Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the border petals with a heart of deep orange and the stem stands high out of the water. It is commonly found on the banks of the Nile and is the first flower to spring up after the overflowing waters of that river have subsided. For this reason and becacuse it preserves its chaste beauty while growing from such impure surroundings it has always figured among the Egyptians as an emblem of immortality and purity. With the Chinese it is symbolic of many descendants and in India it is especially sacred to the Buddhists and is the national flower of that country. In ornament the lotus is handled by many different nations, being used in both circular and profile forms, figuring as flowers, wheels, medallions, etc.

Lotus Design

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the…

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the border petals with a heart of deep orange and the stem stands high out of the water. It is commonly found on the banks of the Nile and is the first flower to spring up after the overflowing waters of that river have subsided. For this reason and becacuse it preserves its chaste beauty while growing from such impure surroundings it has always figured among the Egyptians as an emblem of immortality and purity. With the Chinese it is symbolic of many descendants and in India it is especially sacred to the Buddhists and is the national flower of that country. In ornament the lotus is handled by many different nations, being used in both circular and profile forms, figuring as flowers, wheels, medallions, etc.

Lotus Design

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the…

This illustration shows a representation of the circulation of the blood, in its essential features. The arrows indicate the course of the blood. a, arteries; aur., auricle or receiving portion of the heart; d, digestive tract; c. d., capillaries of the digestive tract; c.r., capillaries of the respiratory organs; c.s., capillaries of the system; va., valves; ve, veins; vt, ventricle.

Blood Circulation

This illustration shows a representation of the circulation of the blood, in its essential features.…

This illustration shows a representation of the circulation of the blood, in its essential features. The arrows indicate the course of the blood. a, arteries; aur., auricle or receiving portion of the heart; d, digestive tract; c. d., capillaries of the digestive tract; c.r., capillaries of the respiratory organs; c.s., capillaries of the system; va., valves; ve, veins; vt, ventricle.


This illustration shows a representation of the circulation of the blood, in its essential features.…

This is a diagram of the cross section of a fish, showing the bilateral symmetry of the parts: dv, dorsoventral axis; vl, right-left axis. a.p., anterior appendage; b.c., body cavity; ch, notochord; d.f., dorsal fin; g, gut; h, heart; h.a., haemal arch; m, muscles; n.., neural arch; sp, spinal cord; v.c., vertebral column.


This is a diagram of the cross section of a fish, showing the bilateral symmetry of the parts: dv, dorsoventral…

A species of plants having heart shaped corolla.

Bleeding Heart

A species of plants having heart shaped corolla.

"Diagrammatic cross-section of Cray-fish in the thoracic region, to show relation of circulation and respiration. a, appendage; c, carapace; c.f., flap of carapace overhanging the gills; d, digestive tube; g, gill; h, heart; l, liver; m, body muscles; m', muscles of the appendages; n.c., nerve cord; p.s., paricardial sinus; r, reproductive glands; st, sternal artery; v.a., ventral artery; v.s., ventral blood sinus in which the nerve cord lies." — Galloway


"Diagrammatic cross-section of Cray-fish in the thoracic region, to show relation of circulation and…

1, The trachea or windpipe; 2 and 3, right and left common carotid arteries; 4 and 5, right and left sub clavian arteries; 6, innominate artery; 7 and 8, right and left innominate veins; 9, Superior vena cava; 10, arch of the aorta; 11, ascending aorta; 12, pulmonary artery; 13, right atrium and auricula; 14 and 15, right and left lung; 16, conus arteriosus; 17, right ventricle; 18, left ventricle.

Heart and Lungs

1, The trachea or windpipe; 2 and 3, right and left common carotid arteries; 4 and 5, right and left…

Cavities of the right side of the heart, with their valves.

Cavities of the Right Side of the Heart

Cavities of the right side of the heart, with their valves.

"Anatomy of the Snail: a, the mouth; bb, foot; c, anus; dd, lung; e, stomach, covered above by the salivary glands; ff, intestine; g, liver; h, heart; i, aorta; j, gastric artery; l, hepatic artery; k, artery of the foot; mm, abdominal cavity, supplying the place of a cenous sinus; nn, irregular canal in communication with the abdominal cavaty, and carrying the blood to the lung; oo, vessel carrying the blood from the lung to the heart." — Chambers, 1881

Snail Anatomy

"Anatomy of the Snail: a, the mouth; bb, foot; c, anus; dd, lung; e, stomach, covered above by the salivary…

"Anatomy of an Acephalous Mollusc (Mactra): s, stomach; ii, intestine; ag, anterior ganglions; pg, posterior ganglions; mn, muscles; a, anus; h, heart; l, liver; f, foot; sh, shell; ma, mantle; b, branchiae; t, tentacula; r, oral, or respiratory syphon; t, anal syphon." — Chambers, 1881

Mollusc Anatomy

"Anatomy of an Acephalous Mollusc (Mactra): s, stomach; ii, intestine; ag, anterior ganglions; pg, posterior…

"The Sternoxi include the Metallic Beetles, Buprestidae the most gorgeous of the coleopterous families. Some have a general coppery hue, whilst some present the beautiful contrast of fine yellow spots and marks upon a highly polished blue or green ground, and others exhibit the appearance of burnished gold or of rubies, inlaid on emerald of emony. The elytra of the Metallic Beetles are those usually employed in the embroidery of ladies' dresses and for other purposes of personal ornament. They are most plentiful in the thick forests of tropical countries, and seem partial to stage in the heart of timber." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Metallic Beetle

"The Sternoxi include the Metallic Beetles, Buprestidae the most gorgeous of the coleopterous families.…

"The Sternoxi include the Metallic Beetles, Buprestidae the most gorgeous of the coleopterous families. Some have a general coppery hue, whilst some present the beautiful contrast of fine yellow spots and marks upon a highly polished blue or green ground, and others exhibit the appearance of burnished gold or of rubies, inlaid on emerald of emony. The elytra of the Metallic Beetles are those usually employed in the embroidery of ladies' dresses and for other purposes of personal ornament. They are most plentiful in the thick forests of tropical countries, and seem partial to stage in the heart of timber." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Metallic Beetle Larva

"The Sternoxi include the Metallic Beetles, Buprestidae the most gorgeous of the coleopterous families.…

"Central organs of the circulaion, gills, and renal organs of Sepia officinalis. a, aorta; v, vena cava; v' visceral veins; c, systemic heart; d, dilatations of branchial veins on entering the heart; e, branchial hearts; b, branchiae; r, renal organs." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Cuttlefish Organs

"Central organs of the circulaion, gills, and renal organs of Sepia officinalis. a, aorta; v, vena cava;…

"A perennial plant with long creeping stems, heart-shaped leaves on long stalks, and variously lobed, large purple flowers much resembling those of the best known species of Convolvulus, and very large oblong acuminated tubers." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A perennial plant with long creeping stems, heart-shaped leaves on long stalks, and variously lobed,…

"A wood remarkable for its hardness, heaviness, and deep black color, is the heart-wood of different species of Diospyros, of the natural order Ebenaceae, the same genus which produces the Date Plum, Kaki, and other fruits." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A wood remarkable for its hardness, heaviness, and deep black color, is the heart-wood of different…

"Anatomy of the Oyster. A. Hinge or anterior umbonal end of the left valve of an adult oyster, upon which the soft parts of the animal are represented as they lie in situ, but with the greater part of the mantle of the right side removed. a u. The auricle of the right side of the heart contracted. B. Posterior or ventral end of the left valve, which in life is usually directed upward more or less, and during the act of feeding and respiration is separated slightly from the margin of its fellow of the opposite side to admit the water for respiration, and which also contains the animal's food in suspension. b m. Body-mass, traversed superficially by the generative ducts g e. b j. The organ of Bojanus, or 'renal' organ, of the right side of the oyster. (The ducts which it sends into the manle are not shown, nor is its connection with the genito-urinary sinus s indicated.)" — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919


"Anatomy of the Oyster. A. Hinge or anterior umbonal end of the left valve of an adult oyster, upon…

"The heart and blood-vessels diagrammatically represented. L, lung; M, intestine; P, liver; dotted lines represent lymphatic vessels." —Martin, 1917


"The heart and blood-vessels diagrammatically represented. L, lung; M, intestine; P, liver; dotted lines…

"The heart and the great blood-vessel attached to it, seen from the side towards the sternum. The left cavities and the vessels connected with them are colored red; the right black. Atd, right auricle; Adx and As, the right and left auricular appendages; Vd, right ventricle; Vs, left ventricle; Aa, aorta; Ab, innominate artery; Cs, left common carotid artery; Ssi, left subclavian artery; P, main trunk of the pulmonary artery, and Pd and Ps, its branches to the right and left lungs; cs, superior vena cava; Ade and Asi, the right and left innominate veins; pd, ps, the right and left pulmonary veins; crd and crs, the right and left coronary arteries." —Martin, 1917


"The heart and the great blood-vessel attached to it, seen from the side towards the sternum. The left…

"The heart vied from its dorsal aspect. ci, inverior vena cava; Vc, coronary vein; Atd, right auricle; Adx and As, the right and left auricular appendages; Vd, right ventricle; Vs, left ventricle; Aa, aorta; Ab, innominate artery; Cs, left common carotid artery; Ssi, left subclavian artery; P, main trunk of the pulmonary artery, and Pd and Ps, its branches to the right and left lungs; cs, superior vena cava; Ade and Asi, the right and left innominate veins; pd, ps, the right and left pulmonary veins; crd and crs, the right and left coronary arteries." —Martin, 1917


"The heart vied from its dorsal aspect. ci, inverior vena cava; Vc, coronary vein; Atd, right auricle;…

"Mercury manometer for recording blood-pressure. d g, glass U-tube partly filled with mercury. In one limb is borne a float, e, bearing a recording device f; the other limb is filled with a suitable liquid and connected water-tight with the heart end of a divided artery b, by means of glass connection a. Changes in the mercury level indicated changes of arterial pressure." —Martin, 1917


"Mercury manometer for recording blood-pressure. d g, glass U-tube partly filled with mercury. In one…

"Dissected fish. a, air bladder; b, urinary bladder; b, urinary bladder; br, brain; c, spinal cord; d and da, dorsal fins; dv, anal fin; e, body of the vertebra; g, gills receiving the blood from the ventral aorta leading out of the heart h; i, intestine; k, kidney; l, liver; m, spines of the vertebra; n, auricle of the heart; ov, ovary; ovd, oviduct; st, stomach; sp, spleen; u, ureter." —Davison, 1906

Dissected Fish

"Dissected fish. a, air bladder; b, urinary bladder; b, urinary bladder; br, brain; c, spinal cord;…

"Frog with the left side cut away and some of the organs pulled downward. a, aorta leading from the ventricle; b, bladder; c, spinal cord surrounded by the vertebral column of bone; d, small intestine; e, opening of the lungs into the pharynx; h, ventricle of the heart; k, kidney; l, lung; liv, liver; n, brain; ov, ovary; ovd, oviduct; p, pancreas; r, rectum; sp, spleen; st, stomach; t, tongue; si, small intestine; u, left auricle; ur, ureter; v, vena cava; vc, body of vertebra." —Davison, 1906

Dissected Frog

"Frog with the left side cut away and some of the organs pulled downward. a, aorta leading from the…

Organs of the circulation system

Circulatory System

Organs of the circulation system

External view of the Heart. 1: Right Auricle; 2: Left Auricle; 3: Right Ventricle; 4: Left Ventricle; 5: Systemic Veins; 6: Pulmonary Veins; 7: Aorta; 8: Pulmonary Artery; 9: Coronary Vein and Artery.


External view of the Heart. 1: Right Auricle; 2: Left Auricle; 3: Right Ventricle; 4: Left Ventricle;…

A portion of an artery.


A portion of an artery.

Capillaries. 1: Vein; 2: Artery; 3: Capillary.


Capillaries. 1: Vein; 2: Artery; 3: Capillary.

Ideal section through an insect. -<em>a</em>, alimentary canal; <em>h</em>, heart; <em>n</em>, nerve-cord; <em>s</em>, stigmata; <em>t</em>, tracheal tubes; <em>l</em>, legs; <em>w</em>, wings.

Transverse Thorax

Ideal section through an insect. -a, alimentary canal; h, heart; n, nerve-cord;…

A diagram of the left half of an Argiope, which has been bisected in the median plane. 1, the ventral valve; 2, the dorsal valve; 3, the pedicle; 4, the mouth; 5, lip which overhangs the mouth and runs all around the lophophore; 6, tentacles; 7, ovary in dorsal valve; 8, liver diverticula; 9, occlusor muscle; 10, internal opening of left nephridium; 11, external opening of the same; 12, ventral adjustor; 13, divaricator muscle; 14, sub-oesophageal nerve ganglion; 15, the heart; 16, dorsal adjustor muscle.


A diagram of the left half of an Argiope, which has been bisected in the median plane. 1, the ventral…

Lingula anatina. Diagram showing the muscular system. A, dorsal; B, ventral valve; p, penduncle; e, heart; a, alimentary tube; z, anal aperture.


Lingula anatina. Diagram showing the muscular system. A, dorsal; B, ventral valve; p, penduncle; e,…

The death of William Rufus, the third son of William the Conqueror and King of England from 1087 until 1100. William Rufus died while hunting in New Forest when he was shot with an arrow through his heart.

Death of William Rufus

The death of William Rufus, the third son of William the Conqueror and King of England from 1087 until…

During one of King Richard the Lion-Heart's crusades the city of Acre was taken over and a prince, Leopold, Duke of Austria, set up his banner on the walls. Richard did not think it ought to be there: he pulled it up and threw it down into the ditch, asking the duke how he durst take the honors of a king.

Richard Removing the Archduke's Banner

During one of King Richard the Lion-Heart's crusades the city of Acre was taken over and a prince, Leopold,…

Heart of a stag-beetle, showing the wings and chambers.


Heart of a stag-beetle, showing the wings and chambers.

The interior of a chamber, showing the valves of the heart of a stag-beetle.


The interior of a chamber, showing the valves of the heart of a stag-beetle.

"The European hedge woundwort, a tall hairy plant, with heart-shaped leaves, and numerous whorls of full purple flowers, usually six in a whorl."

Stackys sylvatica

"The European hedge woundwort, a tall hairy plant, with heart-shaped leaves, and numerous whorls of…

The heart and lungs. 1, right ventricle; 3, right auricle (atrium); 6, 7, pulmonary artery; 9, aorta; 10, superior vena cava; 11, innominate artery; 12, right subclavian vein; 14, innominate vein; 15, left common carotid; 17, trachea; 20, pulmonary veins; 22 to 25, lungs, partially turned back to show veins on left side.

Heart and Lungs

The heart and lungs. 1, right ventricle; 3, right auricle (atrium); 6, 7, pulmonary artery; 9, aorta;…

Anterior view of the heart, dissected, after long boiling to show the superficial muscular fibers. The aorta (b') and pulmonary artery (a') have been cut short close to the semilunar valves. Labels: a, right ventricle; b, left ventricle; c, c, groove between ventricles; d, d', right auricle (atrium); e, e', left auricle (atrium); f, superior vena cava; g', g", right and left pulmonary veins. The fibers are seen running a circular, oblique, transverse, and longitudinal direction.

Anterior View of the Heart

Anterior view of the heart, dissected, after long boiling to show the superficial muscular fibers. The…

Right side of heart. Labels: A, cavity of right ventricle; B, superior vena cava; C, inferior vena cava; a, wall of right ventricle; b, c, columnae carneae; d, pulmonary vein; e, f, tricuspid valve; m, semilunar valve; o, wall of left ventricle; p, q, v, ascending aorta, arch and descending aorta.

Right Side of Heart

Right side of heart. Labels: A, cavity of right ventricle; B, superior vena cava; C, inferior vena cava;…

Left side of heart. Labels: 1, cavity of left auricle (atrium); 3, opening of right pulmonary veins; 5, left pulmonary veins; 5, left pulmonary veins; 6, auriculo-ventricular opening; 8, wall of left ventricle; 9, cavity of left ventricle; a, mitral valve (its flaps are attached by the chordae tendineae to the muscular pillars (b,b); d, arch of aorta); e, pulmonary artery.

Left Side of Heart

Left side of heart. Labels: 1, cavity of left auricle (atrium); 3, opening of right pulmonary veins;…

Diagram to illustrate the action of the heart. Labels: aur, auricle (atrium); vent. ventricle; v, veins; a, aorta; m, mitral valve; s, semilunar valves. In A, auricle is seen contracting, ventricle dilated, mitral valve open, semilunar valves closed. In B, auricle is seen dilated, ventricle contracting, mitral valve closed, semilunar valves open.

Diagram of the Action of the Heart

Diagram to illustrate the action of the heart. Labels: aur, auricle (atrium); vent. ventricle; v, veins;…

Section of heart at level of valves. Labels: P, pulmonary artery, with flaps of semilunar valve open; A, aorta, with flaps of semilunar valve open; M, closed mitral valve; T, closed tricuspid valve.

Section of Heart Showing Valves

Section of heart at level of valves. Labels: P, pulmonary artery, with flaps of semilunar valve open;…

Diagram of circulation. Labels: L, left side of heart; R, right side of heart; a,a,a arterial system; b,b, capillaries; c,c,c veins; Alim., alimentary canal; Liv., liver; p, portal vein; H,hepatic vein; Lymph., lymphatic duct and tributaries; Pulm., lungs; Pa, pulmonary artery; Pu, pulmonary vein.

Diagram of Circulation

Diagram of circulation. Labels: L, left side of heart; R, right side of heart; a,a,a arterial system;…

Anterior view of the lungs and heart. Labels: 1, heart; 2, inferior vena cava; 3, superior vena cava; 4, right innominate vein; 5, left innominate vein; 6, jugular vein; 7, subclavian vein; 8, arch of aorta; 8', subclavian artery; 9, left pulmonary artery; 9', 9', carotid artery; 10, trachea; 11, left bronchus; 12, ramifications of right bronchus exposed in upper lobe of right lung; 13, 14, middle lobe; 15, lower lobe; 16, upper lobe of left lung; 17, lower lobe of left lung.

Anterior View of the Lungs and Heart

Anterior view of the lungs and heart. Labels: 1, heart; 2, inferior vena cava; 3, superior vena cava;…

Simple pavement epithelium. Labels: a, from a serious membrane; b, from a blood vessel."In simple pavement epithelium, the cells form flat, many-sided plates or scales, which fit together like tiles of a mosaic pavement. It forms very smooth surfaces, and it lines the alveoli of the lungs, the heart, blood vessels, land lymphatics; the mammary ducts, the serous cavities, etc."&mdash;Kimber, 1907.

Simple Pavement Epithelium Cells

Simple pavement epithelium. Labels: a, from a serious membrane; b, from a blood vessel. "In simple pavement…

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement in the skull cavity at a'; N, the spinal cord; N', the brain; ee, vertebrae forming the solid partition between the dorsal and ventral cavities; b, the pleural, and c, the abdominal division of the ventral cavity, separated from one another by the diaphragm, d; i, the nasal, and o, the mouth chamber, opening behind into the pharynx, from which one tube leads to the lungs, l, and another to the stomach, f; h, the heart; k, a kidney; s, the sympathetic nervous chain. From the stomach, f, the intestinal tube leads through the abdominal cavity to the posterior opening of the alimentary canal.

Longitudinal Section of Body

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement…

A Diagrammatic section across the body in the chest region. Labels: x, the dorsal tube, which contains the spinal cord; the black mass surrounding it is a vertebra; a, the gullet (esophagus), a part of the alimentary canal; h, the heart; sy, sympathetic nervous system; ll, lungs; the dotted lines around them are the pleurae; rr, ribs; st, the breastbone.

Section Across the Body in the Chest Region

A Diagrammatic section across the body in the chest region. Labels: x, the dorsal tube, which contains…

Muscle fibers from the heart showing the striations and the junctions of the cells, highly magnified.

Muscle Fibers

Muscle fibers from the heart showing the striations and the junctions of the cells, highly magnified.

The heart and blood vessels diagrammatically represented, showing the direction of blood flow.

Heart and Blood Vessels

The heart and blood vessels diagrammatically represented, showing the direction of blood flow.

Front view of the heart and great vessels. The pulmonary artery has been cut short close to its origin. Labels: 1, right ventricle; 2, left ventricle; 3, root of the pulmonary artery; 4, 4', arch of the aorta; 4'', the descending thoracic aorta; 5, part of the right auricle; 6, part of the left auricle; 7, 7', innominate veins joining to form the vena cava superior; 8, inferior vena cava; 9, one of the large hepatic veins; X, placed in the right auriculo-ventricular groove, points to the right or posterior coronary artery; X, X, placed in the anterior interventricular groove, indicate the left or anterior coronary artery.


Front view of the heart and great vessels. The pulmonary artery has been cut short close to its origin.…

The main arteries of the body. Labels: Crd, and Crs, right and left coronary arteries of the heart, cut short near their origin; Aa, and aA, aortic arch; At, thoracic aorta; Aab, abdominal aorta; K, renal artery; Sd, right, and Ssi, left subclavian; Cd, right, and Cs, left carotid; Ax, axillary artery; B, brachial artery; U, ulner artery; R, radial artery; Ai, common iliac artery; I, external iliac artery; C, femoral artery; Po, popliteal artery; Ta, anterior, and Tp, posterior tibial artery; Pe, peroneal artery.

The Main Arteries of the Body

The main arteries of the body. Labels: Crd, and Crs, right and left coronary arteries of the heart,…

Diagram to illustrate the mood of action of the valves of the veins. Labels: C, the capillary; H, the heart end of the vessel.

Action of the Valves of the Veins

Diagram to illustrate the mood of action of the valves of the veins. Labels: C, the capillary; H, the…

Diagram of the circulatory system, showing that it forms a single closed circuit with two pumps in it, represented by the right and left halves of the heart, which are separated in the diagram. Labels: ra and rv, right auricle and ventricle; la and lv, left auricle and ventricle; ao, aorta; sc, systemic capillaries; vc, vena cava, pa, pulmonary artery; pc, pulmonary capillaries; pv, pulmonary veins.

Diagram of the Circulatory System

Diagram of the circulatory system, showing that it forms a single closed circuit with two pumps in it,…

Transverse section through the middle of the ventricles (right and left) of a dog's heart in diastole (top) and in systole (bottom).

Transverse Section through the Ventricle of a Dog's Heart

Transverse section through the middle of the ventricles (right and left) of a dog's heart in diastole…

Diagram to illustrate the action (pumping) of the heart. Labels: aur., auricle; vent., ventricle; v, veins; a, aorta; m, mitral valve; s, semilunar valves. In A, auricle contracting, ventricle dilated, mitral valve open, semilunar valves closed. In B, auricle dilated, ventricle contracting, mitral valve closed, semilunar valves open.

Diagram Showing the Pumping of the Heart

Diagram to illustrate the action (pumping) of the heart. Labels: aur., auricle; vent., ventricle; v,…

An anterior view of the heart in a vertical position with its vessels injected.

Anterior View of the Heart

An anterior view of the heart in a vertical position with its vessels injected.

A posterior view of the heart in a vertical position and with its vessels injected.

Posterior View of the Heart

A posterior view of the heart in a vertical position and with its vessels injected.

A view of the bronchia and blood vessels of the lungs, as shown by dissection, as well as the relative position of the lungs to the heart.

Relative Position of the Heart and Lungs

A view of the bronchia and blood vessels of the lungs, as shown by dissection, as well as the relative…

A vertical view of the auriculoventricular and arterial valves of the heart.

Heart Valves

A vertical view of the auriculoventricular and arterial valves of the heart.

A three-quarter view of the left ventricle after removal of its anterior parietes.

Left Ventricle of the Heart

A three-quarter view of the left ventricle after removal of its anterior parietes.

Right side of the heart, showing the right auricle (atrium) and right ventricle).

Right Side of the Heart

Right side of the heart, showing the right auricle (atrium) and right ventricle).