st., stigma; tr., trachea; w., wing; f., femur of leg." -Thomson, 1916

Insect Section

"Transverse section of insect. h., Heart; g., gut; n., nerve-cord; st., stigma; tr., trachea; w., wing;…

"Head and mouth parts of bee. a., Antenna; m., mandible; g., labrum or epipharynx; mx.p., rudiment of maxillary palp; mx., lamina of maxilla; lp., labial palp; l., ligula; b., bouton at end. The paraglossae lie concealed between the basal portions of the labial palps and the ligula." -Thomson, 1916

Bee Head

"Head and mouth parts of bee. a., Antenna; m., mandible; g., labrum or epipharynx; mx.p., rudiment of…

"Ideal mollusc. m., Mouth; g.c., cerebral ganglia; c., edges of mantle skirt; z.g., duct of right lobe of digestive gland; s., pericardial cavity; f., edges of shell-sac; v., ventricle of heart; u., nephridium; an., anus; n., posterior part of the foot; l., opening of nephridium; k., genital aperture; g.ab., abdominal ganglion on visceral loop; g.v., visceral ganglion; z.l., left lobe of digestive gland; p., foot; g.pe., pedal ganglion; g.pl. pleural ganglion." -Thomson, 1916

Mollusc Parts

"Ideal mollusc. m., Mouth; g.c., cerebral ganglia; c., edges of mantle skirt; z.g., duct of right lobe…

"Roman snail (Helix pomatia). Note shell covering visceral hump; p.ap., pulmonary aperture (including anus and opening of ureter); f., the foot; g.ap., genital aperture; m., mouth; e., eye on long horn; s.h., one of short horns." -Thomson, 1916

Roman Snail

"Roman snail (Helix pomatia). Note shell covering visceral hump; p.ap., pulmonary aperture (including…

"Dissection of snail. T., Short horn; TT., long horn with eye; N., cerebral ganglia; S.G., salivary glands on the crop; F., foot; M., columellar muscle; V.C., visceral coil; O.T., ovotestis; V., ventricle of heart; R. rectum; U., ureter; B.V., blood vessels returning to the auricle from the mantle; A., pulmonary aperture; MA., edge of the mantle." -Thomson, 1916


"Dissection of snail. T., Short horn; TT., long horn with eye; N., cerebral ganglia; S.G., salivary…

"Reproductive organs of Helix pomatia. O.T., Ovotestis; H.D., hermaphrodite duct; A.G., albumen gland; F.D., female side of common duct; M.D., male side of common duct; O., oviduct; R.S., receptaculum seminis; M.G., mucus glands; D.S., dart-sac; V.D., vas deferens; FL., flagellum; P., penis; M., retractor muscle of penis; AP., genital aperture." -Thomson, 1916

Snail Reproductive Organs

"Reproductive organs of Helix pomatia. O.T., Ovotestis; H.D., hermaphrodite duct; A.G., albumen gland;…

"Ideal fore limb. H., Humerus; R., radius; U., ulna; r'., radiale; u'., ulnare; i., intermedium; c., centrale; 1-5, carpalia bearing the corresponding digits with metacarpals (mc.) and phalanges (ph)." -Thomson, 1916

Vertebrate Fore Limb

"Ideal fore limb. H., Humerus; R., radius; U., ulna; r'., radiale; u'., ulnare; i., intermedium; c.,…

"f., Femur; ti., tibia; fi., fibula; i., intermedium; t., tibiale (astragalus); f., fibulare (os calcis); c., centrale; 1-5, tarsalia bearing the corresponding digits with metatarsals (mt.) and phalanges (ph.)." -Thomson, 1916

Vertebrate Hind Limb

"f., Femur; ti., tibia; fi., fibula; i., intermedium; t., tibiale (astragalus); f., fibulare (os calcis);…

"Origin of lungs, liver, and pancreas in the chick. The mesoderm is shaded; the endoderm dark. lg., One of the lungs; St., stomach; l., liver; p., pancreas." -Thomson, 1916

Chick Development

"Origin of lungs, liver, and pancreas in the chick. The mesoderm is shaded; the endoderm dark. lg.,…

"Section through a young newt. c.t., Connective tissue; E., epidermis; D., dermis; S.C., spinal cord; M., muscle; N., notochord; Sh., mesodermic sheath of notochord; K., kidney; l., lung; S., spleen; ST., stomach; Pe., peritoneum; L., liver; d., duct of the pancreas (P); G.B., gall-bladder; V., dorsal aorta." -Thomson, 1916

Newt Anatomy

"Section through a young newt. c.t., Connective tissue; E., epidermis; D., dermis; S.C., spinal cord;…

"Skeleton of frog. The half of the pectoral girdle, and fore- and hind-limb of the right side are not shown. pmx., premaxilla; m.x., maxilla; n., nasal; sph., sphenethmoid; p.f., parieto-frontal; P.O., pro-otic; pt., pterygoid; q.j., quadrato-jugal; sq., squamosal; Q., quadrate; c., columella auris; A., atlas; t.p., transverse process; S.V., sacral vertebra; U., urostyle; S.sc., supra scapula; H., humerus; R.U., radio ulna; Cp., carpals; Mc., metacarpals; Il., ilium; Is., ischium; F., femur; T.F., tibio-fibula; Ca., calcaneum; As., astragalus; C., calcar; Mt., metatarsals." -Thomson, 1916

Frog Skeleton

"Skeleton of frog. The half of the pectoral girdle, and fore- and hind-limb of the right side are not…

"Nervous system of frog. 1-10, The cranial nerves; oc., eyes; crb., in front of optic chiasma; to., optic tract; sym., sympathetic system; msp., spinal cord; sp., spinal nerves." -Thomson, 1916

Frog Nervous System

"Nervous system of frog. 1-10, The cranial nerves; oc., eyes; crb., in front of optic chiasma; to.,…

"Arterial system of frog. l., Lingual; c., carotid; s., systemic; cu., cutaneous; p., pulmonary; v., occipito-vertebral; br., brachial; c.m., coeliaco-mesenteric; r., renal; il., common iliacs; h., haemorrhoidal." -Thomson, 1916

Frog Arterial System

"Arterial system of frog. l., Lingual; c., carotid; s., systemic; cu., cutaneous; p., pulmonary; v.,…

"Venous system of frog. m., l., Mandibular and lingual; e.j., external jugular; i.j., internal jugular; scp., subscapular; in., innominate; scl., subclavian; br., brachial; m.c., musculo-cutaneous; h.v., hepatic vein; h.p., hepatic portal; a.a., anterior abdominal; r.p., renal-portal; p.v., pelvic; sc., sciatic; f., femoral; i.v.c., inferior vena cava; c., cardiac vein." -Thomson, 1916

Frog Venous System

"Venous system of frog. m., l., Mandibular and lingual; e.j., external jugular; i.j., internal jugular;…

"Dissection of tadpole. DL., Lower lip; H., ventricle of heart; DE., oesophagus; NA., head kidney; A., aorta; K., kidney; KU., ureter; DO., cloaca; LH., hind-limb; KV., opening of ureter into cloaca; GR., genital ridge; GF., fatty body; LF., fore-limb; OG., gills; a, epidermis; b, dermis." -Thomson, 1916

Tadpole Dissection

"Dissection of tadpole. DL., Lower lip; H., ventricle of heart; DE., oesophagus; NA., head kidney; A.,…

"Dissection of Chelonian heart. r.v., Right half of ventricle; S., septum; l.v., left half of ventricle; r.a., right auricle; l.a., left auricle; l.ao., left aortic arch; r.ao., right aortic arch; p.a., pulmonary arch." -Thomson, 1916

Turtle Heart

"Dissection of Chelonian heart. r.v., Right half of ventricle; S., septum; l.v., left half of ventricle;…

"Heart and associated vessels of tortoise. r.a., Right auricle; superior venae cavae (s.v.c.) and inferior vena cava (i.v.c.) enter it. r.v., Right half of ventricle; pulmonary arteries (p.a.) and left aortic arch (l.ao.) leave it; coel., coeliac; d.ao., dorsal aorta. l.a., Left auricle; p.v., pulmonary veins enter it. l.v., Left half of ventricle; right aortic arch (r.ao.), giving off carotids (c.) and subclavians (s.cl.)." -Thomson, 1916

Tortoise Heart

"Heart and associated vessels of tortoise. r.a., Right auricle; superior venae cavae (s.v.c.) and inferior…

"Vertical section through backbone and ribs of Chelonian (I.) and Mammal (II.). N.SP., neural spine; N.SC., neural scute; T., tubercle of rib; C.SC., costal scute over rib (R.); CA., capitulum of rib; T.P., transverse process; CE., centrum; NA., cavity of neural canal. In the Chelonian the tubercle abuts against the flattened neural spine, and the capitulum against the transverse process. In the Mammal, the tubercle articulates with the transverse process and the capitulum with the centrum." -Thomson, 1916

Mammal and Chelonian Backbones

"Vertical section through backbone and ribs of Chelonian (I.) and Mammal (II.). N.SP., neural spine;…

"Diagrammatic section of young bird. n., Spinal cord; v., vertebra; r., rib; L., liver; G., gut; som. (dotted), somatic layer of mesoblast; spl. (dotted), splanchnic layer of mesoblast; ao., aorta; R., reproductive organ; K., kidney." -Thomson, 1916

Bird Section

"Diagrammatic section of young bird. n., Spinal cord; v., vertebra; r., rib; L., liver; G., gut; som.…

"Brain of pigeon (I. dorsal, II. ventral, III. lateral aspects). OLF.L., Olfactory lobes; C.H., cerebral hemispheres; PB., pineal body; OL., optic lobes; CB., cerebellum; FL., flocculus or lateral extension of cerebellum; M.O., medulla oblongata; PIT., pituitary body at end of infundibulum (INF.); O.N., optic nerves crossing in the chiasma." -Thomson, 1916

Pigeon Brain

"Brain of pigeon (I. dorsal, II. ventral, III. lateral aspects). OLF.L., Olfactory lobes; C.H., cerebral…

"Heart and arterial system of pigeon. R.A., right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle; L.A., left auricle; P.V., pulmonary veins; P., pectoral artery; Br., brachial artery; C., carotid artery; D.A., dorsal aorta; CL., coeliac; A.M., anterior mesenteric; R., renals; F., femoral; Sc., sciatic; IL., iliac; p.m., posterior mesenteric; C., caudal." -Thomson, 1916

Pigeon Arterial System

"Heart and arterial system of pigeon. R.A., right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle;…

"Heart and venous system of pigeon. R.A., Right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle; L.A., left auricle; P.V., pulmonary veins; P.A., pulmonary arteries; J., jugular; Br., brachial; P., pectoral; H.V., hepatic; E.P., epigastric; I.V.C., inferior vena cava; C.M., coccygeo-mesenteric; I.V., iliac; F., femoral; R., renal; Sc., sciatic; Hyp., hypogastric or "renal-portal"; i.il., internal iliac; C., caudal." -Thomson, 1916

Pigeon Venous System

"Heart and venous system of pigeon. R.A., Right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle;…

"Female urogenital organs of pigeon. K., Kidney with three lobes; u., ureter; cl., cloaca; ov., ovary; od., oviduct; f.t., funnel at end of oviduct; r.r.od., rudimentary right oviduct." -Thomson, 1916

Female Pigeon Urogenital Organs

"Female urogenital organs of pigeon. K., Kidney with three lobes; u., ureter; cl., cloaca; ov., ovary;…

"Male urogenital organs of pigeon. T., testes; V., base of inferior vena cava; S.R., suprarenal bodies; K., kidneys with three lobes (1, 2, 3); u., ureter; v.d., vas deferens; vs., seminal vesicle; cl., cloaca." -Thomson, 1916

Male Pigeon Urogenital Organs

"Male urogenital organs of pigeon. T., testes; V., base of inferior vena cava; S.R., suprarenal bodies;…

"Hesperornis. ST., Sternum; CO., coracoid; CL., clavicle; H., rudimentary humerus; SC., scapula; P., pectineal pubic process; IL., ilim; IS., ischium; P.P., post-pubis; C.T., crest of tibia; F. fibula; T.T., base tibio-tarsus; T.M.T., tarso-metatarsus." -Thomson, 1916

Hesperornis Skeleton

"Hesperornis. ST., Sternum; CO., coracoid; CL., clavicle; H., rudimentary humerus; SC., scapula; P.,…

"Upper surface of rabbit's skull. N., Anterior nostril; PMX., premaxilla; NA., nasal; FR., anterior part of frontal; MX., posterior part of maxilla; j., anterior part of jugal; SO.F., supraorbital process of frontal; FRR., posterior part of frontal; JJ., posterior end of jugal protruding below zygomatic portion of squamosal (Z.SQ.); PA., parietal; AM., external auditory meatus; SO., supraoccipital; IP., interparietal; SQ., squamosal." -Thomson, 1916

Upper Surface Rabbit Skull

"Upper surface of rabbit's skull. N., Anterior nostril; PMX., premaxilla; NA., nasal; FR., anterior…

"Under surface of rabit's skull. Inc. I., First incisors; Inc. II., second incisors; PMX., premaxilla; PA.PMX., palatal process of premaxilla; MX., maxilla; PAL., palatine; Z., zygomatic arch; BS., basisphenoid; J., posterior part of jugal; BO., basioccipital; PAR.OCC., paroccipital process of exoccipital; SOC., supraoccipital; C., one of the condyles; AM., external auditory meatus; TB., tympanic bulla; GF., glenoid fossa; PT., pterygoid." -Thomson, 1916

Under Surface Rabbit Skull

"Under surface of rabit's skull. Inc. I., First incisors; Inc. II., second incisors; PMX., premaxilla;…

"Dorsal view of rabbit's brain. olf.l., Olfactory lobes; c.h., cerebral hemispheres; o.l., optic lobes (corpora quadrigemina); cb., median part of cerrebellum; Fl., flocculus of cerebellum; 10, root of the tenth or vagus nerve; s.c., spinal cord." -Thomson, 1916

Dorsal View of Rabbit Brain

"Dorsal view of rabbit's brain. olf.l., Olfactory lobes; c.h., cerebral hemispheres; o.l., optic lobes…

"Under surface of rabbit's brain. olf.l., Olfactory lobes; o.t., olfactory tract; f.l., frontal lobe of cerebral hemisphere; ch., optic chiasma; l.c., infundibulum; c.m., corpus mammillare; 3, root of oculomotor; 4, root of pathetic; 5, root of trigeminal; 6, root of abducenss; 7-8, roots of facial and auditory; Fl., flocculus of cerebellum; 9, root of glosso-pharyngeal; 10, roots of vagus; H., 12th , or hypoglossal; p.v., pons Varolii." -Thomson, 1916

Under Surface of Rabbit Brain

"Under surface of rabbit's brain. olf.l., Olfactory lobes; o.t., olfactory tract; f.l., frontal lobe…

"Diagram of caecum in rabbit. s.i., Small intestine; s.r., sacculus rotundus; col., sacculated colon; c., caecum; v.a., vermiform appendix." -Thomson, 1916

Rabbit Caecum

"Diagram of caecum in rabbit. s.i., Small intestine; s.r., sacculus rotundus; col., sacculated colon;…

"Side view of sheep's skull. PMX., Premaxilla; MX., maxilla; NA., nasal; J., Jugal; L., lachrymal; FR., frontal; PA., parietal; SQ., squamosal; CO., condyle; PP., paroccipital process." -Thomson, 1916

Sheep Skull

"Side view of sheep's skull. PMX., Premaxilla; MX., maxilla; NA., nasal; J., Jugal; L., lachrymal; FR.,…

"Stomach of sheep. a, OEsophagus; c, rumen or paunch; d, reticulum or honeycomb-bag; e, psalterium or many-plies; f, abomasum or reed; b, beginning of duodenum." -Thomson, 1916

Sheep Stomach

"Stomach of sheep. a, OEsophagus; c, rumen or paunch; d, reticulum or honeycomb-bag; e, psalterium or…

"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla; J., jugal; L., lachrymal; SQ., squamosal; PP., paroccipital process; CO., condyle CA., canine." -Thomson, 1916

Horse Skull

"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla;…

"Left fore-limb of Balaenoptera. Sc., Sca pula with spine (sp.); H., humerus; R., radius; U., ulna; C., carpals embedded in matrix; Mc., metacarpals; Ph., phalanges." -Thomson, 1916

Whale Forelimb

"Left fore-limb of Balaenoptera. Sc., Sca pula with spine (sp.); H., humerus; R., radius; U., ulna;…

"Fore-limb of whale (Megaptera longimana)." -Thomson, 1916

Whale Forelimb

"Fore-limb of whale (Megaptera longimana)." -Thomson, 1916

"Pelvis and hind-limb of Greenland whale (Balaena). P., Pelvis; F., femur; T., tibia." -Thomson, 1916

Greenland Whale Pelvis

"Pelvis and hind-limb of Greenland whale (Balaena). P., Pelvis; F., femur; T., tibia." -Thomson, 1916

"Lower surface of dog's skull. o.c., Occipital condyle; B.O., basioccipital; T., tympanic bulla; m.c., postglenoid process behind fossa for condyle of mandible; B.S., basisphenoid; P.S., base of presphenoid; V., vomer; M.2, second molar; M.1, first molar; Pm. 1-4, premolars, the 4th the large carnassial; c., canine; I.1-3, incisors; Pmx., premaxilla; mx., maxilla; Pal., palatine; J., jugal; A.S., alisphenoid; Pt., pterygoid; Sq., squamosal (the reference line points to the glenoid fossa)." -Thomson, 1916

Dog Skull

"Lower surface of dog's skull. o.c., Occipital condyle; B.O., basioccipital; T., tympanic bulla; m.c.,…

"Skeleton of male gorilla. cl., Clavicle; sc., tip of scapula; S., praesternum; H., humerus; r., radius; u., ulna; Il., ilium; C., coccyx; P., pubis; Is., ischium; F., femur; t., tibia; f., fibula." -Thomson, 1916

Gorilla Skeleton

"Skeleton of male gorilla. cl., Clavicle; sc., tip of scapula; S., praesternum; H., humerus; r., radius;…

"Transverse section of the arm of a Starfish near the disc. Diagrammatic. Lettering as in preceding figure. a.r., ambulacral rafter (ossicle); ov., ovary, containing ova." -Galloway, 1915

Starfish Arm Section

"Transverse section of the arm of a Starfish near the disc. Diagrammatic. Lettering as in preceding…

"Helix. B, the relation of the animal to the shell when extended...a, apex of shell; an., anus; e, eyestalk; f, foot; l, lip of shell; m, edge of mantle, which secretes the shell; r.a., respiratory aperture; t, tentacles." -Galloway, 1915

Helix Snail

"Helix. B, the relation of the animal to the shell when extended...a, apex of shell; an., anus; e, eyestalk;…

"Diagram showing the heart and general course of the circulation in the lamellibranchs. Only a short section is shown. a, auricle (right), with slit to ventricle; b, the body (region of spaces, lacunae, capillaries; v, the ventricle from which arteries pass forward and their capillaries; m, the mantle and capillaries; v, ventricle from which arteries pass forward and backward; v.c., "vena cava," in which the blood collects on returning from the tissues of the body." -Galloway, 1915

Bivalve Circulation

"Diagram showing the heart and general course of the circulation in the lamellibranchs. Only a short…

"Diagram of the anatomy of Amphioxus, drawn as a semi-transparent object. a, anus; a.p., atrial pore; c.f., caudal fin; cir., cirri, on the edge of the vestibule leading to the mouth; d.f., dorsal fin; r, fin rays; g, gill or branchial structures consisting of alternate slits, through which the water passes, and supporting pates, in the walls of which are the blood vessels; in., intestine, from which as a diverticulum springs l., the liver; m, the mouth surrounded by a ringed velum; my., myotomes or muscle segments; n.c., notochord; o., ovaries; s.c., spinal cord; v.f., ventral fin." -Galloway, 1915


"Diagram of the anatomy of Amphioxus, drawn as a semi-transparent object. a, anus; a.p., atrial pore;…