
Search results for 'the burning of the rice field'

Displaying 726–750 of 1,190

The Red Badge of Courage

Chapter 19

by Stephen Crane

The men charge the enemy quickly, but eventually lose steam. The lieutenant continues to drive the men to fight on. Henry, Wilson, and the lieutenant lead the rest of the regiment toward the enemy position. Henry carries the regiment colors after the color sergeant is mortally wounded.

The King of the Golden River

Part 1

by John Ruskin

A folk tale about three brothers. The two elder brothers are terrible to the younger and to the people of the town. The younger brother is good-natured and invites a strange man into the house one evening. The other two show him no hospitality and lose everything because of their bad temperaments.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Chapter 3

by Mark Twain

Tom tries to attract the attention of Becky Thatcher. Tom is wrongly accused and punished by Aunt Polly when Sid has an accident, causing him to evaluate his importance in the world.

The Grey Fairy Book

Long, Broad, and Quickeye

by Andrew Lang

A young prince is offered whatever he likes best, but to his father’s dismay, he chooses a princess who is trapped by an enchantment. On his way to reach her he meets with three men, each with a special skill. Together the four men are able to work together against the magician’s spell.

The Red Badge of Courage

Chapter 11

by Stephen Crane

Henry comes across two groups of soldiers. One group is retreating, while the other moves towards the battle enthusiastically. Henry joins the advancing troops, but still fears his comrades will question his momentary absence from the battle.

David Copperfield

Chapter 36: Enthusiasm

by Charles Dickens

David decides he will use the new situation to his advantage. Dr. Strong agrees to hire David as his secretary. David becomes suspicious of Jack Malden's intentions towards Annie. Mr. Micawber tells David and Tommy of his plans in Canterbury.