
Search results for 'white fang'

Displaying 376–400 of 2,161

The Crimson Fairy Book

“To Your Good Health!”

by Andrew Lang

A young shepherd refuses to abide by the laws of the kingdom when the king sneezes. The shepherd survives three perilous trials and refused three magnificent gifts for the hand of the princess in marriage, which he eventually gets out of the king’s frustration.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Chapter 1

by Mark Twain

Aunt Polly catches Tom misbehaving, but finds it hard to punish her late sisters child. Tom's fight with a stranger in town causes him to temporarily lose his freedom. The reader is introduced to Tom's half brother Sid.

The Pink Fairy Book

How the Hermit Helped to Win the King’s Daughter

by Andrew Lang

A king advertises that he will wed his daughter to one who can make a ship that will float on both land and sea. Three brothers each have their hand at building such a ship, but the kindness of the youngest allows him success, as he befriends a holy hermit. The group journeys to the kingdom, picking up friends along the way. Unfortunately, the king changes the rules when they arrive, but the man's new friends help him to meet the king’s demands.

The King of the Golden River

Part 5

by John Ruskin

Gluck attempts to turn the river to gold and succeeds because he is charitable to the thirsty people and animals he meets alonng the way (unlike his brothers). The holy water of which the king had spoken, was the water of mercy.