
Search results for 'A small place'

Displaying 1826–1850 of 2,034

Japanese Fairy Tales

The Happy Hunter and the Skillful Fisher

by Yei Theodora Ozaki

The brothers The Happy Hunter and The Skillful Fisherman change occupational places one day. The Hunter does not know how to fish, and loses his brother’s hook. The Skillful Fisherman is very angry and demands his hook back. The Hunter searches and searches to no avail, until an old man appears and tells him to travel to the Sea King’s realm to find the hook. He does so, and finds the hook and makes many new friends. He stays in the Sea King’s realm for three years, and then he returns to land. He gives the hook to his brother, and the brother is angry that he no longer has an excuse to steal his brother’s wealth and title. The Skillful Fisherman then plots to kill his brother, but the Happy Hunter thwarts his plan by using talismans given to him by the Sea King. The Skillful Fisherman is thus impressed by his brother’s power and vows to be obedient to him from then on.

The Secret Garden

Chapter 27: “In the Garden”

by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Mrs. Sowerby sends a note to Master Craven saying that he must travel home and see his son at once. On the trip home, he thinks back at his son’s health history and regrets not spending time with Colin. Upon his return, he goes to the garden to see his son and is delighted to see the children playing. Mary, Colin, and Archibald walk to the house happy.

Wuthering Heights

Chapter 32

by Emily Brontë

Lockwood leaves and comes back six months later to find Nelly living at Wuthering Heights, as Cathy's companion because Zillah left. After Hareton accidentally shoots himself, Cathy gives Nelly a book to give to him; if he accepts it Cathy vows to teach him to read and never tease him again.

Main Street

Chapter 9

by Sinclair Lewis

Still affected by her conversation with Vida, Carol begins to observe the judging glances of the townspeople. Carol and Will pay a visit to his mother.