Nursery Rhymes and Traditional Poems

This collection of children's verses includes classics such as "Hickory Dickory Dock", "Jack and Jill", "Simple Simon", "The Old Woman in the Shoe", "Little Bo-Peep", and many more.
Source: This book was compiled by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology and includes passages from multiple sources. Please refer to the passage pages for further source information.
- A Was an Apple Pie
- A poem incorporating the alphabet.
- Bird Thoughts
- This poem explores the growth of a baby bird and its discovery of the world it lives in.
- The Cat and the Fiddle (Hey Diddle Diddle)
- Children’s nursery rhyme about a cat, fiddle, cow, moon, dog, dish, and spoon.
- Cobbler, Mend My Shoe
- A child's nursery rhyme dealing with time.
- Cock-A-Doodle-Doo!
- A funny nonsensical poem.
- Coffee and Tea
- Two sisters disagree.
- Curly Locks, Curly Locks
- A poem about a man trying to win the heart of a maid.
- Cushy Cow Bonny
- A nursery rhyme (from Mother Goose) originating from a milkmaid chant used to charm her cow to give milk.
- Dance Little Baby
- A nursery rhyme that mimics a lullaby.
- Dapple Gray
- A nonsense and humorous rhyme about a child building a horse out of hay.
- Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling
- A rhyme about a child sleeping with stockings and one shoe on.
- Diddley, Diddley, Dumpty
- A nonsensical nursery rhyme.
- Ding, Dong, Bell
- A limerick about a drowned cat.
- An Egg
- A fun riddle.
- Evening Red and Morning Gray
- A nautical weather proverb
- For Every Evil Under the Sun
- A Mother Goose jingle that acts as a proverb about pessimism.
- Georgy-Porgy
- A nursery rhyme classified as a satire and/or taunt.
- Handy Spanky, Jack-A-Dandy
- A fun limerick about a boy who loves candy.
- He That Would Thrive
- A proverb that praises those who do not procrastinate.
- Here Sits the Lord Mayor
- A fun nursery rhyme/riddle.
- Here We Go Up, Up, Up
- A rhyme about children’s play.
- Hickory, Dickory, Dock
- A rhyme about a mouse.
- Hippity—Hop to the Barber Shop
- A nursery rhyme in the from of a gesture and/or action song.
- Hot-Cross Buns
- A nursery rhyme formatted from a peddler’s cry.
- Humpty Dumpty
- Humpty Dumpty falls, breaks, and can’t be put back together.
- I Am a Gold Lock
- A nursery rhyme that acts a a fun catch.
- I Had a Little Hen
- A fun nursery rhyme about a little hen.
- I Had a Little Hobby Horse
- A limerick about a hobby horse.
- I Have a Little Sister
- A Mother Goose rhyme about a little sister.
- Ickity, Pickity
- Silly children’s limerick.
- In the Merry Month of May
- A poem about the coming of spring.
- Inly, Minly, Dibbity Fig
- Counting-out Jingles, Silly children’s limerick.
- Intery, Mintery, Cutery Corn
- A children’s counting limerick.
- Jack and Jill
- What happened when Jack and Jill went up the hill.
- Jack Sprat
- A nursery rhyme focused on the character sketch of Jack Sprat and his wife as counterparts of each other.
- Jumping Joan
- A humorous limerick.
- Little Betty Blue
- A fun limerick about a girl who loses her shoe.
- Little Bo-Peep
- Tales, Nursery Rhyme
- Little Cock-Sparrow
- A poem about a boy hunting a cock-sparrow.
- Little Girl Where Have You Been?
- Mother Goose rhyme about a girl who gathers roses for the queen.
- Little Girl, Little Girl
- A nursery rhyme about a girl who gathers roses for the queen.
- Little Jack Horner
- Scenes and incidents, Nursery Rhyme
- Little Man Will You Wed?
- A funny limerick about a man in love with a maid.
- Little Miss Muffet
- Children’s nursery rhyme about a little girl and a spider.
- Little Polly Flinders
- Punishment, Choices
- Little Robin Redbreast
- A nursery rhyme about the stereotypical relationship between cats and birds.
- Little Tucker’s Dog
- A nursery rhyme about a dog.
- Maid Mary
- A humorous poem about the daily routine of a farmer and his maid.
- Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
- A nursery rhyme about Mary and her garden.
- Molly My Sister
- A limerick about a silly fight between siblings.
- My Little Old Man
- A nursery rhyme about an argument over money.
- Naught, One
- A nonsense nursery rhyme that closely resembles a jump rope rhyme.
- The North Wind
- A poem about the coming of winter.
- Old Dan Tucker
- A nonsense and/or humorous rhyme about a fictional character Old Dan Tucker.
- Old King Cole
- This merry king called for his pipe, fiddlers, and bowl.
- Old Mother Hubbard
- A nursery rhyme involving the antics of Old Mother Hubbard and her dog.
- The Old Woman in a Shoe
- A nursery rhyme about an old woman who lives in a shoe.
- The Old Woman of Leeds
- A nursery rhyme about a pious old woman performing good works.
- Pat a Cake
- A nursery rhyme about baking a cake.
- Pease Porridge Hot
- Peddler’s Cries, Nursery Rhyme
- Peter Piper
- A nursery rhyme that also serves as a tongue twister about Peter Piper.
- Peter Piper
- Peter Piper picked pickled peppers
- Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
- A nursery rhyme categorized as a scene and/or incident about Peter Pumpkin Eater and his wife.
- Polly, Put the Kettle On
- A funny nursery rhyme about the arrival of guests.
- Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat
- A nursery rhyme about a cat and a queen.
- The Queen of Hearts
- A fun nonsensical poem about the Queen of Hearts and her tarts.
- Rain, Rain, Go Away
- A fun limerick about the rain.
- Red Herrings
- A fun nonsensical poem.
- Ride a Cock Horse To Banbury Cross
- A poem about symbolic fertility.
- Robin Hood and Allin A Dale
- A poem about Robin Hood in the form of a ballad.
- See a Pin and Pick It Up
- A proverb concerning luck.
- Simple Simon
- A funny limerick about a pieman and his wares.
- Sing a Song of Sixpence
- The blackbirds that were supposed to be baked in a pie for the king began to sing when the pie was opened. They then flew down to snap off the maid’s nose.
- Sing a Song of Sixpence
- A poem about blackbirds that get baked in a pie.
- Sleepy-Head
- A nursery rhyme exploring character study.
- Swan Swam Over the Sea
- A fun tongue twister.
- There Was a Crooked Man
- A poem about a crooked man.
- There Was a Little Girl
- A sweet young girl can be not so sweet.
- This Little Mouse
- A rhyme about a mouse being caught in a trap.
- Trit-Trot, Trit-Trot
- A nursery rhyme that acts a a gesture and/or action song relating the sounds to the actions of trotting to and from a market.
- We’re All in the Dumps
- A traditional nonsense verse that is often sung.
- Wee Willie Winkie
- The poem was recited by the Town Crier to teach children to associate every day tasks with their own lives.
- When the Bees All Homeward Fly
- A poem about logicical natural progression.
- When the Fog Goes Up the Hill
- Fog goes up; rain comes down.
- Whirly-Whicker-Whaker
- A rhyme about a farmer who chases a hog out of his fodder field.
- Year Published: 2012
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: United States of America
- Flesch–Kincaid Level: 1.8
- Word Count: 4,523
- Genre: Nursery Rhyme
- Keywords: alphabet, fruit, poetry