Lyrics of Lowly Life
by Paul Laurence Dunbar

This is a collection of poetry by African American author Paul Laurence Dunbar. Dunbar's work frequently features a conversational tone, innovative rhetorical structure, and a colorful use of both dialect and mainstream English. Dunbar was among the first nationally successful African American writers.
Source: Dunbar, P.L. (1913). The Complete Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar. New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company.
- "Ere Sleep Comes Down To Soothe The Weary Eyes"
- "Ere Sleep Comes Down To Soothe The Weary Eyes"
- "The Poet and His Song"
- "A song is but a little thing,"
- "Retort"
- "“Thou art a fool,” said my head to my heart,"
- "Accountability"
- "Folks ain’t got no right to censuah othah folks about dey habits;"
- "Frederick Douglass"
- "A hush is over all the teeming lists,"
- "Life"
- "A crust of bread and a corner to sleep in,"
- "The Lesson"
- "My cot was down by a cypress grove,"
- "The Rising of the Storm"
- "The lake’s dark breast"
- "Sunset"
- "The river sleeps beneath the sky,"
- "The Old Apple-Tree"
- "There’s a memory keeps a–runnin’"
- "A Prayer"
- "O Lord, the hard–won miles"
- "Passion and Love"
- "A maiden wept and, as a comforter,"
- "The Seedling"
- "As a quiet little seedling"
- "Promise"
- "I grew a rose within a garden fair,"
- "Fulfilment"
- "I grew a rose once more to please mine eyes."
- "Song"
- "My heart to thy heart,"
- "An Ante-Bellum Sermon"
- "We is gathahed hyeah, my brothahs,"
- "Ode to Ethiopia"
- "O Mother Race! to thee I bring"
- "The Corn-Stalk Fiddle"
- "When the corn ’s all cut and the bright stalks shine"
- "The Master-Player"
- "An old, worn harp that had been played"
- "The Mystery"
- "I was not; now I am—a few days hence"
- "Not They Who Soar"
- "Not they who soar, but they who plod"
- "Whittier"
- "Not o’er thy dust let there be spent"
- "Two Songs"
- "A bee that was searching for sweets one day"
- "A Banjo Song"
- "Oh, dere ’s lots o’ keer an’ trouble"
- "Longing"
- "If you could sit with me beside the sea to–day,"
- "The Path"
- "There are no beaten paths to Glory’s height,"
- "The Lawyer's Way"
- "I ‘ve been list’nin’ to them lawyers"
- "Ode for Memorial Day"
- "Done are the toils and the wearisome marches,"
- "Premonition"
- "Dear heart, good–night!"
- "Retrospection"
- "When you and I were young, the days"
- "Unexpressed"
- "Deep in my heart that aches with the repression,"
- "Song of Summer"
- "Dis is gospel weathah sho’—"
- "Spring Song"
- "A blue–bell springs upon the ledge,"
- "To Louise"
- "Oh, the poets may sing of their Lady Irenes,"
- "The Rivals"
- "‘T was three an’ thirty year ago,"
- "The Lover and the Moon"
- "A lover whom duty called over the wave,"
- "Conscience and Remorse"
- "“Good–bye,” I said to my conscience—"
- "Ione"
- "Ah, yes, ‘t is sweet still to remember,"
- "Religion"
- "I am no priest of crooks nor creeds,"
- "Deacon Jones' Grievance"
- "I ‘ve been watchin’ of ‘em, parson,"
- "Alice"
- "Know you, winds that blow your course"
- "After the Quarrel"
- "So we, who ‘ve supped the self–same cup,"
- "Beyond the Years"
- "Beyond the years the answer lies,"
- "After a Visit"
- "I be’n down in ole Kentucky"
- "Curtain"
- "Villain shows his indiscretion,"
- "The Spellin'-Bee"
- "I never shall furgit that night when father hitched up Dobbin,"
- "Keep a-plugging Away"
- "I ‘ve a humble little motto"
- "Night of Love"
- "The moon has left the sky, love,"
- "Columbian Ode"
- "Four hundred years ago a tangled waste"
- "A Border Ballad"
- "Oh, I have n’t got long to live, for we all"
- "An Easy-goin' Feller"
- "Ther’ ain’t no use in all this strife,"
- "A Negro Love Song"
- "Seen my lady home las’ night,"
- "The Dilletante: A Modern Type"
- "He scribbles some in prose and verse,"
- "By the Stream"
- "By the stream I dream in calm delight, and watch as in a glass,"
- "The Colored Soldiers"
- "If the muse were mine to tempt it"
- "Nature and Art" (To My Friend Charles Booth Nettleton)
- "The young queen Nature, ever sweet and fair,"
- "After While" (A Poem of Faith)
- "I think that though the clouds be dark,"
- "The Ol' Tunes"
- "You kin talk about yer anthems"
- "Melancholia"
- "Silently without my window,"
- "The Wooing"
- "A youth went faring up and down,"
- "Merry Autumn"
- "It’s all a farce,—these tales they tell"
- "When De Co'n Pone's Hot"
- "Dey is times in life when Nature"
- "Ballad"
- "I know my love is true,"
- "The Change has Come"
- "The change has come, and Helen sleeps—"
- "Comparison"
- "The sky of brightest gray seems dark"
- "A Corn-Song"
- "On the wide veranda white,"
- "Discovered"
- "Seen you down at chu’ch las’ night,"
- "Disappointed"
- "An old man planted and dug and tended,"
- "Invitation to Love"
- "Come when the nights are bright with stars"
- "He had His Dream"
- "He had his dream, and all through life,"
- "Good-Night"
- "The lark is silent in his nest,"
- "A Coquette Conquered"
- "Yes, my ha’t ’s ez ha’d ez stone—"
- "Nora: A Serenade"
- "Ah, Nora, my Nora, the light fades away,"
- "October"
- "October is the treasurer of the year,"
- "A Summer's Night"
- "The night is dewy as a maiden’s mouth,"
- "Ships that Pass in the Night"
- "Out in the sky the great dark clouds are massing;
- "The Delinquent"
- "Goo’–by, Jinks, I got to hump,"
- "Dawn"
- "An angel, robed in spotless white,"
- "A Drowsy Day"
- "The air is dark, the sky is gray,"
- "Dirge"
- "Place this bunch of mignonette"
- "Hymn"
- "When storms arise"
- "Preparation"
- "The little bird sits in the nest and sings"
- "The Deserted Plantation"
- "Oh, de grubbin’–hoe ’s a–rustin’ in de co’nah,"
- "The Secret"
- "What says the wind to the waving trees?"
- "The Wind and the Sea"
- "I stood by the shore at the death of day,"
- "Riding to Town"
- "When labor is light and the morning is fair,"
- "We Wear the Mask"
- "We wear the mask that grins and lies,"
- "The Meadow Lark"
- "Though the winds be dank,"
- "One Life"
- "Oh, I am hurt to death, my Love;"
- "Changing Time"
- "The cloud looked in at the window,"
- "Dead"
- "A knock is at her door, but she is weak;"
- "A Confidence"
- "Uncle John, he makes me tired;"
- "Phyllis"
- "Phyllis, ah, Phyllis, my life is a gray day,"
- "Right's Security"
- "What if the wind do howl without,"
- "If"
- "If life were but a dream, my Love,"
- "The Song"
- "My soul, lost in the music’s mist,"
- "Signs of the Times"
- "Air a–gittin’ cool an’ coolah,"
- "Why Fades a Dream"
- "Why fades a dream?"
- "The Sparrow"
- "A little bird, with plumage brown,"
- "Speakin' o' Christmas"
- "Breezes blowin’ middlin’ brisk,"
- "Lonesome"
- "Mother ’s gone a–visitin’ to spend a month er two,"
- "Growin' Gray"
- "Hello, ole man, you ‘re a–gittin’ gray,"
- "To the Memory of Mary Young"
- "God has his plans, and what if we"
- "When Malindy Sings"
- "G’way an’ quit dat noise, Miss Lucy—"
- "The Party"
- "Dey had a gread big pahty down to Tom’s de othah night;"
- Year Published: 1913
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: United States of America
- Flesch–Kincaid Level: 6.5
- Word Count: 30,399
- Genre: Poetry
- Keywords: art, author, battle, bloom, boat, celebration, challenge, childhood, comfort, dance, death, destiny, dream, dreaming, dreams, dusk, eternal, evil, faith, family, fate, fish, freedom, friendship, garden, good, grow, growth, happiness, harp, hatred, hero, injustice, jealousy, journey, joy, lake, laughter, laziness, life, loss, love, music, nature, night, ocean, pain, poet, religion, remember, rememberance, rose, sadness, sea, sing, slavery, society, song, summer, trials, war, wife, wind, writer, writing, youth