
Search results for 'white fang'

Displaying 1201–1225 of 2,161

The Red Badge of Courage

Chapter 3

by Stephen Crane

The regiment continues moving towards imminent battle. Henry comes across the body of a dead soldier. Wilson, expecting to die in battle, gives Henry a package to take to his family.


Chapter 11

by Bram Stoker

Dr. Van Helsing gives Lucy a blood transfusion. There is an interview with a zoo keeper that describes the escape and recapture of a wolf. Dr. Seward tells of Renfield’s escape and attack on him. Lucy’s mother dies and tells of the horrible events that took place that night.

Oliver Twist

Chapter 53: And Last.

by Charles Dickens

Oliver receives a share of what is his, while Monks comes to a fitting end. Mr. Brownlow, now legal guardian of Oliver, Mr. Losberne, and Mr. Grimwig stay close to Oliver's new family.

Crime and Punishment

Part 5, Chapter 5

by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Lebeziatnikov and Raskolnikov discuss Katerina's health as Sonia goes to check on her. Sonia finds a barely coherent Katerina overcome by her physical illness. Svidrigailov offers to take care of all funeral arrangements.


Chapter 32

by Sinclair Lewis

Myra confronts George with her suspicions. George's refusal to conform begins to greatly affect both is social and professional relationships.


Chapter 12

by Bram Stoker

There is another attempt to save Lucy through a transfusion. News arrives from Mina and Jonathan. A change begins to take place in Lucy.