
Search results for 'white fang'

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Main Street

Chapter 12

by Sinclair Lewis

Carol's attempts at rebuilding and reforming the town continue to be thwarted by the townspeople. In order to maintain their social status, Carol and Kennicott move to the lake for the summer. Carol is initially impressed by the Perrys, but changes her mind after hearing their opinions.

Silas Marner

Part 1, Chapter 10

by George Eliot

The robbery continues to bring kindness and sympathy to Silas' door. Godrey looks forward to seeing Nancy once again, but still worries that Dunstan will return to Raveloe.

Jane Eyre

Chapter XVII

by Charlotte Brontë

Rochester has been gone for a week, and Jane is dismayed to learn that he may choose to depart for continental Europe without returning to Thornfield—according to Mrs. Fairfax, he could be gone for more than a year. A week later, however, Mrs. Fairfax receives word that Rochester will arrive in three days with a large group of guests. While she waits, Jane continues to be amazed by the apparently normal relations the strange, self-isolated Grace Poole enjoys with the rest of the staff. Jane also overhears a conversation in which a few of the servants discuss Grace’s high pay, and Jane is certain that she doesn’t know the entire truth about Grace Poole’s role at Thornfield. Rochester arrives at last, accompanied by a party of elegant and aristocratic guests. Jane is forced to join the group but spends the evening watching them from a window seat. Blanche Ingram and her mother are among the party’s members, and they treat Jane with disdain and cruelty. Jane tries to leave the party, but Rochester stops her. He grudgingly allows her to go when he sees the tears brimming in her eyes. He informs her that she must come into the drawing room every evening during his guests’ stay at Thornfield. As they part, Rochester nearly lets slip more than he intends. “Good-night, my—” he says, before biting his lip.

The Invisible Man

Chapter 4

by H.G. Wells

The Stranger isolates himself from the rest of the village, but still becomes a topic of conversation. Mr. Cuss talks with the stranger and is alarmed by what he sees. (London, England; Pearson's Magazine, 1897)

Wuthering Heights

Chapter 3

by Emily Brontë

Zillah leads Mr. Lockwood to a room where Mr. Heathcliff allows no one to stay. Mr. Lockwood has two nightmares while sleeping in this room; he awakens Mr. Heathcliff when he screams during his nightmare.

The Professor

Chapter 2

by Charlotte Brontë

William finds out what his responsibilities will be at this new trade. He also learns the boundaries of the relationship his brother is willing to have.

Wuthering Heights

Chapter 32

by Emily Brontë

Lockwood leaves and comes back six months later to find Nelly living at Wuthering Heights, as Cathy's companion because Zillah left. After Hareton accidentally shoots himself, Cathy gives Nelly a book to give to him; if he accepts it Cathy vows to teach him to read and never tease him again.

Wuthering Heights

Chapter 7

by Emily Brontë

Catherine returns to Wuthering Heights after a five week transformation from wild girl to young lady, all Mrs. Linton's work. Upon her return, Heathcliff is upset at her changes in appearance and attitude. The Linton's are invited to dinner by Hindley, and Heathcliff is forbidden to join them.