Canoemates: A Story of the Florida Reef and Everglades
by Kirk Munroe

Canoemates: A Story of the Florida Reef and Everglades is a story about young boys who cruise through the Florida Everglades in search of adventure in the late 1800s.
Source: Munroe, K. (1892). Canoemates: A Story of the Florida Reef and Everglades. New York, NY: Harper & Brothers.
- Chapter I: “In the Far South”
- The Rankin family is introduced, as well as the situation they face living in the Keys.
- Chapter II: “Three Canoes, and the Fate of One”
- Sumner and Mr. Manton begin to understand one another. There is a crisis with one of the canoes, which Sumner tries to remedy.
- Chapter III: “Sumner Receives a Second Offer”
- Sumner and the Mantons strike up a friendship because of the incident involving the schooner.
- Chapter IV: “Teaching a Thief a Lesson”
- Sumner and his mother agree to the plan. In the middle of the night, Sumner persues a stranger.
- Chapter V: “The Great Florida Reef”
- The author describes the canoe. Sumner and his companion, Worth, attempt to catch fish.
- Chapter VI: “Pineapples and Sponges”
- After fishing, Sumner and Worth go ashore to rest until morning. After breakfast, they were again on their way.
- Chapter VII: “Mysterious Disappearance of the Canoes”
- Upon returning from their exploration, the boys discover the canoes missing. Sumner decides to shoot a racoon.
- Chapter VIII: “Life on the Lonely Island”
- Deserted on the island, the boys make do and try to come up with a plan.
- Chapter IX: “The Nocturnal Visitor”
- Worth is sure that someone has tried to pull his gun away during the night. Sumner goes to investigate.
- Chapter X: “Whose Are They? And Where Did They Come From?”
- Sumner confronts Quorum, who confesses to trying to take the gun but says he knows nothing of the disappearing canoes.
- Chapter XI: “Sumner Drifts Away on a Raft ”
- While Quorum set out traps for the racoons, Worth and Sumner build a raft. Sumner takes off on the raft.
- Chapter XII: “Picked up in the Gulf Stream”
- Sumner continues to drift into the Gulf. He is reunited with his mother and discovers the answer to the missing canoes.
- Chapter XIII: “A Mystery of the Reef”
- Sumner tells Lieutenant Carey and his mother about Quorum and Worth.
- Chapter XIV: “Worth and Quorom are Missing”
- Sumner and the schooner head towards the deserted island. Once ashore, Sumner tries to locate Worth and Quorum.
- Chapter XV: “Worth and Quorom in Search of Sumner”
- Worth and Quorum seach for the missing Sumner.
- Chapter XVI: “A Night in Alligator Light”
- Assistant Keeper Albury explains to Quorum and Worth about the missing canoes. Quorum and Worth are rescued by Sumner.
- Chapter XVII: “An Entertainment on the Key”
- Everyone celebrated the return of Quorum and the boys. A feast and entertainment were planned.
- Chapter XVIII: “Off for the Everglades”
- The boys try their hand at fishing and discover a mysterious sloop.
- Chapter XIX: “The Canoes Are Again Lost, and Again Found”
- The canoes are lost — and found. Sumner finds out the identity of the voice from the sloop.
- Chapter XX: “The Psyche as a Life-Boat”
- Sumner attempts a rescue of Rust Norris, putting his own life at risk in the process.
- Chapter XXI: “Sumner’s Self-Sacrifice”
- Sumner struggles to save himself. Rust reveals the circumstances of his stranding and broken arm.
- Chapter XXII: “Good-Bye to the Transit”
- The ships are repaired and preparations are made for the travels through the Everglades.
- Chapter XXIII: “Worth Meets a Panther”
- Worth learns about alligators and panthers.
- Chapter XXIV: “Rattlesnakes and Rifle-Shots”
- There is fear brought on by snakes and mysterious gunshots. The men set up camp.
- Chapter XXV: “Worth’s Lonely Night-Watch”
- The men take turns keeping watch overnight before attempting entrance into the glades again. The lieutenant makes an interesting discovery.
- Chapter XXVI: “The Florida Everglades”
- The source of the gunshots is revealed. Quorum cooks up a feast. They make their way towards a smoking hill.
- Chapter XXVII: “A Prehistoric Everglade Mound”
- They search for the source of the smoke. Quorum and the boats suddenly disappear, leaving the rest to wonder who is responsible.
- Chapter XXVIII: “What Became of Quorum and the Canoes”
- Quorum's experience of events is revealed.
- Chapter XXIX: “A Very Serious Predicament”
- The men are not nearly as happy as Quorum. They struggle with making a plan of action, discussing the perils of adventuring.
- Chapter XXX: “Quorum as an Ambassador”
- Quorum returns to the camp. The travelers and the Indians come to an agreement.
- Chapter XXXI: “A Closely Guarded Camp”
- The construction of the Indian canoes is explained. The Lieutenant is unhappy to learn the limitations of their agreement with the Indians.
- Chapter XXXII: “Crossing the ‘Glade Without Seeing Them”
- Their journey across the Glades continues in the same way. They discuss their disappointment that they haven't seen anything of the native Indians' way of life.
- Chapter XXXIII: “An Adventurous Deer-Hunt”
- The lack of provisions sends the boys on a hunt for deer or wild turkey. They are suprised by a fire.
- Chapter XXXIV: “Hemmed in by a Forest Fire”
- Sumner and Worth struggle to escape the fire, but are confused by the dense smoke. They finally find assistance in the form of Ul-we.
- Chapter XXXV: “The Boys in a Seminole Camp”
- Ul-we takes the boys back to the Seminole camp, where they are cared for until they are able to return to their own party.
- Chapter XXXVI: “One of the Rarest Animals in the World”
- The party makes it to the coast, where they meet a mail-carrier.
- Chapter XXXVII: “Fishing for Sharks”
- The boys learn a lesson about shark fishing. The group meets up with the keeper of the house of refuge and his dog.
- Chapter XXXVIII: “Little Ko-Wik-A Sails out to Sea”
- The group undertakes the journey to Cape Florida, but faces a storm. Sumner finds himself attempting another daring rescue.
- Chapter XXXIX: “A Black Squall and the Stranded Streamer”
- Sumner manages to catch up to the other canoe, but finds himself and Ko-wik-a too far out to sea.
- Chapter XL: “The Happy Ending of the Cruise”
- All are reunited to make happy plans for the future. Sumner realizes the errors of his thinking.