Occipital bone of the human skull, inner surface. It is situated at the back and base of the skull. Labels: 9,9, and 10,10, depression for reception of lobes of brain; 11, foramen magnum.

Occipital Bone of the Human Skull

Occipital bone of the human skull, inner surface. It is situated at the back and base of the skull.…

Parietal bone of the human skull, inner surface. The parietal bones form the greater part of the sides and roof of the skull. Labels: A, parietal depression; E, furrow for ramification of arteries.

Parietal Bone of the Human Skull

Parietal bone of the human skull, inner surface. The parietal bones form the greater part of the sides…

Frontal bone of the human skull, outer surface. The frontal bone forms the forehead, roof of the orbital cavities, and the nasal cavity. Labels: 1, frontal eminence; 7, roof of orbital cavitiy; 10, orbital arch.

Frontal Bone of the Human Skull

Frontal bone of the human skull, outer surface. The frontal bone forms the forehead, roof of the orbital…

Temporal bone of the human skull. The temporal bones are situated at the sides and base of the skull. Labels: 1, squamous portion; 2, placed below external opening of auditory canal in petrous portion; 3, placed below mastoid portion; 4, placed below glenoid cavity for reception of condyle of lower jaw.

Temporal Bone of the Human Skull

Temporal bone of the human skull. The temporal bones are situated at the sides and base of the skull.…

Sphenoid bone, situated the anterior part of the base of the skull, articulating with all the other cranial bones, which it binds firmly and solidly together. Labels: a, greater wing; b, lesser wing.

Sphenoid Bone of the Human Skull

Sphenoid bone, situated the anterior part of the base of the skull, articulating with all the other…

Ethmoid bone, posterior surface. The ethmoid bone is an exceedingly light, spongy bone, placed between the two orbits and at the root of the nose, contributing to form a part of each of these cavities. Label: 2, cribriform, or perforated plate.

Ethmoid Bone of the Human Skull

Ethmoid bone, posterior surface. The ethmoid bone is an exceedingly light, spongy bone, placed between…

The skull. Labels: a, nasal bone; b, superior maxillary; c, inferior maxillary; d, occipital; e, temporal; f, parietal; g, frontal bone.

Human Skull

The skull. Labels: a, nasal bone; b, superior maxillary; c, inferior maxillary; d, occipital; e, temporal;…

The skull at birth, superior suerface. The cranial bones of the infant at birth are not fullyformed and their edges are separated by membranous intervals. Labels: 1, posterior fontanelle; 2, sagital suture; 4, anterior fontanelle; A, A, bi-parietal diameter; B, B, bi-temporal diamter.

Human Skull at Birth

The skull at birth, superior suerface. The cranial bones of the infant at birth are not fullyformed…

A toothed, or dentated suture. This is one type of immovable articulation. It is found in the union of the cranial bones of the skull, such as the suture between the frontal and parietal bones.

Human Joint, Dentated Suture

A toothed, or dentated suture. This is one type of immovable articulation. It is found in the union…

The mouth, nose, and pharynx, with the larynx and commencement of gullet (esophagus), seen in section. Labels: a, vertebral column; b, gullet (esophagus); c, trachea; d, larynx; e, epiglottis; f, soft palate, between f and e is the opening at back of cavity or faces; g, opening of Eustachian tube; h, nasal cavity; k, tongue; l, hard palate; m, sphenoid bone at base of skull; n, roof of nasal cavity; o, p, q, placed in nasal cavity.

The Mouth, Nose, and Pharynx

The mouth, nose, and pharynx, with the larynx and commencement of gullet (esophagus), seen in section.…

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement in the skull cavity at a'; N, the spinal cord; N', the brain; ee, vertebrae forming the solid partition between the dorsal and ventral cavities; b, the pleural, and c, the abdominal division of the ventral cavity, separated from one another by the diaphragm, d; i, the nasal, and o, the mouth chamber, opening behind into the pharynx, from which one tube leads to the lungs, l, and another to the stomach, f; h, the heart; k, a kidney; s, the sympathetic nervous chain. From the stomach, f, the intestinal tube leads through the abdominal cavity to the posterior opening of the alimentary canal.

Longitudinal Section of Body

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement…

The atlas, which is the first cervical vertebra. Labels: Aa, body of atlas, D, odontoid process of axis; Fas, facet on upper side of atlas with which the skull articulates; L, transverse ligament; Frt, vertebral foramen.

The Atlas (1st Cervical Vertebra)

The atlas, which is the first cervical vertebra. Labels: Aa, body of atlas, D, odontoid process of axis;…

The axis, which is the second cervical vertebra. Labels: D, odontoid process of axis; Fas, facet on upper side of atlas with which the skull articulates; Frt, vertebral foramen.

The Axis (2nd Cervical Vertebra)

The axis, which is the second cervical vertebra. Labels: D, odontoid process of axis; Fas, facet on…

The base of the skull. "The lower jaw has been removed. At the lower part of the figure is the hard palate forming the roof of the mouth and surrounded by the upper set of teeth. Above this are the paired opening of the posterior nares, and a short way above the middle of the figure is the large median foramen magnum, with the bony convexities (or occipital condyles) which articular with the atlas, on its sides. It will be seen that the part of the skull behind the occipital condyles is about equal in size to that in front of them; in an ape the portion in front of the occipital condyles would be much larger than that behind them." —Newell, 1900

Base of the Skull

The base of the skull. "The lower jaw has been removed. At the lower part of the figure is the hard…

A side view of the skull. Labels: O, occipital bone; T, temporal bone; Pr, parietal bone; F, frontal bone; S, sphenoid; Z, malar; Mx, maxilla; N, nasal; E, ethmoid; L, lachrymal; Md, inferior maxilla.

The Skull

A side view of the skull. Labels: O, occipital bone; T, temporal bone; Pr, parietal bone; F, frontal…

Skull of a child of the tribe of Chinook Indians (inhabiting the neighborhood of the Columbia River), distorted by tight bandaging so as to assume the shape considered elegant and fashionable by the tribe.

Distorted Skull of Child

Skull of a child of the tribe of Chinook Indians (inhabiting the neighborhood of the Columbia River),…

The mouth, nose, and pharynx, with the commencement of the gullet (esophagus) and larynx, as exposed by a section, a little to the left of the median plane of the head. Labels: a, vertebral column; b, gullet; c, windpipe; d, larynx; e, epiglottis; f, soft palate; g, opening of Esutachian tube; k, tongue; l, hard palate; m; the sphenoid bone on the base of the skull; n, the fore part of the cranial cavity; o,p,q, the turbinate bones of the outer side of the left nostril chamber.

The Mouth, Nose, and Pharynx

The mouth, nose, and pharynx, with the commencement of the gullet (esophagus) and larynx, as exposed…

The sphenoid bone of the skull, seen from in the front.

Sphenoid Bone

The sphenoid bone of the skull, seen from in the front.

The bones of the skull.

The Bones of the Skull

The bones of the skull.

The squamous portion of the temporal bone of the skull (ossa temporalia).

The Squamous Portion of the Temporal Bone

The squamous portion of the temporal bone of the skull (ossa temporalia).

The mastoid and petrous portions of the temporal bone of the skull (ossa temporalia).

The Mastoid and Petrous Portions of the Temporal Bone

The mastoid and petrous portions of the temporal bone of the skull (ossa temporalia).

The sphenoid bone of the skull, posterior surface.

The Sphenoid Bone

The sphenoid bone of the skull, posterior surface.

The sphenoid bone of the skull, anterior surface.

The Sphenoid Bone

The sphenoid bone of the skull, anterior surface.

The ethmoid bone of the skull, that separates the nasal cavity from the brain.

The Ethmoid Bone

The ethmoid bone of the skull, that separates the nasal cavity from the brain.

Foramina (openings) at the base of the skull.

Base of the Skull

Foramina (openings) at the base of the skull.

The human skull, showing the bones of the head. <em>a</em>is the large bone of the forehead known as the frontal bone; <em>b</em> is known as the parietal bone, and <em>c</em> is the temporal bone.


The human skull, showing the bones of the head. ais the large bone of the forehead known as…

The bones of the top of the head are fastened together by what are called sutures which are locked together by little teeth of bone that shoot by each other, as shown in the figure. <em>b</em> is the suture at the top of the head between the two parietal bones; <em>a a</em> is that between the two parietal bones and the frontal bone in front; and <em>c c </em> is that between the parietal bones and the bone at the back part of the cranium. These bones are not completely formed in the newborn infant.

Cranial Sutures

The bones of the top of the head are fastened together by what are called sutures which are locked together…

The upper two vertebrae of the spinal column, involved in head movement. In performing the rotary motion of turning your head, the skull does not move alone, but it moves together with the first vertebra. The first vertebra in this motion moves on the second around a tooth-like process that stands up from this second vertebra. This tooth works in a smooth notch on the inside of the first vertebra. It is bound very fast in this notch by a strong ligament, so that it may not, in any of the quick motions of the head, be made to press on the delicate spinal marrow which lies against it.

Upper Two Vertebrae

The upper two vertebrae of the spinal column, involved in head movement. In performing the rotary motion…

1. Dentition (teeth) of man. 2. Dentition of hyena. 3. Dentition of pig. 4. Dentition of Patagonian cavy (type of rodent). 5. Section of skull of Indian elephant, showing dentition of right side. 6. Crown of upper molar of horse, showing enamal folds. 7. Grinding surface of molar of African elephant, with enamal folds. 8. Single tooth of blue shark. 9. Longitudinal section of human tooth. 1. Incisors (human); C, canines; P, premolars; M, molars. a, enamel; b, dentine; c, cement (crusta petrosa); d, pulp cavity.

Teeth of Man and Several Animal Species

1. Dentition (teeth) of man. 2. Dentition of hyena. 3. Dentition of pig. 4. Dentition of Patagonian…

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the Body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement in the skull cavity at a'; N, the spinal cord; N', the brain; ee, vertebrae forming the solid partition between the dorsal and ventral cavities; b, the pleural, and c, the abdominal division of the ventral cavity, separated from one another by the diaphragm, d; i, the nasal, and o, the mouth chamber, opening behind into the pharynx, from which one tube leads to the lungs, l, and the heart; k, a kidney; s, the sympathetic nervous chain. From the stomach, f, the intestinal tube leads through the abdominal cavity to the posterior opening of the alimentary canal.

Longitudinal Section of the Body

Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the Body. Labels: a, the neural tube, with its upper enlargement…

A side view of the skull. Labels: O, occipital bone; T, temporal; Pr, parietal; F, frontal; S, sphenoid; Z, malar; Mx, maxilla; N, nasal; E, ethmoid; L, lachrymal; Md, inferior maxilla.

Side View of the Skull

A side view of the skull. Labels: O, occipital bone; T, temporal; Pr, parietal; F, frontal; S, sphenoid;…

The base of the skull. The lower jaw has been removed. At the lower part of the figure is the hard palate forming the roof of the mouth and surrounded by the upper set of teeth

Base of the Skull

The base of the skull. The lower jaw has been removed. At the lower part of the figure is the hard palate…

Arteries of the head and neck. Labels: 1, primitive carotid artery; 2, occipital branch to the back part of the skull; 4, upper hyoides artery; 5, lower pharyngeal artery; 6, masseter artery; 7, submental artery; 8, lower coronary artery; 9, upper coronary artery; 10, deep branch; 11, back cervical artery; 12, continuation and fold of the occipital; 13, descending branch for muscles of the neck; 14, posterior auricular; 15, temporal artery; 16, parietal branches; 17, frontal branches; 19, orbitary branches; 20, subclavian artery.

Arteries of the Head and Neck

Arteries of the head and neck. Labels: 1, primitive carotid artery; 2, occipital branch to the back…

The human skeleton.

Human Skeleton

The human skeleton.

If we divide any of the long bones longitudinally, we find two kinds of structure, the hard or compact, and the alveolar or spongy. Indeed there is no bone that does not exhibit to some extend both of these structures; the compact forming its external, and the spongy its internal part. These two formations are clearly seen in the bones which compose the skull, as in the following cut, with the spongy or cancellated structure between them. This serves to illustrate the structure of all of the flat bones.

Bone Structure

If we divide any of the long bones longitudinally, we find two kinds of structure, the hard or compact,…

Sutures of the skull. Labels: a,a, the coronal suture, from the Latin corona, crown, so called from its situation on that part of the head, upon which the ancients placed the laurel, or olive crown, given to the victors in their games. It connects the frontal to the parietal bones; b, the sagittal suture, from a Latin word, signifying arrow, from its straight course. It runs from the middle of the frontal to the angle of the occipital bone, connecting the two parietals; c, the lambdoidal suture, extending from the sagittal suture down to the base of the brain on each side; e,e, the scaly overlapping of the temporal upon the parietal bones; hence called squamous suture.

Skull Sutures

Sutures of the skull. Labels: a,a, the coronal suture, from the Latin corona, crown, so called from…

A front view of the frontal bone; a,a, frontal sinuses; b, the temporal arch, beneath which lies the temporal muscle, which closes the lower jaw; d, the supra-orbitary hole for a passage of a branch of the fifth pair of nerves.

Frontal Bone

A front view of the frontal bone; a,a, frontal sinuses; b, the temporal arch, beneath which lies the…

The skull and upper jaw of an early rhinoceros-like mammal from the Cenozoic time.

Dinoceras Mirabile

The skull and upper jaw of an early rhinoceros-like mammal from the Cenozoic time.

"Skull of Boa constrictor. a, quadrate bone; b, b, halves of lower jaw." -Cooper, 1887

Boa Constrictor Skull

"Skull of Boa constrictor. a, quadrate bone; b, b, halves of lower jaw." -Cooper, 1887

The skull of a beaver.

Beaver Skull

The skull of a beaver.

"Under surface of skull and arches of skate. l.1, First labial cartilage; R., rostrum; tr., trabecular region; n.c., nasal capsule; a.o., antorbital cartilage; p.pt.q., palato-pterygo-quadrae; M.c., Meckel's cartilage; h.m., hyo-mandibular; h.br.1-5, hypobranchials; c.br.5, fifth ceratobranchial; c.h., cerato-hyal; l.2-4, labial cartilages." -Thomson, 1916

Skate Skull

"Under surface of skull and arches of skate. l.1, First labial cartilage; R., rostrum; tr., trabecular…

"Side view of skate's skull. l1., First labial cartilage; n.c., nasal capsule; a.o., antorbital; p.pt.q., palato-pterygo-quadrate; M.c., Meckel's cartilage; h.m., hyo-mandibular; e.h., epi-hyal; c.h., cerato-hyal; h.h., hypo-hyal; h.br.1-5, hypobranchials; c.br., ceratobranchial; e.br., epibranchial; p.br.1., first prebranchial; i.h., inter-hyal; m.pt., meta-pterygoid; 2, 5, 7, foramina of exit of the corresponding nerves." -Thomson, 1916

Skate Skull

"Side view of skate's skull. l1., First labial cartilage; n.c., nasal capsule; a.o., antorbital; p.pt.q.,…

"Skull of frog. Upper surface-- Pmx., premaxilla; N., nasal; M., maxilla; Sq., squamosal; Q.j., quadrato-jugal; e.o., ex-occipitals; P.f., parieto-frontals; Sph.E., sphenethmoid; P.O., pro-otic." -Thomson, 1916

Upper Surface of Frog Skull

"Skull of frog. Upper surface-- Pmx., premaxilla; N., nasal; M., maxilla; Sq., squamosal; Q.j., quadrato-jugal;…

"Skull of frog. Lower surface-- Pmx., premaxilla; M., maxilla; Q.j., quadrato-jugal; Q., quadrate; Pt., pterygoid; Ps., parasphenoid; P.O., pro-otic; Sp.E., sphenethmoid; Pl., palatine; V., vomer; c., columella." -Thomson, 1916

Lower Surface of Frog Skull

"Skull of frog. Lower surface-- Pmx., premaxilla; M., maxilla; Q.j., quadrato-jugal; Q., quadrate; Pt.,…

"Skull of turtle. "S.O., supra-occipital; PAR., parietal; FR., frontal; P.F., pre-frontal; PO.F., post-frontal; SQ., squamosal; PMX., pre-maxilla; MX., maxilla; J., jugal; Q.J., quadrato-jugal; Q., quadrate; D., dentary; AN., angular; AR., articular; S., surangular." -Thomson, 1916

Turtle Skull

"Skull of turtle. "S.O., supra-occipital; PAR., parietal; FR., frontal; P.F., pre-frontal; PO.F., post-frontal;…

"Side view of skull of Lacerta. px., Premaxilla; mx., maxilla; l., lachrymal; j., jugal; t.pa., transpalatine; epg., epipterygoid; pg., pterygoid; bpg., basipterygoid; b.o., basioccipital; q., quadrate; oc.c., occipital condyle; sq., squamosal; pr.o., pro-otic; pt.o., postorbital; st.1, st.2, supratemporals; ps., presphenoid (the optic nerve is seen issuing in front of the end of the reference line); p.e., mesethmoid; s.ob., supraorbitals; pf., prefrontal; n., nasal; ar., articular; ag., angular; sag., surangular; cr., coranary; d., dentary." -Thomson, 1916

Lizard Skull

"Side view of skull of Lacerta. px., Premaxilla; mx., maxilla; l., lachrymal; j., jugal; t.pa., transpalatine;…

"Disarticulation of bird's skull. Membrane bones shaded. B.Oc., basioccipital; E.Oc., exoccipital; S.Oc., supraoccipital; Pa., parietal; Fr., frontal; Na., nasal; pm., premaxilla; M., maxilla; Ju., jugal; Qj., quadrato-jugal; Qu., quadrate; pe., periotic; Sq., squamosal; AS., alisphenoid; B.S., basisphenoid; O.S., orbito-sphenoid; Pr.Sph., presphenoid; vo., vomer; iOS., interorbitalk septum; E., ethmoid; Se., nasal septum; De., dentary; Sp., splenial; An., angular; Ar., articular; MK., Meckel's cartilage." -Thomson, 1916

Bird Skull Disarticulation

"Disarticulation of bird's skull. Membrane bones shaded. B.Oc., basioccipital; E.Oc., exoccipital; S.Oc.,…

"Side view of rabbit's skull. Pmx., Premaxilla; Na., nasal; Fr., frontal; Pa., parietal; Sq., squamosal; S.O., supraoccipital; Per., periotic; T., tympanic (the reference line points to the bony external auditory meatus, beneath it lies the inflated bulla); PO., paroccipital process." -Thomson, 1916

Rabbit Skull

"Side view of rabbit's skull. Pmx., Premaxilla; Na., nasal; Fr., frontal; Pa., parietal; Sq., squamosal;…

"Upper surface of rabbit's skull. N., Anterior nostril; PMX., premaxilla; NA., nasal; FR., anterior part of frontal; MX., posterior part of maxilla; j., anterior part of jugal; SO.F., supraorbital process of frontal; FRR., posterior part of frontal; JJ., posterior end of jugal protruding below zygomatic portion of squamosal (Z.SQ.); PA., parietal; AM., external auditory meatus; SO., supraoccipital; IP., interparietal; SQ., squamosal." -Thomson, 1916

Upper Surface Rabbit Skull

"Upper surface of rabbit's skull. N., Anterior nostril; PMX., premaxilla; NA., nasal; FR., anterior…

"Under surface of rabit's skull. Inc. I., First incisors; Inc. II., second incisors; PMX., premaxilla; PA.PMX., palatal process of premaxilla; MX., maxilla; PAL., palatine; Z., zygomatic arch; BS., basisphenoid; J., posterior part of jugal; BO., basioccipital; PAR.OCC., paroccipital process of exoccipital; SOC., supraoccipital; C., one of the condyles; AM., external auditory meatus; TB., tympanic bulla; GF., glenoid fossa; PT., pterygoid." -Thomson, 1916

Under Surface Rabbit Skull

"Under surface of rabit's skull. Inc. I., First incisors; Inc. II., second incisors; PMX., premaxilla;…

"Side view of sheep's skull. PMX., Premaxilla; MX., maxilla; NA., nasal; J., Jugal; L., lachrymal; FR., frontal; PA., parietal; SQ., squamosal; CO., condyle; PP., paroccipital process." -Thomson, 1916

Sheep Skull

"Side view of sheep's skull. PMX., Premaxilla; MX., maxilla; NA., nasal; J., Jugal; L., lachrymal; FR.,…

"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla; J., jugal; L., lachrymal; SQ., squamosal; PP., paroccipital process; CO., condyle CA., canine." -Thomson, 1916

Horse Skull

"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla;…

"Lower surface of dog's skull. o.c., Occipital condyle; B.O., basioccipital; T., tympanic bulla; m.c., postglenoid process behind fossa for condyle of mandible; B.S., basisphenoid; P.S., base of presphenoid; V., vomer; M.2, second molar; M.1, first molar; Pm. 1-4, premolars, the 4th the large carnassial; c., canine; I.1-3, incisors; Pmx., premaxilla; mx., maxilla; Pal., palatine; J., jugal; A.S., alisphenoid; Pt., pterygoid; Sq., squamosal (the reference line points to the glenoid fossa)." -Thomson, 1916

Dog Skull

"Lower surface of dog's skull. o.c., Occipital condyle; B.O., basioccipital; T., tympanic bulla; m.c.,…

"Skull of adult orang outang." -Galloway, 1915

Orangoutang Skull

"Skull of adult orang outang." -Galloway, 1915

"Salmo fario, the entire skull, from the left side. art, articular; branchiost, branchiostegal rays; dent, dentary; epiot, epiotic; eth, supra-ethnoid; fr, frontal; hyom, hyomandibular; intop, inter-opercular; pal, palantine; par, parietal; pmx, pre-maxilla; praop, pre-opercular; pt, pterygoid; pter, pterotic; Quad, quadrate; socc, supra-occipital; sphot, sphenotic; subop, sub-opercular; sympl, symplectic; Zunge, basi-hyal." -Parker, 1900

Fish Skull

"Salmo fario, the entire skull, from the left side. art, articular; branchiost, branchiostegal rays;…

"A, lateral view of skull of rattlesnake (Crotalus). B. O, basi-occipital; B. S, basi-sphenoid; E. O, exoccipital; F. O, fossa ovalis; La, conjoined lacrymal and pre-fontal; L. f, articulation between lacrymal and frontal; Mn, mandible; Mx, maxilla; Na, nasal; Pl, palatine; Pmx, pre-maxilla; P. Sph, pre-sphenoid; Pt, pterygoid; Qu, quadrate; Sq, squamosal; II. V, foramina of exit of the second and fifth cranial nerves. B, transverse section at point lettered B in Fig. .A; T, trabeculae." -Parker, 1900

Rattlesnake Skull

"A, lateral view of skull of rattlesnake (Crotalus). B. O, basi-occipital; B. S, basi-sphenoid; E. O,…

"Columba livia. Skull of young specimen. A, dorsal; B, ventral; C, left side. al. s, alisphenoid; au, angular; ar, articular; b. o, basi-occipital; d, dentary; e. o, ex-occipital; eu, aperture of Eustachian tube; f. m, foramen magnum; fr, frontal; i.o. s, inter-orbital septum; ju, jugal; lc, lachrymal; lb. s, lambdoidal suture; m. eth, mesethmoid; mx, maxilla; mx. p, maxillo-palatine process; na, na', na'', nasal; o. c, occipital condyle; or. fr, orbital plate of frontal; pa, parietal; pa. s, parasphenoid (rostrum); pl, palatine; p. mx, premaxilla; pt, pterygoid; qu, quadrate; s. an, supra-angular; s. o, supra-occipital; sq, squamosal; ty, tympanic cavity; IL-XII, foramina for cerebral nerves." -Parker, 1900

Rock Pigeon Skull

"Columba livia. Skull of young specimen. A, dorsal; B, ventral; C, left side. al. s, alisphenoid; au,…

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), the mad-dog skullcap (Scutellaria laterifora).

Mad-Dog Skullcap

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), the mad-dog skullcap (Scutellaria laterifora).

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), the leaf of Scutellaria nervosa.

S. nervosa Skullcap

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), the leaf of Scutellaria nervosa.

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), the leaf of the common skullcap (Scutellaria galericulata).

Common Skullcap

Of the Mint family (Labiatae), the leaf of the common skullcap (Scutellaria galericulata).