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Obras de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer — Tomo Primero

Leyenda 18: “El Miserere”

by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

A musician seeking to make ammends for his life of sin, attempts to write a “miserere” or Lord Have Mercy, he hears upon visiting an abandoned monastery, where a tragedy is relived every Holy Thursday. Un musico, arrepentido de su vida de pecado y mal, atenta escribir un “miserere” que ha oido cuando visita un monasterio abandonado, donde una tragedia de revive todos los Jueves Santos.

Main Street

Chapter 14

by Sinclair Lewis

Carol and Will have their first argument. Will complains about Carol's "highbrow" attitude, and the effect is it having on his personal and professional relationships.


Chapter 7

by Bram Stoker

A great storm in Whitby and a ship with its dead captain comes on shore. The cargo consisits of wooden boxes and a dog that jumps off the boat and disappears. The captain’s log tells about the horror that took place on the ship. The boat is claimed by a group of Russians. The town holds a funeral for the captain and a normally quiet dog is terrified. Lucy is bothered and continues dreaming and sleepwalking.