Resoration view of Palenque, Mexico.


Resoration view of Palenque, Mexico.

A small mountain town with a Church in the center.

Small Mountain Town

A small mountain town with a Church in the center.

View of Tiahuanacu restored.


View of Tiahuanacu restored.

The ruins of Sacsahuaman, an Incan civilization in Peru.


The ruins of Sacsahuaman, an Incan civilization in Peru.

A city in southeastern Peru.


A city in southeastern Peru.

A seal representing the city of Bridgewater.


A seal representing the city of Bridgewater.

A seal representing the city of Bridport, England.


A seal representing the city of Bridport, England.

A seal representing the city of Brighton, England.


A seal representing the city of Brighton, England.

A seal representing the city of Bristol, England.


A seal representing the city of Bristol, England.

The seal for the city of Chester, England.

City Arms

The seal for the city of Chester, England.

A coat of arms representing the city of Chester, England.


A coat of arms representing the city of Chester, England.

The seal for the city of Chichester, England.

Arms of Chichester

The seal for the city of Chichester, England.

A coat of arms representing the city of Cirencester, England.


A coat of arms representing the city of Cirencester, England.

A seal representing the city of Derby, England.


A seal representing the city of Derby, England.

"A royal and parliamentary burgh and seaport, situated on the east coast of Scotland, in the county of Forfar, on the north bank of the Firth of Tay, twelve miles from the confluence of that estuary with the German Ocean. It is the third town in Scotland as regards to population, and the second in commercial importance." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"A royal and parliamentary burgh and seaport, situated on the east coast of Scotland, in the county…

Heraldry representing the city of Edinburgh, Scotland.


Heraldry representing the city of Edinburgh, Scotland.

"Acropolis, 'the highest point of the city.' Many of the important cities of Greece and Asia Minor were protected by strongholds, so named. The A. occupied a lofty position, commanding the city and its environs; inaccessible on all sides except one, which had, for the most part, artificial defences. It contained some of the most important public buildings, especially temples, besides affording a last refuge in case of a hostile attack." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Acropolis, 'the highest point of the city.' Many of the important cities of Greece and Asia Minor were…

"London City and Midland Bank, Ludgate Hill Branch." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

London City

"London City and Midland Bank, Ludgate Hill Branch." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

"Mecca—the Great Mosque." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903


"Mecca—the Great Mosque." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

During one of King Richard the Lion-Heart's crusades the city of Acre was taken over and a prince, Leopold, Duke of Austria, set up his banner on the walls. Richard did not think it ought to be there: he pulled it up and threw it down into the ditch, asking the duke how he durst take the honors of a king.

Richard Removing the Archduke's Banner

During one of King Richard the Lion-Heart's crusades the city of Acre was taken over and a prince, Leopold,…

Henry VIII and all of his men coming into the city

Henry VIII

Henry VIII and all of his men coming into the city

This painting by Harry Quilter, the author of the book, is of the city of Assisi in Italy


This painting by Harry Quilter, the author of the book, is of the city of Assisi in Italy

This view of Florence shows the Duomo (cathedral) on the right and Giotto's Campanile (tower) on the left.


This view of Florence shows the Duomo (cathedral) on the right and Giotto's Campanile (tower) on the…

This painting is by Giotto. It is fresco with many different levels. It can be found in the Peruzzi Chapel of Santa Croce in Florence, Italy.

The Daughter of Herodias Dancing Before Herod

This painting is by Giotto. It is fresco with many different levels. It can be found in the Peruzzi…

The romantisit, J. William Turner, was famous for his drawings of landscapes. In this painting he drew the city of Nantes in Italy.


The romantisit, J. William Turner, was famous for his drawings of landscapes. In this painting he drew…

This painting by Andrea Mantegna is a great example of the style and technique that she often used in her works. The painting can be found in the Camera degli Sposi, at Mantua.

Meeting of Lodovico Gonzaga and his son, the Cardinal Francesco

This painting by Andrea Mantegna is a great example of the style and technique that she often used in…

American troops bombarding the city of Vera Cruz during the Mexican-American war.

Bombardment of Vera Cruz

American troops bombarding the city of Vera Cruz during the Mexican-American war.

The American army in Mexico City.

American Army in Mexico City

The American army in Mexico City.

One of the greatest of the Girondists, was born at Marseilles, March 6, 1767. At first an advocate and journalist at Marseilles, he was sent by that city to the Constituent Assembly at Paris. There he opposed the Court party, and took part with the Minister, Roland, then out of favor. After the events of the 10th of August, 1792, he returned to his native town, where he was received with enthusiasm, and was soon after chosen delegate to the Convention. In the Convention he adhered to the Girondists, and belonged to the party who, at the trial of the King, voted for an appeal to the people. He boldly opposed the party of Marat and Robespierre, and even directly accused the latter of aiming at the dictatorship; consequently, he was, in May, 1793, proscribed as a royalist and enemy of the Republic. He fled to Calvados, and thence with a few friends to the Gironde, where he wandered about country, hiding himself as he best could for about 13 months. At last, on the point of being taken, he tried to shoot himself; but the shot miscarried, and he was guillotined at Bordeaux, June 25, 1794. This "brave and beautiful young Spartan" was one of the great spirits of the Revolution. There was no loftier-minded dreamer in the Girondist ranks; hardly a nobler head than his fell in that reign of terror. He was "ripe in energy, not ripe in wisdom," says Carlyle, or the history of France might have been different.

Charles Jean Marie Barbaroux

One of the greatest of the Girondists, was born at Marseilles, March 6, 1767. At first an advocate and…

Illustration showing an angle of 23 degrees 40 minutes making a triangle in a city block and marking off streets at 100 foot intervals.

Triangular City Block With Angles and Lengths

Illustration showing an angle of 23 degrees 40 minutes making a triangle in a city block and marking…

Five Pounds (5 pounds) New York currency from 1759. Image is the New York City Coat of Arms. Beneath the image is the inscription - 'TIS DEATH TO COUNTERFEIT THIS BILL.

Paper Money, Five Pounds Bill, 1759

Five Pounds (5 pounds) New York currency from 1759. Image is the New York City Coat of Arms. Beneath…

Five Pounds (5 pounds) New York currency from 1771. Image is the Coat of Arms of New York City. Beneath the image is the inscription - 'TIS DEATH TO COUNTERFEIT THIS BILL.

Paper Money, Five Pounds Bill, 1771

Five Pounds (5 pounds) New York currency from 1771. Image is the Coat of Arms of New York City. Beneath…

Half Dollar (50 cents) New York currency from 1775. Image is the Coat of Arms of New York City.

Paper Money, Half Dollar Bill, 1775

Half Dollar (50 cents) New York currency from 1775. Image is the Coat of Arms of New York City.

The tomb of Ulysses S. Grant in New York City.

Grant's Tomb

The tomb of Ulysses S. Grant in New York City.

Winnipeg City Hall in Canada.

Winnipeg City Hall

Winnipeg City Hall in Canada.

A movable tower was used o attack a city in the medieval ages. It "was rolled up to the wall of the besieged town after the moat had been filled up at the proper point." -Breasted, 1914

Movable Tower

A movable tower was used o attack a city in the medieval ages. It "was rolled up to the wall of the…

Diego Suarez Stamp (1 C) from 1890. Diego-Suárez is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar in Antsiranana province. It was a French colony in the late 19th century until it was returned to Madagascar in 1896.

Diego Suarez 1 C Stamp, 1890

Diego Suarez Stamp (1 C) from 1890. Diego-Suárez is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar in Antsiranana…

Diego Suarez Stamp (5 C) from 1890. Diego-Suárez is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar in Antsiranana province. It was a French colony in the late 19th century until it was returned to Madagascar in 1896.

Diego Suarez 5 C Stamp, 1890

Diego Suarez Stamp (5 C) from 1890. Diego-Suárez is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar in Antsiranana…

Diego Suarez Stamp (15 C) from 1890. Diego-Suárez is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar in Antsiranana province. It was a French colony in the late 19th century until it was returned to Madagascar in 1896.

Diego Suarez 15 C Stamp, 1890

Diego Suarez Stamp (15 C) from 1890. Diego-Suárez is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar in Antsiranana…

Diego Suarez Stamp (25 C) from 1890. Diego-Suárez is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar in Antsiranana province. It was a French colony in the late 19th century until it was returned to Madagascar in 1896.

Diego Suarez 25 C Stamp, 1890

Diego Suarez Stamp (25 C) from 1890. Diego-Suárez is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar in Antsiranana…

Diego Suarez Stamp (5 C) from 1891. Diego-Suárez is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar in Antsiranana province. It was a French colony in the late 19th century until it was returned to Madagascar in 1896.

Diego Suarez 5 C Stamp, 1891

Diego Suarez Stamp (5 C) from 1891. Diego-Suárez is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar in Antsiranana…

New York City Stamp (3 cent) from 1842. This stamp was acknowledged and ordered by the United States Government, but was issued by and at the expense of the Postmaster of New York City, New York.

New York City Three Cent Stamp, 1842

New York City Stamp (3 cent) from 1842. This stamp was acknowledged and ordered by the United States…

Providence Stamp (10 cent) from 1846. This stamp was acknowledged by the United States Government, but was issued by and at the expense of the Postmaster of Providence, Rhode Island.

Providence Ten Cent Stamp, 1846

Providence Stamp (10 cent) from 1846. This stamp was acknowledged by the United States Government, but…

Tennessee Confederacy Stamp (5 cent) from 1861

Tennessee Confederacy Five Cent Stamp, 1861

Tennessee Confederacy Stamp (5 cent) from 1861

Louisiana Confederacy Stamp (5 cent) from 1861

Louisiana Confederacy Five Cent Stamp, 1861

Louisiana Confederacy Stamp (5 cent) from 1861

Virginia Confederacy Stamp (5 cent) from 1861

Virginia Confederacy Five Cent Stamp, 1861

Virginia Confederacy Stamp (5 cent) from 1861

The Spectre's Voyage. "There is a part of the Lake of Geneva, between the city and the little village of Clase, which is called "The Spectre's Voyage," and across which neither entreaty nor remuneration will induce any boatman to convey passengers after a certain hour of the night."

The Spectre's Voyage

The Spectre's Voyage. "There is a part of the Lake of Geneva, between the city and the little village…

The Williamsburg Bridge in New York.

Williamsburg Bridge

The Williamsburg Bridge in New York.

A man reading a sign in the city.

Man Reading Sign

A man reading a sign in the city.

"The capital of Bohemian, a prosperous well-built city near the centre of the kingdom, on both sides of the Moldau, here crossed by seven bridges; 153 miles northwest of Vienna and 75 miles southeast of Dresden, with both of which it is connected b railroad." -Marshall

View in Prague

"The capital of Bohemian, a prosperous well-built city near the centre of the kingdom, on both sides…

The Statue of Liberty in New York is the largest statue in the world, given as a gift from France to celebrate 100 years of United States independence.

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty in New York is the largest statue in the world, given as a gift from France to…

The Saudi Arabian city Mecca, the place Islamic worship.


The Saudi Arabian city Mecca, the place Islamic worship.

A view of Rome including St. Peter's and the Vatican.

View of St. Peter's

A view of Rome including St. Peter's and the Vatican.

A view of the Netherlands city Rotterdam.

Rotterdam Netherlands

A view of the Netherlands city Rotterdam.

An old Spanish gate in St. Augustine, Florida.

St. Augustine

An old Spanish gate in St. Augustine, Florida.

"'Liberty Enlightening the World,' a gift from the French Republic to the Greatest Republic. Height of Statue, 151 feet; of pedestal, 155 feet." -Foster, 1921

Statue of Liberty

"'Liberty Enlightening the World,' a gift from the French Republic to the Greatest Republic. Height…

An illustration of a stadhuis which means town hall in Dutch.

Town Hall

An illustration of a stadhuis which means town hall in Dutch.

An illustration of a view from Rock City.

Rock Formation

An illustration of a view from Rock City.

A cityscape of Knoxville, Tennessee during 1863.


A cityscape of Knoxville, Tennessee during 1863.

It occupies a "unique position" as one of the holiest sites and as "the greatest of all churches of Christendom". In Catholic tradition, it is the burial site of its namesake Saint Peter, who was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and, according to tradition, was the first Bishop of Antioch, and later first Bishop of Rome and therefore first in the line of the papal succession.

St. Peter's and the Vatican, from the Tiber Banks

It occupies a "unique position" as one of the holiest sites and as "the greatest of all churches of…