
Search results for 'how to read literature like a professor'

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Wuthering Heights

Chapter 30

by Emily Brontë

Nelly's narrative ends; Zillah is now who tells Nelly about Cathy. Before Linton dies Cathy takes care of herself; after Linton dies, Cathy will not let Zillah or Hareton be nice to her.

Main Street

Chapter 10

by Sinclair Lewis

While touring the outskirts of Gopher Prairie, Carol meets Miles Bjornstam, the town sole Democrat. Carol unsuccessfully attempts to introduce Will to the art of Poetry. A less opinionated Carol finds greater acceptance with the ladies of the Jolly Seventeen.

The Sea-Wolf

Chapter 5

by Jack London

Hump receives his dried clothing, but notices that some valuably articles are now missing, resulting in an altercation with Mugridge. A misstep while performing his duties aboard ship, results in violence towards Hump. Hump informs Captain Larsen of his missing money, but is only chastised for his irresponsibility and later presented with some of the captains philosophy.


Chapter 20

by Bram Stoker

Harker determines the location of the missing boxes, and the men decide they must act quickly. Renfield is involved in a mysterious accident.