"Ornamental plants, cultivated chiefly for their handsome flowers. The Abelias are small or medium-sized…
"Aberia Caffra, Hook. f. & Harv. Fig. 59. Thorny, glabrous: lvs. obovate, obtuse, cuneate at base, entire:fls.…
"Fig. 61- Cones of Abies- From bottom to top, A. concolor (White Fir), A. Nordmanniana (Nordmann Fir),…
"Abutilon macropodum. 1. an unexpanded flower; 2. the stamens and styles; 3. a ripe fruit, consisting…
"Nelsonia campestris. 1. flowers; 2. pistil; 3. capsule; 4. cross section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853
"Bixa orellana. 1. a pistil and two stamens; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. a ripe fruit. 4. a…
"Acicarpha spathulata. 1. section of an entire flower; 2. perpendicular section of ripe fruit." -Lindley,…
The Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) is a European plant in the Ranunculaceae family of buttercups.
Half of an acorn, cut lengthwise, filled by the very thick cotyledons, the base of which encloses the…
Here is a representation of the acorn which has germinated. The roots go down while the stalk goes up.
A longitudinal section of an acorn, showing two cotyledons and the embryo.
"Adder's tongue fern (Ophioglossum vulgatum L.). R, runner or stolon." -Gager, 1916
Ophioglossum vulgatum, or Southern Adderstongue is a fern-like plant commonly growing in sand dunes.
Agaricus cepaestipes is a mushroom from a large genus with both edible and poisonous species.
Littaea geminiflora, or the Twin-Flowered Agave, showing the flower and the whole plant.
Marlea begonifolia or Alangium chinense is an evergreen tree native in China used for its medicinal…
Magnified view of some of a simple fresh water Alga, the Tetraspora lubrica, each sphere of which may…
This shows the leaf of the Almondleaf Willow, Salix amygdaloides, (Keeler, 1915).
One of five stamen-clusters of the flower of American Linden, with accompanying scale.
"Andrea nivalis, natural size; 2. the same much magnified; 3. spore-case with the torn calyptra; 4.…
The flowers of Archangelica officinalis, or the Garden Angelica, a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family.
"Anona furfuracea. 1. an expanded flower; 2. a vertical section of male and female apparatus, which…
An illustration of the anteridium of a bracken. An antheridium (plural: antheridia) is a haploid structure…