The Count of Monte Cristo
by Alexandre Dumas, pére

The Count of Monte Cristo is an adventure story that takes place during the historical events of 1815 to 1838. This piece tells the tale of a man who seeks revenge after his escape from prision and deals with the central themes of vengeance, justice, forgiveness, and mercy.
Source: Dumas, A. (1844). The Count of Monte Cristo. London: Chapman and Hall.
- Chapter 1: Marseilles—The Arrival
- In Marseilles, France the Pharon sailing ship docks, while a crowd of people watch. Dantes, meets with Monsieur Morrel, the ship's owner and discusses with him the sullen mood of the sailors.
- Chapter 2: Father and Son
- Dantes visits his father's home and Caderousse, their neighbor pays them a visit.
- Chapter 3: The Catalans
- Dantes visits Mercedes in village of the Catalans. While Mercedes waits for Dantes, Fernand tries to convince Mercedes to marry him instead. Upon the arrival of Dantes, Fernand runs away and is stopped by Danglars and Caderousse.
- Chapter 4: Conspiracy
- Danglars and Fernand talk about a plan to destroy Dantes happiness.
- Chapter 5: The Marriage-Feast
- During a celebration, Dantes is unexpectedly arrested, without any explanation.
- Chapter 6: The Deputy Procureur du Roi.
- In an aristocratic residences of Marseilles, Monsieur de Villefort is celebrating his betrothal when he is interrupted by a servant informing him of a Bonapartist plot discovery, including the arrest of Edmond Dantes.
- Chapter 7: The Examination
- Villefort questions Dantes and makes a serious discovery.
- Chapter 8: The Chateau d'If
- Dantes is taken to Chateau d'If, despite the promise Villefort made to him.
- Chapter 9: The Evening of the Bethrothal
- Villefort heads back to Madame de Saint-Meran's in the Place du Grand Cours and prepares for a trip to Paris. Mercedes stops by Villefort's home, and is offered no answers.
- Chapter 10: The King's Closet at the Tuileries
- Villefort visits King Louis XVIII to inform him of a conspiracy.
- Chapter 11: The Corsican Ogre
- The Minister of the Police arrives to inform King Louis XVIII that Bonaparte landed near Antibes, and is on his way to Paris.
- Chapter 12: Father and Son
- At his hotel, Villefort speaks with his father.
- Chapter 13: The Hundred Days
- Napoleon returns to Paris for his hundred day rein. Morrel visitis Villefort to plead for Dantes' release.
- Chapter 14: The Two Prisoners
- Dantes is visited by the inspector in his dungeon cell.
- Chapter 15: Number 34 and Number 27
- As Dantes becomes desperate in his dungeon cell, his neighboring prisoner rescues him.
- Chapter 16: A Learned Italian
- Dantes begins his friendship with the mad abbe.
- Chapter 17: The Abbe's Chamber
- Abbe teaches Dantes all he knows, and the two form a plot for escape.
- Chapter 18: The Treasure
- Abbe tells Dantes of a secret treasure.
- Chapter 19: The Third Attack
- Abbe has his third attack.
- Chapter 20: The Cemetery of the Chateau D'If
- Dantes thinks of his own plan to escape Chateau d'If.
- Chapter 21: The Island of Tiboulen
- Dantes reaches the Island of Tiboulen.
- Chapter 22: The Smugglers
- Dantes becomes a successful smuggler while on board his new vessel.
- Chapter 23: The Island of Monte Cristo
- Dantes visits the Island of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 24: The Secret Cave
- After being left alone on the Island of Monte Cristo, Dantes searches for the treasure of Cardinal Spada.
- Chapter 25: The Unknown
- Dantes returns to Marseilles after aquiring a new yacht and all of the Spada treasures.
- Chapter 26: The Pont du Gard Inn
- Dantes visits Caderousse in disguise.
- Chapter 27: The Story
- Caderousse tells Dantes (Abbe Busoni) all of the stories of betrayal during Dantes' arrest.
- Chapter 28: The Prison Register
- Dantes, in a disguise of an Englishman, makes inquires about Morrel and Son, in order to help Morrel through his bankruptcy.
- Chapter 29: The House of Morrel & Son
- Dantes, in a disguise of an Englishman, visits Morrel and Son to speak with M. Morrel.
- Chapter 30: The Fifth of September
- M. Morrel is saved from bankruptcy.
- Chapter 31: Italy, Sinbad the Sailor
- Sinbad the Sailor spends an evening with Franz on the Island of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 32: The Waking
- Franz leaves the Island of Monte Cristo and heads to Rome to meet his companion Albert.
- Chapter 33: Roman Bandits
- Signor Pastrini tells Franz and Albert the tales of Luigi Vampa.
- Chapter 34: The Colosseum
- Franz and Albert ask their host, Signor Pastrini to procure a cart and ox for them, since a carriage cannot be found during Carnival. After a short while Signor Pastrini returns with an invitation to join the Count of Monte Cristo's carriage.
- Chapter 35: La Mazzolata
- Franz and Albert join the Count of Monte Cristo for breakfast and then an execution.
- Chapter 36: The Carnival at Rome
- Franz and Albert enjoy the last day of Carnival. Albert is stuck by the love of a peasant dressed woman at Carnival, who arranges a meeting for the two of them.
- Chapter 37: The Catacombs of Saint Sebastian
- Franz learns that Albert has been kidnapped.
- Chapter 38: The Compact
- After the Count of Monte Cristo comes to Albert's aid, he asks Albert for an introduction into the society in Paris; Albert sets a date and time for their meeting.
- Chapter 39: The Guests
- Albert prepares his home for the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 40: The Breakfast
- The Count of Monte Cristo arrives at Albert's home for breakfast, as promised three months earlier.
- Chapter 41: The Presentation
- The Count of Monte Cristo meets Alberts parents Monsieur and Madame de Morcerf.
- Chapter 42: Monsieur Bertuccio
- The Count of Monte Cristo visits his new home in Paris.
- Chapter 43: The House at Auteuil
- The Count of Monte Cristo and Bertuccio visit the Count's other Paris home at Auteuil. Bertuccio has a confession to make to the Count, which he has previously made to Abbe Busoni (one of the Count's aliases).
- Chapter 44: The Vendetta
- Bertuccio tells his story to the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 45: The Rain of Blood
- Bertuccio finishes telling his story for why he fears the house Auteuil to the Count of Monte Cristo. The Count and Bertuccio then return to the house in Paris.
- Chapter 46: Unlimited Credit
- The Count of Monte Cristo visits Danglers at his home to speak to him about a business arrangement.
- Chapter 47: The Dappled Grays
- Ali, one of the slaves of the Count of Monte Cristo, helps to save Madame Villefort and her son Edward.
- Chapter 48: Ideology
- Monsieur de Villefort visits the Count of Monte Cristo to thank him personally for saving his wife and son.
- Chapter 49: Haidee
- The Count of Monte Cristo visits Haidee in his home and tells her that she is free from being his slave now that they are in Paris.
- Chapter 50: The Morrel Family
- The Count of Monte Cristo visits Monsieur Morrel's children at their home. During his visit with Maximilian and Julie, he notices the red silk purse and diamond underneith crystal coverings.
- Chapter 51: Pyramus and Thisbe
- Maximilian Morrel visits his love, Valentine, the daughter of Monsieur Villefort.
- Chapter 52: Toxicology
- The Count of Monte Cristo speaks to Madame Villefort about poisons and chemistry.
- Chapter 53: Robert le Diable
- The Count of Monte Cristo encounters many acquaintances while at the Opera with Haidee. Haidee recognizes the Count of Morcerf as the man who sold her father to the Turks.
- Chapter 54: A Flurry in Stocks
- Albert and Debray visit the Count of Monte Cristo's home and discuss various matters with him.
- Chapter 55: Major Cavalcanti
- Major Cavalcanti visits the house of the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 56: Andrea Cavalcanti
- Major Cavalcanti is introduced to his lost son, Andrea Cavalcanti, with the help of the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 57: In the Lucerne Patch
- Maximilian visit Valentine at her house secretly.
- Chapter 58: M. Noirtier de Villefort
- Monsieur Noirtier speaks to Valentine about her upcoming marriage to Franz.
- Chapter 59: The Will
- Monsieur Noirtier changes his will to aid Valentine.
- Chapter 60: The Telegraph
- The Count of Monte Cristo arrives at the Villefort's residence to remind them of his upcoming party.
- Chapter 61: How a Gardener May Get Rid of the Dormice
- The Count of Monte Cristo visits a gardener who works at the telegraph.
- Chapter 62: Ghosts
- The guests for the Count of Monte Cristo's Auteuil party begin to arrive.
- Chapter 63: The Dinner
- During his dinner part the Count of Monte Cristo speaks about the history of the Auteuil house.
- Chapter 64: The Beggar
- Andrea (Benedetto) has an encounter with his old prison mate, Caderousse.
- Chapter 65: A Conjugal Scene
- Monsieur Danglers has a harsh talk with Madame Danglers.
- Chapter 66: Matrimonial Projects
- Monsieur Danglers visits the Count of Monte Cristo for financial advice.
- Chapter 67: At the Office of the King's Attorney
- Madame Danglers visits Monsieur Villefort.
- Chapter 68: A Summer Ball
- Albert visits the Count of Monte Cristo at his home, after returning from his vacation.
- Chapter 69: The Inquiry
- Monsieur Villefort attempts to gain more information about the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 70: The Ball
- The Morcerf's host a ball at their house.
- Chapter 71: Bread and Salt
- Mercedes speaks with the Count of Monte Cristo in the garden during the ball.
- Chapter 72: Madame de Saint-Meran
- Monsieur de Saint-Meran fell ill and died. Madame de Saint-Meran visits the house of Villefort to inform them of her husband's death.
- Chapter 73: The Promise
- Madame de Saint-Meran falls ill and dies, the doctor treating her suspects foul play.
- Chapter 74: The Villefort Family Vault
- After the funerals of Monsieur and Madame de Saint-Meran, Monsieur de Villefort begins to arrange the marriage of Valetine.
- Chapter 75: A Signed Statement
- Monsieur Noirtier reveals to Franz information about the death of Franz's father.
- Chapter 76: Progress of Cavalcanti the Younger
- Monsieur Cavalcanti, the Count of Monte Cristo, and Albert visit the Dangler's house.
- Chapter 77: Haidee
- Haidee relates the story of her father's death to Albert and the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 78: We Hear From Yanina
- A newspaper prints an article which slanders the name of Fernand de Morcerf.
- Chapter 79: The Lemonade
- Monsieur Morrel visits Valentine and Monsieur Noirtier.
- Chapter 80: The Accusation
- Monsieur Noirtier's servant dies.
- Chapter 81: The Room of the Retired Baker
- Monsieur Cavalcanti, Benedetto, visits Caderousse's house.
- Chapter 82: The Burglary
- Caderousse breaks into the house of the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 83: The Hand of God
- The Count of Monte Cristo's true identity is revealed to a dying Caderousse.
- Chapter 84: Beauchamp
- Beauchamp visits Albert and speaks to him about the newspaper article printed three weeks prior.
- Chapter 85: The Journey
- Albert accompanies the Count of Monte Cristo to Normandy.
- Chapter 86: The Trial
- Monsieur de Morcerf is on trial.
- Chapter 87: The Challenge
- Albert visits Monsieur Danglers to ask about the accusations against his father.
- Chapter 88: The Insult
- Albert confronts the Count of Monte Cristo at the opera.
- Chapter 89: A Nocturnal Interview
- Mercedes (Madame de Morcerf) visits the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 90: The Meeting
- Albert and the Count of Monte Cristo meet for a duel.
- Chapter 91: Mother and Son
- Albert and Mercedes plan to leave the Morcerf house.
- Chapter 92: The Suicide
- Fernand de Morcerf visits the house of the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Chapter 93: Valentine
- Maximilian visits Valentine and Noirtier.
- Chapter 94: Maximilian's Avowal
- Noirtier's preparations have helped save Valentine's life.
- Chapter 95: Father and Daughter
- Eugenie speaks to Danglers about her reservations about marrying Cavalcanti.
- Chapter 96: The Contract
- Andrea Cavalcanti and Mademoiselle Danglers are to be married at Danglers' house.
- Chapter 97: The Departure for Belgium
- Eugenie and her friend Louise escape from Paris.
- Chapter 98: The Bell and Bottle Tavern
- Andrea makes his escape from Paris.
- Chapter 99: The Law
- Madame Danglers visits Villefort to talk to him about Andrea.
- Chapter 100: The Apparition
- The Count of Monte Cristo helps Valetine survive being poisoned.
- Chapter 101: Locusta
- Valentine discovers who has been poisoning the occupants of the Villefort house.
- Chapter 102: Valentine
- Valentine is pronounced dead by Doctor d'Avrigny.
- Chapter 103: Maximilian
- Abbe Busoni visits Valentine on her deathbed to pray for her.
- Chapter 104: Danglar's Signature
- The Count of Monte Cristo visits Danglers in order to receive money.
- Chapter 105: The Cemetery of Pere-la-Chaise
- The Count of Monte Cristo visits Maximilian's house.
- Chapter 106: Dividing the Proceeds
- Albert and Mercedes make plans for their future.
- Chapter 107: The Lion's Den
- Bertuccio visits Benedetto (Andrea) in prison.
- Chapter 108: The Judge
- Villefort prepares for Benedetto's trial, and then he confronts Madame de Villefort.
- Chapter 109: The Assizes
- The people of Paris begin arriving at the trial of Benedetto.
- Chapter 110: The Indictment
- Benedetto reveals the knowledge of who is his father.
- Chapter 111: Expiation
- The Count of Monte Cristo's revenge comes to a close.
- Chapter 112: The Departure
- The Count of Monte Cristo leaves Paris with Maximilian, and then he visits his old house where Mercedes now lives.
- Chapter 113: The Past
- The Count of Monte Cristo visits Chateau d'If, and then heads out to Italy.
- Chapter 114: Peppino
- Danglers is captured by Luigi Vampa on his way out of Rome.
- Chapter 115: Luigi Vampa's Bill of Fare
- Danglers learns that in order to eat while imprisoned he must pay a large sum for his food.
- Chapter 116: The Pardon
- Danglers nearly starves to death when he meets Edmond Dantes.
- Chapter 117: The Fifth of October
- The Count of Monte Cristo saves Maximilian, and then finds happiness once again.