Search for "fort saint phillip" pictures
We found $localcount "fort saint phillip" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1239)
A Loggia at the Old Spanish Monastery
Jacksonville and the Florida East Coast…
A Brick Pavement with a Circular Pattern
Bricks That Were Laid in a Circular Pattern
Shaw 54th Regiment Memorial at Boston Common
A Metal Plaque on a Brick Wall
The Bell Tower of the Old Spanish Monastery
Anastasia Lighthouse
The Artwork on the Pendentives Flanking…
The Artwork on the Pendentives Flanking…
A Pair of Oculi, with Stained Glass
The Vinoy Park Hotel
Verona, San Zeno, bronze doors, St. Zeno…
Texas Male Sculpture of Cowboy Made from…
The Vinoy Park Hotel
A Diorama of St. Augustine with Castillo…
The Bell Tower, and Main Entrance
A Metal Plaque on a Marker for the Eastern…
The Plain Arcade Meets the Florid Arcade
Palms in the Cloister, from the Loggia
Objects on the Mantle above a Fireplace
A Decorative Capital at the Old Spanish…
Hotel Ponce de Leon
A Bust of Jose Marti with a Cuban Flag in…
A Room at the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse…
The Arcade, from the Chapter House
A Bust of Jose Marti
The Small Fountain and the Disengaged Column
Pasadena Golf and Country Club
A Fountain in the Courtyard of the Hotel…
An Oculus, with Stained Glass
Rome, Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, apse…
A Birds' Eye View of the Alcazar, Ponce…
St. Petersburg Country Club
Poreč, Cathedral of Eufrasius, mosaic,…
Monreale cathedral, south wall of the presbytery,…
Rome, Santa Prassede, apse mosaic, St. Peter…
Subiaco, Sacro Speco, Upper Church, South…
St. Maarten Doll Dressed in Red, White,…