Search for "american flags" pictures
We found $localcount "american flags" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1193)
British Columbia, Canada, Carved and Painted…
Fort Marion (Castillo de San Marcos) Plan…
Marine Corps War Memorial Statue
Section Drawings across the Nave and Sacristy…
Door and Window Drawings for Rooms 9, 10,…
Marine Corps War Memorial Sculpture
San Isidro Section Drawings
Fort Marion (Castillo de San Marcos) Sketch…
Fort Marion (Castillo de San Marcos) Plan…
Castillo de San Marcos (Fort Marion) Exterior…
Plan of Entrance Protection for Castillo…
Glyptodont Skeleton
Fort Marion (Castillo de San Marcos) Plan…
Old Fort Brooke Parking Structure Memorial
San Buenaventura Floor Plan Enlargement,…
Floridian Soldier's Grave
Confederate Headstone
San Buenaventura North and East Elevation…
San Buenaventura South and West Elevation…
San Isidro Plan and Elevation Drawings
Shaw 54th Regiment Memorial at Boston Common
1934 Survey of Fort Matanzas, Details of…
1934 Map Showing Location of Fort Matanzas,…
1934 Survey of Fort Matanzas, Cross Section…
Flag Raising at Iwo Jima, Front View
1934 Survey of Fort Matanzas, Second Floor…
1934 Survey of Fort Matanzas, South Elevation,…
Castillo de San Marcos Northwest Terreplein,…
Castillo de San Marcos Southeast Terreplein,…
Castillo de San Marcos Northeast Terreplein,…
Castillo de San Marcos Southwest Terreplein,…
1934 Survey of Fort Matanzas, West Elevation,…
Details of Entrance to San Marcos Chapel…
Pennsylvania Wood and Cloth Puppet with…
Oklahoma Stuffed Leather Male Indian Doll…
1934 Survey of Fort Matanzas, East Elevation,…
Oklahoma Handcrafted Indian with Beaded…
Pennsylvania Marionette or Puppet of Betsy…
1934 Survey of Fort Matanzas, North Elevation,…
Oklahoma Leather Indian Man with Hand Beaded…
San Buenaventura Floor Plan Enlargement,…
East Exterior Elevation Drawing of the Castillo…
New Mexico Hand Painted Pueblo Storyteller…
New Mexico Storyteller Pottery with Woman,…
West Exterior Elevation Drawing of the Castillo…
16-Pounder Cannon Made by Joseph Barnola…
1934 Survey of Fort Matanzas, First Floor…
North Exterior Elevation Drawing of the…
Wooden Common Raccoon on Display at the…
Floor Plan of San Buenaventura