
Search results for 'white fang'

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Chapter 24

by Bram Stoker

The men decide to hide their plans from Mina, since the worry she may reveal their plans inadvertently. However, they soon consider the ways she can help them in completing their mission.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Book Eighth, Chapter 6

by Victor Hugo

Having been with his garrison for a period, the recovered Captain Phoebus arrives in Notre Dame as the crowd gathers for punishment of Esmeralda. Upon seeing Captain Phoebus, the condemned Esmeralda collapses just before she is rescued by Quasimoto.

Jane Eyre

Chapter XI

by Charlotte Brontë

Jane’s driver is late picking her up from the station at Millcote. When she finally arrives at Thornfield it is nighttime. Although she cannot distinguish much of the house’s facade from among the shadows, she finds the interior “cosy and agreeable.” Mrs. Fairfax, a prim, elderly woman, is waiting for Jane. It turns out that Mrs. Fairfax is not, as Jane had assumed from their correspondence, the owner of Thornfield, but rather the housekeeper. Thornfield’s owner, Mr. Rochester, travels regularly and leaves much of the manor’s management to Mrs. Fairfax. Jane learns that she will be tutoring Adèle, an eight-year-old French girl whose mother was a singer and dancer. Mrs. Fairfax also tells Jane about Rochester, saying that he is an eccentric man whose family has a history of extreme and violent behavior. Suddenly, Jane hears a peal of strange, eerie laughter echoing through the house, and Mrs. Fairfax summons someone named Grace, whom she orders to make less noise and to “remember directions.” When Grace leaves, Mrs. Fairfax explains that she is a rather unbalanced and unpredictable seamstress who works in the house.

The Red Badge of Courage

Chapter 19

by Stephen Crane

The men charge the enemy quickly, but eventually lose steam. The lieutenant continues to drive the men to fight on. Henry, Wilson, and the lieutenant lead the rest of the regiment toward the enemy position. Henry carries the regiment colors after the color sergeant is mortally wounded.

Tales of Terror and Mystery

“The Japanned Box”

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

A man is a tutor to two young boys in a household. Their father is very quiet and studious and keeps to himself. However, he has a room that no one has set foot in until the tutor saves the youngest from a well. The tutor in this manner learns from the servants about his employer’s past as an obnoxious drunk. His wife was the one to tame him and he carries a black Japanned Box, which is believed to hold her letters, with him when he stays somewhere else.

Tik-Tok of Oz

Chapter 8: “Tik-Tok Tackles a Tough Task”

by L. Frank Baum

Betsy and her friends meet Queen Ann and her army. Queen Ann tries to conquer Betsy and her friends, but once the Shaggy Man removed the Love Magnet from his pocket, all talk of conquering was forgotten. Ann decides to conquer Ruggedo instead and makes Tik-Tok her new private.