
Search results for 'white fang'

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Chapter 7

by Bram Stoker

A great storm in Whitby and a ship with its dead captain comes on shore. The cargo consisits of wooden boxes and a dog that jumps off the boat and disappears. The captain’s log tells about the horror that took place on the ship. The boat is claimed by a group of Russians. The town holds a funeral for the captain and a normally quiet dog is terrified. Lucy is bothered and continues dreaming and sleepwalking.

Main Street

Chapter 18

by Sinclair Lewis

The Dramatic Club has its first meeting, and Carol finds herself in a position to influence the people of Gopher Prairie. Carol is sure the play will be failure, having witnessed the lack of preparation by the actors.

Jane Eyre

Chapter XVI

by Charlotte Brontë

The next morning, Jane is shocked to learn that the near tragedy of the night before has caused no scandal. The servants believe Rochester to have fallen asleep with a lit candle by his bed, and even Grace Poole shows no sign of guilt or remorse. Jane cannot imagine why an attempted murderer is allowed to continue working at Thornfield. She realizes that she is beginning to have feelings for Rochester and is disappointed that he will be away from Thornfield for several days. He has left to attend a party where he will be in the company of Blanche Ingram, a beautiful lady. Jane scolds herself for being disappointed by the news, and she resolves to restrain her flights of imaginative fancy by comparing her own portrait to one she has drawn of Blanche Ingram, noting how much plainer she is than the beautiful Blanche.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Book Sixth, Chapter 3

by Victor Hugo

As Quasimoto awaits punishment, two Parisian women and a country woman compare the pillories of Paris and Reims before stopping to see a performance by Esmeralda. The country woman tells the story of Paquette-la-Chanterfleurie and her child. The women pay a tribute to the recluse.

Wuthering Heights

Chapter 30

by Emily Brontë

Nelly's narrative ends; Zillah is now who tells Nelly about Cathy. Before Linton dies Cathy takes care of herself; after Linton dies, Cathy will not let Zillah or Hareton be nice to her.