This human anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 116 illustrations of human systemic circulation of the cardiovascular system. This includes veins, arteries, and capillaries involved in systemic circulation of blood throughout the body. General views of the circulatory system are also included here.
The circulatory organs. Labels: 1, The left auricle. 2, The right auricle. 3, The left ventricle. 4,…
Diagram of the circulatory system, showing that it forms a single closed circuit with two pumps in it,…
"Ehrlich's diagrams illustrating the mechanism of immunity and cytolysis. The figures in black indicate…
"Ehrlich's diagrams illustrating the mechanism of immunity and cytolysis. The figures in black indicate…
"Ehrlich's diagrams illustrating the mechanism of immunity and cytolysis. The figures in black…
"Ehrlich's diagrams illustrating the mechanism of immunity and cytolysis. The figures in black…
The arteries of the face and head. Labels: 1, common carotid; 2, internal carotid; 3, external carotid;…
The arteries of the face and scalp. The muscle tissue of the lips must be supposed to have been cut…
"1, primitive carotid artery dividing itself into carotid external and carotid internal; 3, occipital…
"The arteries of the hand, showing the communications or anastomoses of different arteries and the fine…
Arteries of the head. Labels: 1, common carotid; 2, internal carotid; 3, external carotid; 4, occipital;…
Vascular supply of kidney. Labels: a, partof arterial arch; b, arterial branch passing upwards through…
Arteries of the leg. Labels: 1, extensor propius pollicis; 2, articular arteries; 3, anterior tibia;…
Veins of the leg. Labels: 1, saphenous; 2, collateral branch; 3, anastomosis; 4, internal saphenous;…
Superficial veins of the legs. Labels: 1, saphena major; 2, collateral branch; 3, anastomosis of veins;…
Section of liver injected from hepatic vein, showing intralobular capillary network.
"Showing the carotid artery and jugular vein on the right side, with some of their main branches; also…
"a, axis cylinder; b, inner border of white substance; c, c, outer border of same; d, d, tubular membrane;…
Arteries of the pelvis and thigh. Labels: 1, inferior extremity of abdominal aorta; 2, right primitive…
To show the sites at which communications occur between the portal and systemic circulations.
The portal vein and its branches. Labels: l, liver, under surface; gb, gall bladder; st, stomach; sp,…
The clotting of the blood is due to the development in it of a substance called fibrin which appears…
Arteries of the thigh. Labels: 1, aorta; 2, common iliac; 3, external iliac; 4, epigastric; 5, circumflex…
"Cross-section of thorax. A, bronchus, entering the lung; B, the aorta cut at its origin and again at…
Anterior tibial artery. Labels: 1, extensor proprius pollicis pedis muscle and tendon; 2, 2, articular…
Section at the level of the junction of the manubrium and corpus sterni, exposing the great vessels…
Valves of a vein. In the lower part of the figure are seen the parietal valve; the upper part shows…
Diagram showing valves of veins. A, part of a vein laid open and spread out with two pairs of valves.…
Valves of veins. A shows a vein cut open between the segments of two valves. B shows appearance of valves…
A, vein with valves open. B, vein with valves closed: stream of blood passing off by lateral channel.
Diagram to illustrate the mood of action of the valves of the veins. Labels: C, the capillary; H, the…
Diagram to illustrate the mode of action of the valves of the veins. Labels: C, the capillary end, and…
Transverse section through the wall of a vein. Labels: A, tunica intima; B, tunica media; C, tunica…
Structure of a vein with valves. A, part of a vein, laid open, with two pairs of valves; B, longitudinal…
The portal system of veins. a: Portal vein. b: Splenic vein. c: Right gastro-epiploic vein. d: Inferior…
"Chief veins and arteries of the body. a, place of the heart; the veins are in black. On the right side…
Diagram illustrating the development of veins about the liver. B, dc, ducts of Cuvier, right and left;…
Diagram showing the formation of large veins by convergence of small, and the branching of veins.
Superficial veins of lower extremity. Labels: 1, veins of the foot; 2, internal saphenous vein; 3, superficial…
Sketch of the principal venous trunks. Labels: 1, superior vena cava; , inferior vena cava; 3, right…