
Search results for 'white fang'

Displaying 276–300 of 2,161

Fairy Tales and Other Traditional Stories

“Little Daylight”

by Sara Cone Bryant

A princess is born to a queen and king and upon her christening she is cursed by a bad fairy. Her curse is intercepted twice by two good fairies so the fate of the princess is not quite so harsh. The princess is doomed to sleep through the day to wake at night and wane and wax with the moon until kissed by a prince who knows nothing of her story.

The Pink Fairy Book


by Andrew Lang

A man and woman wish for a child. One winter they decide to create a snow child, and are shocked to see their creation miraculously come to life. They treat the child, Snowflake, as their own and shower her with love and affection. Unfortunately the arrival of spring brings changes that cause unhappiness.

The Invisible Man

Chapter 3

by H.G. Wells

The stranger’s belongings arrive and the experiments begin. Mr. Hall sees something peculiar. (London, England; Pearson's Magazine, 1897)