
Search results for 'how to read literature like a professor'

Displaying 2326–2350 of 3,260

Wuthering Heights

Chapter 10

by Emily Brontë

Heathcliff returns to Thrushcross Grange a few months after Catherine and Edgar were married. While Heathcliff stays at Wuthering Heights, Catherine and Isabella visit him; Isabella falls for Heathcliff in the process.

Ethan Frome


by Edith Wharton

The narrator tells of his first encounter with Ethan Frome in the town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. The narrator seeks information on the reclusive Frome.

The Sea-Wolf

Chapter 7

by Jack London

As the Ghost catches speed, propelled by the trade winds, Hump takes in the natural beauty of the ocean. Captain Larsen explains more of his philosophy on life to Hump.

Tik-Tok of Oz

Chapter 18: “A Clever Conquest”

by L. Frank Baum

After successfully waking Quox, Polychrome and Quox decide to attack. Quox is instantly captured. However, upon seeing the dragon’s ribboned locket, Ruggedo’s magical powers vanish. Quox opens the locket and eggs appear and frighten Ruggedo—chasing him away from his kingdom.

Sense and Sensibility

Chapter XXVIII

by Jane Austen

Marianne and Elinor are obliged to accompany Lady Middleton to a party, though Marianne clearly has no heart for it where the girls meet up with Willoughby again, but the meeting does not go well.