"Is considerably smaller than the common agouti, being about the size of a rabbit, while the species…
"It is a slow, dull, nocturnal animal, but exhibits a wonderful activity in digging, for which its powerful…
"This is the size of a rabbit, of a brown color, with short legs and a long body, covered with short…
Notable for the disproportionate development of hind limbs and the reduction of the lateral digits of…
"Having a long head, with the upper part of the snout much prolonged: the tail is long and tapering;…
Close-up illustration of scalpriform incisor of a beaver. It is "chisel-shaped; having the character…
"It measures three feet from muzzle to the hinder part, but has no tail. The general shape of the body…
"This is a burrowing animal, but sometimes avails itself of the excavations of the viscacha for a retreat."…
"In this animal, the fur is soft, its general hue gray, tinted with rufous on the hinder art of the…
"It is of a deep brown color above, paler on the flanks and cheeks, and whitish beneath; it is without…
"Chinchilla is a genus of South American herbivorous rodents very closely allied to the rabbit, which…
A small south American rodent quadruped of the genus Chinchilla, especially C. lanigera; a pika-squirrel.…
A squirrel-like rodent common to parts of South America and usually raised to its soft, pale gray fur.
"It is of a grayish color, and sufficiently long for spinning. The little animal which is produces it…
Tamia Striata. "It is about five inches long, and of a fawn-color above, striped wth five brown and…
"Of this genus there are several species, all of which are clmbers, with a prehensile tail partly naked.…
"This has ears of moderate size; fur long; upper parts of the snimal penciled with dusky and brownish-yellow…
"Is reddish above and white beneath; body six inches long, and tail two inches. It lives near water,…
"It is more than nine inches from the muzzle to the insertion of the tail, and the tail itself is twelve…
"Is a foot long, of a brownish gray color above and white below. The skin without the hair is of a blackish…
"It is about ten inches long, of a tawny color, marked with transverse bands of black and white. The…
"They are somewhat rat-like in appearance, but are noted for the elegance of their forms, the length…
"Gerbillus longifrons. GERBILLUS. The typical and leading genus of Gerbillinae, containing upward of…
"Described as being five inches long, with a tail four inches, and found in Greece, Italy, Spain, France,…
"It is of a pale yellowish-gray, seven and a half inches long, and derives its common name from its…
"Under Side of Head of Geomys bursarius, showing entrance of external cheek-pouches and sulcate superior…
"Resembles the dormouse in appearance; it is of a grayish-brown, and of the size of the Lerot; its habits…
It is a reddish-brown color above and black below, but variations in color ar enot uncommon. The length…
"It has a head loner than usual with hares, and thickly covered with cur, even the tip of the nose;…
"These animals have a large head, a long body, long pointed ears, large eyes, and long hind-legs used…
Has a chestnut color above and a white belly. They are found along the Swan River.
"These animals have the head large and rabbit-like; the ears long and pointed; the eyes full; the tail…
"These animals have the head large and rabbit-like; the ears long and pointed; the eyes full; the tail…
The Jumping Hare, also known as the Springhaas, is a large African jerboa (Pedetes caffer). In size,…
The Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius) is a N. American, jerboa-like mouse, with long hind legs, a very…
They are small size and somber coloration, with the hair on the nape antrorse, the tail naked and scaly…
"Large as a moderate sized dog. It has long, thick and rather course fur, of an ashy-gray color; its…
"Its general appearance reminds one of the hare. The body above is yellow, with a faint tinge of green…
Lemmings are small rodents, usually found in or near the Arctic, in tundra biomes. Together with the…
"Of the Lemming genus, the Lapland Lemming is the most celebrated which is confined to Lapland and Norway.…
"Is smaller than its proceeding, and resembles the Lapland Lemming. It is found about latitude 56 degrees…
"Terrestril Rodents, with imperfect clavicles, elongated hind limbs, short recurved tail, and long ears.…
"This very extraordinary species from north-east Africa differs from all other rodents in the peculiar…