"Showing the manner of holding the knife blade on the glass ways, and, by the arrow, the direction of…
"A sliding microtome of simple construction, adapted to cutting all kinds of sections." -Stevens, 1916
"Illustrating how the section knife or razor is drawn across the strop." -Stevens, 1916
"Turn table for cementing coverglasses to slides. For use where the mounting medium is glycerine or…
"Longitudinal section of lobster, showing some of the organs. H., Heart; AO., ophthalmic artery; SA.,…
"Section through cephalothorax of a crab. H., Heart; Te., extension of the tergum; ST., sternum; PL.,…
"Daphnia. E., Eye; A.2, second antenna; A.1, first antenna; dg., digestive caeca; s.g., shell gland;…
"Cypris, side view, after removal of one valve. e., Eye; A.1, first antennae; A.2, second antennae;…
"Cyclops type. I A., first antenna; II A., second antenna; OV., ovary; R.S., receptaculum seminis; OS.,…
"Dissection of Peripatus. at., Antennae; or.p., oral papillae; c.g., cerebral ganglia; sl.d., duct of…
"Transverse section of insect. h., Heart; g., gut; n., nerve-cord; st., stigma; tr., trachea; w., wing;…
"Head and mouth parts of bee. a., Antenna; m., mandible; g., labrum or epipharynx; mx.p., rudiment of…
"Ideal mollusc. m., Mouth; g.c., cerebral ganglia; c., edges of mantle skirt; z.g., duct of right lobe…
"Roman snail (Helix pomatia). Note shell covering visceral hump; p.ap., pulmonary aperture (including…
"Dissection of snail. T., Short horn; TT., long horn with eye; N., cerebral ganglia; S.G., salivary…
"Reproductive organs of Helix pomatia. O.T., Ovotestis; H.D., hermaphrodite duct; A.G., albumen gland;…
"Ideal fore limb. H., Humerus; R., radius; U., ulna; r'., radiale; u'., ulnare; i., intermedium; c.,…
"f., Femur; ti., tibia; fi., fibula; i., intermedium; t., tibiale (astragalus); f., fibulare (os calcis);…
"Origin of lungs, liver, and pancreas in the chick. The mesoderm is shaded; the endoderm dark. lg.,…
"Section through a young newt. c.t., Connective tissue; E., epidermis; D., dermis; S.C., spinal cord;…
"Skeleton of frog. The half of the pectoral girdle, and fore- and hind-limb of the right side are not…
"Nervous system of frog. 1-10, The cranial nerves; oc., eyes; crb., in front of optic chiasma; to.,…
"Arterial system of frog. l., Lingual; c., carotid; s., systemic; cu., cutaneous; p., pulmonary; v.,…
"Venous system of frog. m., l., Mandibular and lingual; e.j., external jugular; i.j., internal jugular;…
"Dissection of tadpole. DL., Lower lip; H., ventricle of heart; DE., oesophagus; NA., head kidney; A.,…
"Dissection of Chelonian heart. r.v., Right half of ventricle; S., septum; l.v., left half of ventricle;…
"Heart and associated vessels of tortoise. r.a., Right auricle; superior venae cavae (s.v.c.) and inferior…
"Vertical section through backbone and ribs of Chelonian (I.) and Mammal (II.). N.SP., neural spine;…
"Diagrammatic section of young bird. n., Spinal cord; v., vertebra; r., rib; L., liver; G., gut; som.…
"Brain of pigeon (I. dorsal, II. ventral, III. lateral aspects). OLF.L., Olfactory lobes; C.H., cerebral…
"Heart and arterial system of pigeon. R.A., right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle;…
"Heart and venous system of pigeon. R.A., Right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle;…
"Female urogenital organs of pigeon. K., Kidney with three lobes; u., ureter; cl., cloaca; ov., ovary;…
"Male urogenital organs of pigeon. T., testes; V., base of inferior vena cava; S.R., suprarenal bodies;…
"Hesperornis. ST., Sternum; CO., coracoid; CL., clavicle; H., rudimentary humerus; SC., scapula; P.,…
"Upper surface of rabbit's skull. N., Anterior nostril; PMX., premaxilla; NA., nasal; FR., anterior…
"Under surface of rabit's skull. Inc. I., First incisors; Inc. II., second incisors; PMX., premaxilla;…
"Dorsal view of rabbit's brain. olf.l., Olfactory lobes; c.h., cerebral hemispheres; o.l., optic lobes…
"Under surface of rabbit's brain. olf.l., Olfactory lobes; o.t., olfactory tract; f.l., frontal lobe…
"Diagram of caecum in rabbit. s.i., Small intestine; s.r., sacculus rotundus; col., sacculated colon;…
"Side view of sheep's skull. PMX., Premaxilla; MX., maxilla; NA., nasal; J., Jugal; L., lachrymal; FR.,…
"Stomach of sheep. a, OEsophagus; c, rumen or paunch; d, reticulum or honeycomb-bag; e, psalterium or…
"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla;…
"Left fore-limb of Balaenoptera. Sc., Sca pula with spine (sp.); H., humerus; R., radius; U., ulna;…
"Pelvis and hind-limb of Greenland whale (Balaena). P., Pelvis; F., femur; T., tibia." -Thomson, 1916
"Lower surface of dog's skull. o.c., Occipital condyle; B.O., basioccipital; T., tympanic bulla; m.c.,…
"Skeleton of male gorilla. cl., Clavicle; sc., tip of scapula; S., praesternum; H., humerus; r., radius;…
A particle of human blood as it appears when transparent and floating. 2. the same, seen as illuminated.…
The human stomach. Labels: a, the esophagus or gullet; b, the cardiac portion; c, the left extremity;…
"Transverse section of the arm of a Starfish near the disc. Diagrammatic. Lettering as in preceding…
"Helix. B, the relation of the animal to the shell when extended...a, apex of shell; an., anus; e, eyestalk;…
"Diagram showing the heart and general course of the circulation in the lamellibranchs. Only a short…
"Diagram of the anatomy of Amphioxus, drawn as a semi-transparent object. a, anus; a.p., atrial pore;…
"Stomach of Dog (A)...c, cardiac portion; p, pyloric portion; o, esophagus; i, intestine." -Galloway,…
"Stomach of Rat (B)...c, cardiac portion; p, pyloric portion; o, esophagus; i, intestine." -Galloway,…
"Diagram of the heart, the branchial arches, and the principal veins in the Teleosts. Ventral view.…
"Diagram of heart and branchial arches in Ceratodus (one of the Dipnoi). a.b., air bladder (lung); p.a.,…
"Diagram of the heart and branchial arches in Protopterus (one of the Dipno). pre.c., precaval vein,…